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In China’s Yangtze River Delta region, just in the middle of Shanghai and Hangzhou, a rapidly rising modernized industrial park is attracting world-wide attention. Within one hour’s traffic circle, she is surrounded by Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Ningbo. The four seaports of Shanghai, Zhapu, Beilun, and Greater and Lesser Yangshan Port, which all face the Pacific Ocean, and the international airports of Hongqiao, Pudong and Hangzhou Xiaoshan, are near at hand. She is no other than Jiaxing Industrial Park, the provincial-level development zone of Zhejiang Province, and the advanced manufacturing base in the Yangtze River Delta region. 

Advance along the high-speed railway, live together with Shanghai and Hangzhou
Jiaxing Industrial Park—the provincial-level economic development zone of Zhejiang Province

This is a rapidly developing industrial park, whose unique location and advantage of transport facilities extending in all directions provide very favorable conditions for the ambitious people on this land of promise to pursue the development speed. Since the Great Bridge Across Hangzhou was completed and open to traffic, Jiaxing has become a bridgehead connecting Shanghai and Jiangsu Province. Accordingly, as the center of the city groups in the Yangtze River Delta region its locational advantage becomes all the more conspicuous. When the Shanghai-Hangzhou High-Speed Railway is open to traffic in 2010, it will take only 19 minutes for you to arrive in Shanghai and Hangzhou respectively from Jiaxing by high-speed train. Thus the high-speed railway will link the three cities virtually into one single urban area.


This is a land replete with legends and romances. People here have been creating one after another industrial legend with their talent and wisdom and hard work. Boasting huge development space, Jiaxing Industrial Park has a total planning area of 35 square kilometers. It is the key zone where we develop advanced manufacturing industries in Nanhu District. It is also an important platform on which we invite outside investment and foreign capital. The Park boasts perfect infrastructure facilities. There are eight functional zones under construction in the Park, namely, the core zone of business headquarters, the communication and electronic zone, the automotive parts zone, the electromechanical and aviation electronic zone, the logistic zone of modern life, the comprehensive supporting service zone, the essence and perfume industrial zone and the high-efficiency agricultural development zone. In this park, the five industrial clusters of the essence and perfume industry, the automotive parts industry, the communication and electronic industry, the electromechanical and aviation electronic industry, and the high-end knitting industry are developing in a coordinated way.

We the people of Jiaxing Industrial Park spare no effort to establish the five special zones of “the advanced manufacturing industrial grouping zone, the showcase zone of scientific and technological R&D, the herald zone of mechanism innovation, the corporate headquarters grouping zone and the model zone of friendly environment”. In the southern section of the Park with an area of 10 square kilometers on the south of the Shanghai-Hangzhou High-Speed Railway, we will mainly develop such dominant industries as communication and electronics, automotive parts, electromechanical and aviation electronic industry and modern service industry, among which the kickoff of the aviation electronic industry will inevitably become a new growth engine for the Park and will add motivation for the future development of the Park.


We strive to develop the headquarters economy and build a top-notch business environment. Located along the “Chang’an Street” of Jiaxing, with a total area of 738 mu (about 49 hectares), Jiaxing HQ Business Garden has 69 business office buildings, one hotel-style apartment building zone, one golf training center and one educational park with an area of 200 mu (about 13 hectares). At present we have introduced the first and second-phase projects into the Garden. The fact that the East China Branch of China Electrical Appliances Research Institute has signed contract with and joined in the Garden will be of great significance for us to perfect the regional innovation system and sci-tech service system of Jiaxing City, and upgrade its sci-tech and economic brand value and urban grade.

With the transformation and upgrade of the manufacturing industry, Jiaxing Industrial Park will become all the more brilliant thanks to its rapidly developing advanced manufacturing industry, high-tech industry and modern service industry. As another two of the three development platforms in Nanhu District, Jiaxing Science City and Nanhu New Area provide scientific innovation and life supporting service for Jiaxing Industrial Park, injecting strong motivation into the rapidly developing Jiaxing Industrial Park.


Nanhu District of Jiaxing City, where Jiaxing Industrial Park lies, boasts rich educational resources from kindergarten to university. As a famous city with rivers and lakes south of the Yangtze River, Jiaxing boasts rich tourism resources. Here such scenic spots as the ancient water towns of Xitang and Wuzhen, the South Lake, Mount Jiulongshan, and Yanguan where you can appreciate the magnificent high tide of Hangzhou Bay are the best choice for you to spend your weekends.

High-quality service is the embodiment of comprehensive competitive force for an industrial park. In Jiaxing Industrial Park, you can enjoy “a complete set of service” and “one-stop examination and approval” concerning any procedure. Such service agencies concerning foreign affairs as the customs office, bureau for entry-exit inspection and quarantine, settlement of foreign exchanges and entry-exit management agency are all available in the Park.

The inevitable panorama for a modernized eco-park is that all sectors of economy take off and prosper. The huge development space and ahead-of-the-time innovative mechanism on the part of the Park has attracted many domestic and foreign business people. More and more entrepreneurs are doing their pioneering work and realizing their dreams here.


The present Jiaxing Industrial Park is not merely an industrial grouping area, but also an ecological park full of vigor and vitality; it is not only a paradise for investors but also a land of promise for residents.

“We make unremitting efforts to improve ourselves and pursue excellence”. In Jiaxing Industrial Park we constantly strengthen the senses of the times, service, innovation, efficiency, and team spirit. We resolutely take the road of innovative development, and will create new brilliance with our blood, toil, tears--and sweat!

To choose Jiaxing Industrial Park is to choose beautiful dreams and wealth!To choose Jiaxing Industrial Park means that you will gain success and win the future!



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