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13 Best Big Data Analytics Tools, Software, and Programs | Reviews 2023

13 Top Picks

4 Reviewers

39 Hours of Research

34 Options Considered

Companies use the best big data analytics tools to predict and determine behavior on a large scale to help you make decisions and see how they will affect this grouping. These can help companies reduce operating costs, offer better products and services, and see how their consumers are spending that result in a more profits and growth. So whether you have your own data pipeline and warehouse or you are using big data analytics vendors you can rest assured our recommended software is robust and powerful enough to help you extract value from your big data.

3 Top Big Data Analytics Software

Tableau software

1. Tableau


Tableau is extremely powerful. The fact that it is one of the most mature and powerful options available shows as soon as you see the available features. It’s a bit steeper to learn this platform, but once you do it is well worth it. 

  • Powerful engine that can blend multiple data points
  • Extremely active user base with out of the box support for connections
  • Data queries possible without having to know code

1. Tableau


Tableau is hands down one of the big data systems & software available. The fact that it is one of the most mature and powerful options available shows as soon as you see the available features. It’s a bit steeper to learn this platform, but once you do it is well worth it. If you want the absolute best go with Tableau. No need to waste thousands of dollars and expensive engineering & data analyst hours on trying sub-par programs.

Tableau has been around since the early days of data analytics tools, and it continues to mature and grow with the industry. It is extremely intuitive and offers comprehensive features. Tableau can handle any amount of big data, no matter the size. It can also handle both structured and unstructured data, unlike older, traditional big data management tools

It also offers customizable dashboards and real time data in visual methods for exploration and analysis.

This big data analytics tool can blend data in powerful ways because of how flexible the settings are. It has tons of smart features and works at lightning speed. Best of all, it is interactive and can even work on mobile devices and share data through shared dashboards.

Tableau software

Tableau Pros

  • Extremely flexible when it comes to creating custom visualization reports
  • Powerful engine that can blend multiple data points
  • Extremely active user base with out of the box support for connections
  • Data queries possible without having to know code

Tableau Cons

  • No built in tool for migration and deployment among multiple servers

Buying Guide to Best Big Data Analytics Tools

Let’s take a look at some of the big data and analytics requirements. These are some of the features that the data analytics tools software will need to highlight 

Professional Statistical Analysis

Whether you are  analyzing network packets or looking at large volume customer data sets, big data solutions need to include professional statistical analysis. This includes the normative distributions. These big data analytics tools can use specific algorithms to classify clusters. They perform regressive analyses based on this data. Basically, they take data sets and use them to simulate experiments. 

These big data analytics programs allow you to answer questions without having to conduct physical studies. For example, if there is a normal distribution of data, then can you find triangular patterns in your distribution? These tools can help you figure out the discrete situations and whether these situations fall within a desirable statistical controllable range. They will inform you of any magnifying affect your parameters may contain and allow you to run hypothetical simulations and analyze results. They can also help you determine the impact any single parameter has on data results. 

Individual Predictive Analysis

Good data analysis software will be able to predict and analyze the behavior of individual consumers. These tools would be able to tell you the length of time they spend somewhere, their spending habits, whether or not their credit is good and whether to loan to them, their online consumption record, and more. 

The tools could also be used to push different items to the customer based on their browsing history. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of ad campaigns and feel like you’re marketing directly to the consumer. This uses concepts from artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict individual behavior.

What Are the Types of Analytics on Big Data?

There are four main types of big data analytics: diagnostic, descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analytics.

When would you use big data tools?

In traditional databases, processing a vast volume of data can be quite challenging. As a result, you can easily use Big Data Tools to manage your data. Big Data Analytics can help you make better and quicker decisions, model and forecast future events, and improve your Business Intelligence.

About Dusan Stanar

I'm the founder of VSS Monitoring. I have been both writing and working in technology in a number of roles for dozens of years and wanted to bring my experience online to make it publicly available. Visit to read more about myself and the rest of the team.

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