
  1. 二一教育资源



假如你是李华,你在“中国-爱尔兰文化节”中结识了爱尔兰朋友Chris。现在他已回国,请你给他写一封邮件。内容包括: 1. 回忆此次活动; 2. 分享个人收获;3. 希望保持联系。注意:1.词数80左右2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
Dear Chris,
How is everything going Though it’s long since we met at the China-Ireland Culture Festival, our acquaintance there and the festival itself stay fresh in my memory.
The festival was really a feast, entirely holding me in its power. Do you remember the cultural salon, which featured the typical cultural elements of the two countries, helped me gain a glimpse into the diversity and richness of the two dynamic cultures. And what impressed me most was the Culture Night, where people from both countries presented their well-prepared art performances, which provoked my passion for further understanding of Irish culture legacy.
May we keep in touch and our friendship be everlasting.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Dear Chris, How is everything going I’ve missed you a lot since your departure and the days we spent together in the China-Ireland Festival is still vivid in my mind. The diverse activities, ranging from writing Chinese calligraphy to holding Irish reading salons, did cater to my appetite a lot. I have not only broadened my horizons but also gained a glimpse into the two splendid civilizations. Most importantly, we have developed a deep friendship through these activities, which doubled my joy! I sincerely hope that our friendship could last forever.Stay in touch! Yours,Li Hua
Dear Chris,
Miss you so much. Last night, I dreamed of how we met in the “China-Ireland Culture Festival” and those happy moments kept me laughing in the dream. Remember the amazing Ireland Drama Show You sat next to me enjoying a huge ice-cream, haha! And the Chinese-Irish string of songs still lingers in my ears. Never had I imagined the two languages would work magically like one in those songs. Let’s learn it, OK Anyway, the festival has successfully deepened my understanding of Irish culture. Most importantly, it brought you to me! Keep in touch. Love you. Yours,
Li Hua
Dear Chris, How have you been since we met last Time flies, but I still remember the exciting moments we spent together during the Sino-Irish Cultural Festival.
The festival, aimed at promoting cultural exchanges, appealed to people from different countries. It featured traditional food and drinks, and superb performances. What impressed me most was Irish folk dances and songs, which was definitely one of the highlights of the festival. Not only did the festival immerse ourselves in diverse cultures, it also enhanced mutual understanding and friendship. I do hope you can come to China again.
Let's keep in touch. Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Dear Chris,Happy time has wings! I miss so much all the fun we had in the China-Ireland Culture Festival last month.Together we appreciated the finest arts from Beijing Opera to the Irish dance. We attended the literature forum where many talented writers like Mo Yan and Oscar Wilde were discussed. Those activities gave me a rare glimpse of Ireland and furthered my understanding of Chinese culture, which will be engraved in my memory. However, it is the precious friendship with you that I treasure most.Please do keep in touch. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua
Dear Chris,
I’ve missed you so much since you went back to Ireland. What wonderful days we had in the China-Ireland Culture Festival!It was so much fun when we together enjoyed the grand parade wearing our national costumes and appreciated the splendid Chinese lion dance. And I can still remember some moves you taught me about Irish dance! I was literally fascinated by the diversity of Irish culture. But more importantly, the festival brought me lovely memories and friendships worth cherishing forever.Keep in touch and hope to see you again.
Li Hua
Dear Christ,
How is everything Though it’s been a month since we first met at the week-long Sino-Irish Cultural Exchange held in ShangHai, the activity remains fresh in my memory.
The Youth Forum on the first day, in which teenagers from both countries aired views on future life and social development, made me realize that united, youth can make a real difference. What impressed me most was the art performance on the last night, which featured Chinese and Irish folk dance and music. Amazed at how different art forms could be so well integrated on one stage, I can’t wait to join in the festival to be held next year in Dublin and meet you again!
Stay in touch and best wishes! Yours, Li Hua
Dear Chris,Recently, I have been thinking of my memorable time at the China-Ireland Cultural Festival with you.I still remember the blast we had introducing each other to our own cultures, tasting the delicious national cuisines, and experiencing Irish dancing. Your appreciation of Peking Opera resonates with me. I had never imagined that I would enjoy Irish culture so much. I intend to visit Ireland one day. Therefore, I’ll do my utmost to improve my English and deepen my understanding of Ireland.Let’s stay in contact and I look forward to seeing you in Ireland.
Li Hua
Dear Chris:Recently, I have been thinking of my memorable time at the China-Ireland Cultural Festival and remembered the interesting conversations we had regarding what it is like to live in Ireland. Not only did we chat about the favourite pastimes and foods of the people there, but you also described a beautiful culture that I wish one day to have the chance to experience myself.I now have a new dream to travel and experience the cultures of as many countries as possible and wish to start with Ireland as my first destination. I am working on saving up enough to hopefully be able to make the trip within the next couple of years.Let’s keep in touch! I look forward to having you as my tour guide when I visit.
Li Hua
Dear Chris,
It has been a delight meeting you at the China-Ireland Cultural Festival. We had a blast together tasting the delicious cultural cuisines and participating at the traditional Irish activities.I especially loved the folk-dance party; I have never imagined that I would enjoy dancing so much despite my usual self-consciousness. Plus, it was such a fantastic way to socialize, I have made many fond connections, including you!I hope you enjoyed the festival as much as I did. Let us stay in contact, hope I will see you soon when I visit Ireland!
Best wishes,
Li Hua
Dear Chris,
How have you been It's been a long time since we met at the China-Irish Cultural Festival last month and I miss you so much.
Our time together at the Festival was so special that left me haunting memories. Your enthusiastic introduction to the artworks from your home country allowed me appreciate them better. And our further communication about Chinese and Irish music found us a lot in common, through which we gained a fresh insight of music. It is really amazing that, despite the cultural differences, we actually live in a same world. How I wish there are more chances like this!
Please keep in touch and I hope to see you again soon.
Li Hua
Dear Chris,
How have you been It's been a long time since we met at the China-Irish Cultural Festival last month and I miss you so much.
I was really impressed by the various events in the Festival, where I enjoyed the brilliant artworks and musical performance from your home country. What delighted me most was that I happened to meet you, my new friend. Your enthusiastic introduction to the artworks allowed me appreciate them better and enhanced my insight. It is really amazing that we should have so much in common. How I wish I could have more opportunities to communicate with you!
Please keep in touch and I hope to see you again soon.
Li Hua
Dear Chris,
Miss you so much. I am still savoring the great fun we had in the China-Ireland Culture Exchange Festival.Together we appreciated the finest performance combining Irish classical music with traditional Chinese sounds, which brought a sense of musical fusion. And your speech on Irish literature and social development that day made me really impressive. Thanks to the festival, I made many fond connections, including you! I can’t wait to visit Ireland one day enjoying a beer over Irish musicals as you appreciate our tea.Let’s keep in touch. Best wishes !
Li Hua
Dear Chris,
Miss you so much. Last night, I dreamed of how we met in the “China-Ireland Culture Festival” and those happy moments kept me laughing in the dream.Remember the amazing Ireland Drama Show You sat next to me enjoying a huge ice-cream, haha! And the Chinese-Irish string of songs still lingers in my ears. Never had I imagined the two languages would work magically like one in those songs. Let’s learn it, OK Anyway, the festival has successfully deepened my understanding of Irish culture. Most importantly, it brought you to me! Keep in touch. Love you. Yours
Li Hua
Dear Chris,
How is it going It has been such along time since we met in China-Ireland Culture Festival last month. I miss you so much.The festival, originally dedicated to the cultural exchange between our two countries, celebrates the power of culture in uniting people and strengthening collaboration. At the festival, I got involved in a wide range of amazing activities from drama performance, Irish music appreciation to art works exhibition, in which I have gained deep insights into the splendid multiculturalism.From the festival, I ensure we are able to support connection and build trust despite in different culture. Keep in touch and hope to see you again soon. Yours, Li Hua
When Dr. Gullikson was assigning(指定)project mates for his psychology class, I secretly hoped he would pair me with my best friend or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all, I hoped he wouldn't assign me to work with the fiercely competitive, extremely serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate(命运)would have it, Dr. Gullikson very deliberately matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid.I went up to my new teammate and introduced myself. He looked at me as though I weren't there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably make him fail to get an A in the course. He wasn't mean or abusive. He just gave me the impression he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if he did it alone.Needless to say, I didn't look forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didn't say anything for fear that I would make things worse.The project required each team to develop a hypothesis(假说), set up an experiment to test the hypothesis, do the statistical analysis and present the findings. Whatever grade the team received would be shared by both students.When my teammate and I met to discuss our project, I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades — the exact opposite of me. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point, but stopped short because I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of my chickening out. I decided to stick to it no matter what.After long discussions, we somehow agreed to do a study on the psychological well-being of teenagers. I wasn't sure what it meant exactly, but at least we had a topic.
注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1: We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.
Paragraph 2: One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.
We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. When I looked at my teammate’s serious face and bit the bullet to ask him some questions, he answered with his precise language and icy tone, which made me feel a mixture of admiration for his intelligence and discomfort about his indifference. To keep up with his pace, I completely gave up my idle ways and immersed myself in the project. Gradually, he changed his aloof attitude and even offered me help. It seemed that we had gone from strangers to comrades in arms.
One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. That meant I would have to finish the project alone. I felt like I had been hit on the head by a mallet. To my comfort, as I expressed my concern by his bed, my teammate told me that he trusted me. I began to pour more energy into the project than I had ever done before. Finally, I was able to share our research findings with the class and succeeded earning a good grade for both of us. Tears of excitement and gratitude blurred my vision. But for my partner, nothing like this could have happened. So when he thumbed up with a rare big grin, it suddenly dawn on me that we were to become kind of lifelong friends.
Paragraph 1:We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. Whenever we met, I would try desperately to get him to take me seriously as a teammate. While I am usually more laid back, for this project I worked hard to be useful to the partnership. I conducted thorough research on the topic and actively discussed with him my ideas on the matter. After some time, I began to see him loosening his aloof demeanor. He used to disregard my presence; Now, he listens intently when I share with him my thoughts and insights on the project.It looked like this new partnership is going well.
Paragraph 2:One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. When Dr. Gullickson first let me know about the situation, I felt a general concern for my teammate who I have grown to respect for his tireless work ethic. I was asked to finish the project on my own, was ready to prove to my partner that I will not let him down. I conducted the statistical analysis of the results we got from the experiments we did together and presented our findings to the class, all on my own, with a standard for perfection that even my teammate would be impressed with. For my hard work, the team was awarded a perfect mark. In the end, I earned not only respect from my teammate, but also the satisfaction of delivering good results when he was forced to rely on me.
We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. Those discussions were tense and too serious for my taste, but gradually we started to reach a consensus. The outcome was a simple yet elegant experiment. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses all too well, I decided to focus on the task of working with the subjects, while he developed the scientific model. I put in my two cents’ worth whenever I could, hardly sparing a thought for my usual entertainment. To my delight, he seemed to accept me little by little, and would occasionally share his ideas with me.
One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. When I visited him, I noticed for the first time a sense of vulnerability on the face of my stoic teammate. “I will complete our project,” I promised him. “Don’t worry, my… friend.” He made no remark, but a trace of smile crept onto his face. Throughout the semester, I did my level best to work on the project, and the effort paid off. We were awarded an A! Even better, I received a precious gift — the approval of a person who later became my friend for life.
Paragraph 1:We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans. At first, we only discussed the project. But slowly, we shifted our subject to daily life stories and studies. To my surprise, he was talkative when mentioning studies. Serious as he was, he showed enough patience to explain his hypothesis. As time progressed, I was attracted by his single-mindedness and intelligence. More importantly, busying himself testing the hypothesis, he always forgot the meal time. That inspired me a lot. Unwilling to fall behind, I tried my best to help with the experiment.
Paragraph 2:One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease. His going to stay in hospital for three months urged me to visit him immediately. In the hospital, his pale face reminded me of his competitive personality. Determination to gift him an excellent grade was made. Back in the lab, I recalled his words and continued the project day and night. Two months’ effort was eventually replaced by a grade A. As I shared him with the good news, he beamed with satisfaction. “Actually, I believed in you whatever the result would be!” Receiving his approval, I grinned.




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