
  1. 二一教育资源



1.Whether we succeed or fail, we always have each other's backs, which makes our friendship even stronger.
2.Friends are like an umbrella. Whether it's sunny or rainy, they will always be there for you.
3.I nodded firmly, knowing kindness and friendship bloom in both of our hearts.
4.I came a thousand miles to stand in this door tonight, and it's worth it if my old partner turns up.
5.Despite our different backgrounds, interests and personalities, we have learned to appreciate and respect each other's differences.
6.Although her voice carried a so-what attitude, I sensed she was pleased by the invitation.
7.She jumped up, screaming in an excited voice, and wrapped her arms around me tightly.
8.Looking back, I realize that my classmates have not only been my friends, but also my teachers, who have taught me the importance of friendship and the value of teamwork.
9.Watching it hang in the yard, Angela smiled with satisfaction. She called Susan, apologized for her behaviour and expressed her sincere gratitude. She said the carpet was the most precious birthday gift she had ever received in the whole world.
看着它挂在院子里,安吉拉满意地笑了。 她打电话给苏珊,为她的行为道歉,并表达了她真诚的感激之情。 她说地毯是她在全世界收到的最珍贵的生日礼物。
10.I could feel his icy shell gradually melting away and eventually I could discuss with him looking straight in his eyes.
11.She said that it was my company and encouragement that not only made her happy, but also improved her confidence.For me. it was her sincerity that helped me adapt to a new life.
12.She felt lonely and hopeless until I approached her warmly. From then on, we two often learned together and shared happiness and sorrow.
13.The letter was written by Charlie and it read "Thank you, my ange1l. It is your company that makes me feel warm during the days I suffer from cancer.Please keep smile.”
14.Mr Henry, who was a little shy after hearing the praise, just smiled, saying, “You have saved my life earlier, so a friend in need is a friend indeed.”
15.It was on that very day that Asad made his first friend in the new school, and he truly understood the value of sincerity and honesty in a relationship.
Last weekend, my classmates organized a fun-filled activity, which I found extremely enjoyable. Starting with a picnic in the park, we had a great time chatting and laughing together. Afterward, we played a game of football, which was really fun and competitive. Seeing everyone cheering and high-fiving each other, I realized how strong our friendship was. As the sun began to set, we decided to wrap up the day with a barbecue party. While some were grilling burgers and hotdogs, others were singing and dancing to the music. It was a memorable experience that brought us even closer together.
1.The kind young man, seeing the lost child wandering aimlessly in the street, took him by the hand and led him safely to his parents.
2.A woman, whose car broke down on the highway, was grateful when a passerby stopped to offer her a ride to the nearest gas station.
3.A teenage boy, hearing the cries for help from a distressed swimmer, quickly jumped into the water to save him from drowning.
4.Now, I was definitely grateful to her for extending a helpful hand.
5.Arriving home, I wrote to him and his wife a thank-you note for doing me a favour.
6.From then on, I definitely believe that a far-off relative is not as helpful as a near neighbor.
7.Surprised and moved, the mother stood rooted to the ground, and then bowed low to us, weeping tears of joy.
8.Many years have passed, but I will never forget the lesson Arthur taught me: life is meaningful when you help someone in trouble.
9.We wrote out a small card, wishing her a happy birthday and thanking her for the warmth and happiness she brought to us.
10.I made up my mind to pass the love to others. Just as a saying goes:“The rose's in her hand, the flavor in mine.”
11.In a flash, with tears welling up in my eyes, I was touched beyond words. I felt so warm as if there were nine suns in my chest.
12.“My car broke down on the highway and without her help, I would never have made it home in my high heels. " she continued, exposing her blistered ankles.
13. Molly and Shawn met on Tuesday, and she says she couldn’t thank him enough and everyone involved in for what they did for her.
14. “It was nice to meet him and thank him, because I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him ” Molly said. “He and Adam are the ones that jumped in and saved me, and they deserve all the praise in the world as far as I’m concerned.”
15.Having spent a tough year littered with severe hardship, I cried my heart out in my Jeep on this deserted road for the kindness from some strangers. 经历了一年的艰辛和困难,在这条荒凉的路上,我独自坐在吉普车里,为一些陌生人的善良而痛哭流涕。
Upon hearing what he said, Julia immediately became concerned. Therefore, she dropped everything in hand, quickly dialed the emergency number and rushed to the boy's home. Judging from Cynthia's physical condition, she suspected the grandmother might be suffering from a stroke. Meanwhile, it was obvious that the boy was frightened, his face pale. Without thinking twice, Julia set out to help them/set about helping them/got down to helping them. She found a blanket to keep Cynthia warm, while talking to the boy gently to calm him down.
1.After hours of hiking, we finally reached the summit of the mountain and were rewarded with a breathtaking view.
2.My brother and I harvested a meaningful exploration and it was really a brand new weekend.
3.Our being lost added a special taste to my adventurous vacation which I would remember all my life.
4.Very tired as they were, they had to strengthen up to spend a night there.
5.The first thing he did was to shelter from the freezing wind and snow.
6.She tried to make her way quietly through the underbrush, but she was nearly scared to death when she saw a large snake coil up before her.她试图悄悄地穿过灌木丛,但当她看到一条大蛇盘绕在她面前时,她几乎吓死了。
7.The only thing we could do was just sitting in the cold air and wondering how to get out of the forest.
8.Whether it's a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, there's nothing like the excitement of planning a trip.
9.Despite feeling weak, Nicholas was generally in a good condition, and he was really happy as he was carried back to the ski resort to reunite with his family.
10.Finally, we went out of the forest that trapped us. What an unforgettable experience! It turns out that there's always a way out of any difficult situation as long as we stay calm.
最后,我们走出了困住我们的森林。 多么难忘的经历啊! 事实证明,只要我们保持冷静,就总有办法摆脱困境。
11.Traveling to new destinations is an adventure that always fills me with excitement.前往新的目的地是一次冒险,总是让我兴奋不已。
12.Whether it's hiking through the mountains or surfing on the beach, every adventure brings its own unique challenges and rewards.
13.Near the top, thick snow blanketed the path. Excitedly, the kids raced across the hard surface. 在山顶附近,厚厚的积雪覆盖了这条小路。孩子们兴奋地在坚硬的表面上奔跑。
14.When the sun disappeared behind heavy gray clouds, they suddenly felt lost, cold and hungry.
15.Exhausted and bloodied,he emerged from the forest and bumped into a family of hikers,who called 911.
(1)The night before his adventure,Colin packed the necessities,his mouth rippling an excited smile.The next morning,he biked an unpopulated path,hiked through a mountain and camped overnight alone.He appreciated extremely amazing surrounding sights.There was a brook not far from the camp site,rushing and sparkling between green banks.At night,lying on the ground,he admired the extremely mysterious sky.The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blinked their eyes in happiness as if they were saying something.
冒险前的晚上,嘴角洋溢着兴奋的微笑,Colin收拾必需品。第二天早晨,他在人迹罕至的小路上骑行,徒步穿过大山,在夜晚独自宿营。他欣赏周围非常令人惊喜的风景。离宿营地点不远处,有一条小溪,在绿色的河岸间奔腾闪耀。在夜晚,躺在地上,他欣赏非常神秘的夜空。 月亮在云层后面的天空中看着,星星高兴地眨着眼睛,好像在诉说着什么。
(2)Mac was pedaling along the mountain road when he saw a wolf chasing him,opening its bloody mouth.His fear was beyond description.He begged passing drivers to help him,but in vain.So he got off his bike without hesitation,seized it and threw it at the wolf with all his strength,struggling to frighten the wolf away.He was about to become the food of the wolf when his friends joined him.When he referred the horrible thing to his friends,he still felt as if his hair had stood on end.
(3)As we approached the camping site surrounded by mountains,we had difficulty containing our excitement.On reaching it,my mom opened the door immediately,charged outside and eagerly urged us to put up the tent.The surrounding fascinating landscape was a true feast for our eyes,with its rolling green trees dotted with various wild flowers.We were bathed in the sun and breathed in the sweet scent of fresh flowers.Birds were singing happily as if they were warmly greeting us.My family chatted comfortably,sweet memories of the past crowding in on us.




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