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CMW500 无线通信综合测试仪

CMW500 无线通信综合测试仪

品牌 罗德
型号 CMW500
编号 1001






1)基本模块:通用RF 功率计和带有List 模式的CW 发生器,可以完成无线设备的快速校准


3)矢量信号发生器(VSG)用来进行扩展的接收机测试:ARB 模式可以缩短配置时间或在线模式可以处理高数据容量的复杂信号

4)通过直接连接R&S®NRP-Zxx 功率探头可启动参考RF 功率测量



7)通过LAN/GPIB 接口进行SCPI 远程控制

8)支持LXI Class C


B100A      CMW H100A Baseband Measurement Unit

B110A      CMW H110A ARB+Realtime Baseband Generator Module

B200A      CMW H200A Signaling Unit Universal(SUU)

B230A      CMW H230A 1xEV-DO Signalling Extension Module for H200A

B270A      CMW H270A WiMAX Signaling Extension Module for H200A

B300A      CMW H300A Signaling Unit Wideband (SUW)

B450A      Data application unit

B510A      CMW H510A, four digital IQ interfaces (inputs/outputs/monitor)

B520A      Digital I/Q 5 to 8 H520A

B570A      CMW H570A RF converter module (TRX)

B570B      CMW H570B RF converter module (TRX)

B590A      CMW H590A RF Frontend module

B612A      CMW H612A IEEE Bus Interface Module (single connector)

B612B      CMW H612B IEEE Bus Interface Module (dual connector)

B620A      CMW H620A Digital Video Interface (DVI) Module (only required for units with display/ke

B660A      CMW H660A Option Carrier

B661A      CMW H661A Ethernet Switch Board

B690A      CMW H690A OCXO Module

B690B      CMW H690B OCXO Module (highly stable)

C3     3 years of calibration coverage based on the R&S recommended calibration interval - includes test data. The first calibration is included with product delivery with 2 additional depot calibration(s).

C5     Five years of calibration coverage based on the R&S recommended calibration interval - includes test data. The first calibration is included with product delivery with 4 additional depot calibration(s).

DCV-2       Documentation of calibration values

KA700      Permanent CMW license: Application Enabler, extension Convergence Sublayer IPv4, WiMAX(IEEE802.16e)

KB036      Permanent CMW license : Extended Frequency Range 3.3 GHz to 6 GHz

KC420       Permanent CMW License: WCDMA R7 Test Cases 3GPP 34.123 Ciphering GCF WI-101

KC421       Permanent CMW License: WCDMA R7 Test Cases 3GPP 34.123 CPC Tests GCF WI-070

KC422       Permanent CMW license: WCDMA R7 test cases 3GPP 34.123 64QAM tests

KC423       Permanent CMW license: WCDMA R7 test cases 3GPP 34.123 L2 enhancements tests

KF502       Permanent CMW License: LTE FDD MLAPI Basic Procedures

KF503       LTE FDD MLAPI EPS Bearer Verification

KF504       Intra-LTE Handover and Mobility

KG200      Permanent CMW licence: Generator, GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Downlink

KG400      Permanent CMW licence: Generator, WCDMA, Downlink

KG401      Permanent CMW license: Generator, WCDMA HSPA extension of CMW-KG400, Downlink

KM010     Permanent CMW license: FTT spectrum analyzer

KM011     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement "IQ Versus Slot", Uplink

KM012     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement Multi Evaluation List Mode

KM200     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurement, GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Uplink

KM400     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurement, WCDMA, uplink

KM401     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement, WCDMA HSPA, extension of CMW-KM400, Uplink

KM403     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement, WCDMA HSPA+ extension of CMW-KM401, Uplink

KM500     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement LTE FDD, Uplink

KM610     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement, Bluetooth

KM650     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurement WLAN (IEEE 802.11a/b/g)

KM700     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurements, Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e)

KM701     Permanent CMW license: TX measurement, extension for R&D applications, WiMAX(IEEE802.16e), Wave 1

KM750     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurement, TD-SCDMA, uplink

KM800     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurement, CMDA2000® 1xRTT, Reverse Link

KM880     Permanent CMW license: TX Measurement, 1xEV-DO, Reverse Link

KP080       Permanent CMW license: Protocol tester framework. Network emulation

KP400       Permanent CMW license: WCDMA MLAPI interface for netwerk emulation

KP401       Permanent CMW licence:WCDMA CPC extension of API interfaces

KP402       Permanent CMW license: WCDMA 64 QAM extension of API interfaces

KP403       Permanent CMW license: WCDMA Downlink L2 Enhancements, extension of API interfaces

KP405       Permanent CMW license: WCDMA MIMO 2x2 extension of API interfaces for Tx diversity and spatial multiplexing

KP500       Permanent CMW license: LTE FDD MLAPI interface for network emulation

KP501       Permanent CMW license: LTE FDD LLAPI interface for network emulation

KP502       Permanent CMW license: LTE FDD virtual physical layer with SW interface to device under test

KP510       Permanent CMW license: LTE FDD MIMO 2x2 extension of API interfaces for

KP550       LTE TDD Stack extension

KP588       LTE Stack Extension: Handover from LTE to 1xEV-DO

KP880       LTE Stack Extension: CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Support

KS400       Permanent CMW License: WCDMA Signaling

KS401       Permandent CMW license: WCDMA HSPA Signaling

KS500       Permanent CMW license: LTE FDD Signaling

KS700       Permanent CMW license: Signaling (Base Station emulator), Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e)

KS701       Permanent CMW license: Signaling (Base Station Emulator) extension for R&D applications, WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e),

KT001       Permanent CMW license: Protocol Testing Tool TTCN-2 Editor

KT002       Permanent CMW license: Protocol testing tool TTCN-2 Analyzer

KT004       Protocol Testing Tool TTCN3 Compiler and Editor

KT010       Permanent CMW license: PROJECT EXPLORER, test sequence execution management

KT011       Permanent CMW license: MESSAGE ANALYZER. Protocol message analysis

KT012       Permanent CMW license: MESSAGE COMPOSER. Protocol message editing

KT014       Permanent CMW license: Protocol testing tool, Automation Manager

KT017       LTE FDD Protocol testing monitor (Timed license, 12 months

KT019       Permanent CMW license: PICS/PIXIT Editor

KT051       Permanent CMW license: CMWrun Sequencer Software Tool, General purpose Applications

KT057       Permanent CMW license: CMWrun Sequencer software tool, WiMAX applications

KT700       Permanent CMW license: Message Analyzer software tool, WiMAX(IEEE802.16e) applications, online analysis,

KW200     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, GSM/EDGE

KW400     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, WCDMA

KW401     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM 2 Waveforms, WCDMA,HSDPA Extension of CMW-KW400

KW402     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, WCDMA, HSUPA Extension of CMW-KW400

KW500     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms EUTRA/LTE

KW610     Permanent CMW license: Enabling R&S WinIQSIM 2 Waveforms, BLUETOOTH

KW630     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, DVB

KW650     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, WLAN (IEEE 802.11a/b/g)

KW700     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, WiMAX (IEEE 802.16)

KW750     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, TD-SCDMA

KW800     Permanent CMW license: Enabling WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, CDMA2000®

KW880     Permanent CMW license: Enabling of WinIQSIM2 Waveforms, 1xEV-DO

P752         CMW270 WiMAX Communication Tester, Mainframe 01

PK500       Associated Signaling (network emulation) LTE FDD

PS502       CMW500 Wideband Radio Communication Tester, Mainframe

R3    Three years of depot repair coverage, including re-calibration if necessary to complete the repair. First year of repair coverage is provided by the 12-month new product warranty.

R5    Five years of depot repair coverage, including re-calibration if necessary to complete the repair. First year of repair coverage is provided by the 12-month new product warranty.

S550A      CMW selection: H550A Baseband Interconnection Board (fixed link)

S550B       CMW selection: H550B Baseband Interconnection Board (flexible link)

S590A      CMW selection: H590A RF Frontend Module

S600A      CMW500 selection: H600A Frontpanel Without Display/Keypad (contains DVI interface)

S600B       CMW500 selection: H600B Frontpanel With Display/Keypad

XT015       Permanent CMW license: Development environment for CMW500


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