
雁江区 美食

雁江区美食有 丹山坛子鸡、春红血橙、资阳中和醋、廖家白菜卷、苌弘鲶鱼、伍隍枇杷等。



3、资阳中和醋:资阳中和醋,是四川省资阳市中和镇的著名特产,中和镇素以“酿造之乡”著称,其出产的中和醋,中和酱油,中和榨菜 远近驰名。













【英文介绍/For English】:

The delicacies of Yanjiang District include Danshan Tanzi Chicken, Spring Red Blood Orange, Ziyang Zhonghe Vinegar, Liaojia Cabbage Rolls, Changhong Catfish, Wuhuang Loquat and so on.

1. Danshan Tanzi Chicken: Danshan Tanzi Chicken is a famous specialty in Danshan Town, Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province. Fragrant, it is one of the locals' favorite cooked food products.

2. Spring red blood orange: Spring red blood orange belongs to citrus and comes from the Horticultural Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

3. Ziyang Zhonghe Vinegar: Ziyang Zhonghe Vinegar is a famous specialty of Zhonghe Town, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province. Zhonghe Town is known as the "Hometown of Brewing". Famous far and near.

4. Liaojia Cabbage Rolls: Liaojia Cabbage Rolls are made from grown white tea, shredded chicken, shredded ham, shiitake mushrooms, and shredded winter bamboo shoots to make a delicious and refreshing dish.

5. Changhong catfish: Changhong grew up on the banks of the Tuojiang River since he was a child. He is familiar with the fish habits and environment, that is, he called the boatman to a backwater place, and personally dropped the fishing net. As a result, he caught an extremely rare Tuojiang catfish weighing about 20 pounds. When he got home, Chang Hong cut the fish and cooked it himself, making a catfish dish with bright red color, fragrant and delicious taste.

6. Wuhuang loquat: Wuhuang loquat is a specialty of Wuhuang Town, Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province. The sandy soil of Wuhuang Town is suitable for the growth of loquat, and the loquat produced is famous far and near. The main ones are Dongting Mengmu, Dawuxing, and Zaozhongliu. The largest of Dawuxing is 3 taels, and Zaozhongliu is listed 20 days earlier than ordinary loquats.