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As legalization and decriminalization spreads throughout the United States, so does cannabis culture. Today, even folks with no interest in using cannabis are well aware of the famed “420” holiday, and the air is filled with the aroma of celebration every April 20. As it turns out, 420 isn’t the only special holiday you should be marking on your cannabis calendar. In fact, the celebration may have gotten its start when a group of cannabis lovers felt that 420 flower power was becoming too mainstream.

Enter 710 Day, an emerging cannabis holiday dedicated specifically to the celebration of cannabis concentrates, extracts, and oils. We’ll hash out the exciting world of 710 and cover how to make the most of this special occasion. From the origins of 710 Day and how to celebrate on 710 to practical advice about awesome cannabis products to use in your festivities, we’ll touch on everything 710. So, grab your dab rigs and vape pens, and come along as we embark on a journey to explore the joys of 710.

A Brief History of 710 Day

710's big brother, 420, has a notoriously murky origin. You'll find several competing narratives describing when and why the number was first linked to cannabis culture. The most widely accepted story – and the only one backed by any real proof – links 420 to a time of day rather than a date, with 4:20 in the afternoon being the time at which a group of friends regularly met to smoke a joint after school. Regardless of its origins, 420 is known to have spread its roots in the counterculture movement of the 1970s.

710 Day emerged much more recently, alongside the rise of the highly potent cannabis concentrates and oils that are now staples of the retail adult-use cannabis market from coast to coast. In fact, the number "710" was chosen because it spells "OIL" when viewed upside down – try it on a calculator or in big capital letters for maximum effect. This fun bit of visual wordplay is what makes 710 Day (also called Oil Day or Dab Day) synonymous with cannabis extracts. In fact, this is the only known significance behind 710 as a number and date (July 10) for celebrating cannabis concentrates.

Like 420, there is some debate about the exact starting point of 710. One credible story links it to a group chat where hip-hop and cannabis aficionados wanted a new cannabis holiday due to 420 becoming just too mainstream. For their new holiday, they wanted a new focus and decided 710 would be a day to celebrate the powerful concentrates they loved using in their dab rigs.

Other urban myths around the holiday include:

With its murky origins, it’s hard to define exactly when the first proper 710 Day was because, like 420, it probably began with a relatively small group of celebrants. The association of 710 with cannabis, and cannabis concentrates specifically, goes back to at least the early 2010s, as evidenced by Urban Dictionary entries and other online material. By 2013, there were already official 710 festivals and significant media coverage in major cities like Denver and Los Angeles.

710 Day quickly found a niche within the cannabis community among dab rig and vape pen lovers. Oil and concentrate enthusiasts eagerly spread the word via online platforms and social media. Over the last decade or so, 710 has evolved into a widely recognized celebration, uniting concentrate lovers around the world in celebration on July 10 each year. From its humble beginnings as an inside joke in a group chat to its status as one of the few prominent cannabis holidays, 710 Day continues to gather momentum. Today, the holiday is captivating the hearts and minds of those who cherish the powerful, concentrated essence of cannabis.

Appreciating Cannabis Concentrates and Oils: How to Celebrate 710

So, now that you know what it is, how do you truly embrace the spirit of 710 Day? Just as with cannabis use in general, a lot of that will be determined by your own personal style and desires. Having a great 710 Day is all about your own personal relationship with cannabis concentrates. The single best way to have a successful 710 is to relax, go as big or small as you’re comfortable with, and make the day your own.

Zen Leaf_Concentrate 710 Day_Dab Day

Let’s dive into the most important aspect of this holiday – the concentrates you’ll need to celebrate.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the types and textures of concentrates you’ll find at a Zen Leaf Dispensary near you:          

And a special shoutout to cannabis vapes. While they are not what you may think of when you hear “concentrate,” the liquid golden oil in the cartridge itself is a concentrate. The more you know!

Cannabis Concentrates: Way Beyond Oil

While 710 is the magic number because it spells “OIL” upside down, this celebration really revolves around all sorts of cannabis concentrates, including old school hash oil, but also other popular forms like rosin, live resin, shatter, live badder (pictured above!), wax, crumble, and more.

If the surface of the nail is hot enough, placing a “dab” of high-potency cannabis concentrate upon it leads to instantaneous vaporization, which you can then inhale. Altogether, dabbing makes for one of the most intense cannabis use experiences possible. While dabbing may require some additional equipment and knowledge compared to, say, pressing a button on a vape pen, dab fanatics argue that the benefits – the initial rush and deep, intense psychoactive experience – make it worth the investment.

Here are some of our favorite things about dabbing:

710 Buyers’ Guide: How to Choose Concentrates

So now let’s talk a bit about what exactly you’ll need to have an epic 710 Day. Whether you’re in a recreational market hosting a party with a concentrate buffet or just hitting the couch with your favorite movie and your nectar collector, Zen Leaf carries a full range of high-end dabbing and vaping products to make your 710 spirit come alive this July.

Here are some tips for finding the perfect 710 Day products.

Understand the Different Types of Concentrates and Extracts

Familiarize yourself with the various types of concentrates available in the market, such as shatter, wax, budder, live resin, rosin, and more. Each type has its own unique characteristics, flavors, and potency levels. Too, consistencies vary greatly, and one may feel easier to use to you.

Want more in-depth information on concentrates? Take a look at our Cannabis Concentrate Guide.

Consider Extraction Methods

There are many different ways to make a cannabis extract. From simple, alcohol-based tinctures that have been used for hundreds of years all the way up to high-potency dab oils, the various extraction methods used to create concentrated cannabis products will all impact the quality, purity, and texture of the concentrate. Today’s popular extraction methods include solvent-free extractions like butane extraction and CO2 extraction, where the solvents are purged after production is complete. You’ll also find solventless extraction products created with mechanical processes employing heat and pressure, so no chemical solvents are ever used. Research the extraction methods used by different brands so that you understand the differences and can better choose products that align with your preferences.

Seek Personal Recommendations

Don't hesitate to ask a Cannabis Advisor at your local Zen Leaf D ispensary for help if you're feeling overwhelmed by the number of options available. They can provide insights into patient- and consumer-favorites, as well as personal selections they may have tried and loved themselves.      

Remember to Consume Responsibly

Especially if you’re new to concentrates, start with a low dose and work your way up slowly. This will be true for any concentrate product. The quickest and surest way to spoil your 710 Day is to overdo it for no reason! A grain of rice-sized piece is ~25mg, start with half of that and gauge how you feel before dabbing any more.

Visit Zen Leaf Dispensary

For the best 710 Day experience, stop by your nearest Zen Leaf Dispensary. Our Cannabis Advisors are      ready to get your 710 Day party started by guiding you through our comprehensive selection of concentrates and oil cartridges. We’re here to provide you with all the information and equipment you’ll need to have the best 710 Day ever.

710 Celebration Tips

Now that you understand the significance of 710 Day and are well-informed for your trip to the dispensary, let’s wrap it up with a few more hot tips for celebrating your 710 Day in style.

Explore the World of Concentrates

Even if you’re a regular concentrate user, 710 Day offers the perfect opportunity to expand your horizons and try something outside of your wheelhouse. Center your 710 Day celebrations around an exploration of new cannabis concentrates and oils. From sticky, aromatic resin extracts to pure and potent cannabis distillates, there’s a wide range of options to suit every preference.

Upgrade Your Equipment

710 Day is the perfect excuse to treat yourself with an upgrade to your dab rig, terp pen, or vape. High-quality devices can really enhance your concentrate experience, whether you prefer a big dab hit through a water pipe system or a smooth and discreet draw on the vape pen. Investing in top-notch gear (and then taking care of it) ensures a smoother and more enjoyable session, hit after hit.

Extraction Methods Matter

Try to expand your concentrate horizons this 710 Day by experimenting with concentrates made through different extraction methods than the ones you’re used to. From butane hash oil (BHO) to ethanol extractions, each technique offers its own unique flavors and aromas.

Perfect Your Dabbing Technique

Temperature plays a major factor in dabbing. Depending on your selection, you may have dab robust in flavor, or one robust in vapor:

And, as to be expected, these heat temperatures often correspond to how they’ll feel on your throat when you inhale. Medium and high heat dabs can cause some irritation, so be sure to take tiny inhalations as opposed to one large!

With dab devices like e-rigs and dab pens, finding your preferred temperature is easy and breezy. Many devices, like the ever-popular Puffco Plus and Puffco Peak, are push-button activated, and in addition to activated, push-button temperature-controlled. Tapping the button a 2-3 times (depending on device) allows you to toggle between low, medium, and hot options – we recommend starting trying each (starting with low) to find your go-to temp. More advanced devices like the Puffco Peak Pro get as granular as exact degrees in Fahrenheit or Celsius.

If you opt for a traditional setup, finding this range requires a bit of timing and finesse. Perfect your heating and cooling techniques to dial in optimal flavor or vapor—a good rule of thumb is to heat your banger until it’s red-hot, then wait until it cools to the point that you can hold your hand 6 inches away from it without discomfort. Play with all the variables, from your torch’s flame setting to the speed at which you inhale, until you have a great technique that is second nature to you.

No matter your device method or heat preference, just remember to start low and go slow, as concentrates are highly potent – this is one endeavor where too much practice in one session can cause discomfort!    

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