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818 Angel Number Meaning and 8:18 Guide

818 Meaning

What does the 818 angel number mean in your life? If you keep noticing the number 818, such as in a street address, a license plate, or 8:18 on a clock, it can be a sign that your guardian angels, or spirit guides, have important messages for you. These messages may relate to a new beginning, prosperity, long-term relationships, and finding your bliss in this lifetime.

In this post, we’ll explore all aspects of 818 angel number meaning and you how you can interpret its special messages.

Table of Contents

  • What is the meaning of 818?
  • Your 818 Highlights
  • What are angel numbers?
  • Elements of Angel Number 818
  • 5 Reasons Why You Keep Seeing the Number 818
  • 818 Spiritual Meaning
  • 818 Angel Number in Your Love Life and Relationships
  • 818 Meaning in Money
  • 818 Spiritual Meanings in Your Life
  • 818 in the Law of Attraction and Manifestation
  • 818 Meaning in Health and Wellness
  • 818 Meaning Summary: Infinite Blessings Are Yours

818 Meaning

What is the meaning of 818?

“We cross infinity with every step; we meet eternity in every second.”
– Rabindranath Tagore

Here are some high-level meanings associated with the 818 angel number. We’ll go into more detail on these throughout this post:

  • New Beginnings
  • Wisdom
  • Support
  • Independence
  • Prosperity
  • Renewal
  • Infinity
  • Bliss

Your 818 Highlights

Here are some initial recommendations for you if you keep seeing angel number 818. Or even if it has always been a special number for you:

  • Self-awareness is foundational to creating the life of your dreams. Instead of just reacting to the outside world, be an observer of your own thoughts. Analyze whether they are serving you. Positive thoughts will put out the vibration that matches with good fortune.
  • Understand your past, but don’t dwell there. Blessings are your as you face your future.
  • You will soon have a fresh start in an area of your life. Be open to change that leads to a new beginning.
  • Keep in mind that challenges you undergo can be viewed as opportunities for gaining greater wisdom and creating positive outcomes. Challenges can serve as a wake up call to put more positive energy into your thoughts and actions.
  • Cherish your long-term relationships. Your soul connections are your greatest teachers.
  • Have faith in your ability to use your life experiences to create prosperity for yourself and those you love. Expect positive things to happen for you, as a brighter future is ahead.

What are angel numbers?

Guardian Angel

Before we go into more details about the 818 angel number, let’s first take a look at angel number meanings in general.

Angel numbers are sacred symbols that convey messages that express far more than their numerical value. Indeed, as the name implies, angel numbers are signs that your guardian angels have important message for you. These messages serve as clues to help you to navigate your life path here on Earth.

As souls, we are here to learn and evolve. And as we become more spiritually enlightened, we grow closer to God, or Source. Our angels know that to grow on a spiritual level, we must have free will and we must undergo our own learning processes.

Nevertheless, your guardian angels’ loving presence is always around you. One of the ways they help you is by sending signs, or clues. Sometimes these clues give you answers. Other times they simply serve as validation that you are on the right path.

Clues from your angels, or spirit guides, will appear to you in ways that grab your attention. Sometimes these clues are angel numbers. Other times they might be in the form of a spirit animal who crosses your path and causes you to pause and wonder. Angel messages might also come to you in a dream.

These signs will stimulate your awareness in such a way that you get an uncanny feeling that there is far more going on around you than what is immediately in front of you in the material world.

But how do you interpret angel number 818 meanings and apply them to situations in your own life? The answer is a combination of understanding the ancient and sacred meanings that have been associated with these numbers and listening to your own inner voice. Knowledge and intuition are a winning combination!



One of the early philosophers who understood the sacred power of numbers was the 6th century BCE philosopher Pythagoras. In many ways, he is the great grandfather of modern-day numerology.

Pythagoras and his followers (the Pythagoreans) looked at numbers as though they were building blocks for all of existence. 

For example, they believed the number 1 (a key component in the 818 angel number) signified the origins of all that is. Indeed, they saw the number 1 as a symbol of a divine creator as well as unity and interconnectedness. 1

In addition, they believed the number 8 (another key component in angel number 818) had sacred properties.

They viewed 8 as an extension to the numbers 4 and 2, since 4 x 2 = 8. Pythagoras saw the number 2 (as in the 222 angel number) as the embodiment of female energy. And he viewed the number 4 (as in the 444 angel number) as a foundational symbol for the cosmos and a symbol of universal wisdom.

Pythagoras’ views is one of the reasons that 818 angel number meaning includes unity, support, and good fortune.

Carl Jung

Carl Jung

Another, more recent philosopher – the psychologist Carl Jung (1875 – 1861) – also believed in the sacred power of numbers. Jung saw numbers as divinely inspired symbols. He wrote, “A mathematician once remarked that everything in science was man-made except numbers, which had been created by God himself.” 2

In addition, Jung developed the theory of synchronicity. The theory describes events or circumstances that seem to have an association and yet which don’t have a scientifically proven cause and effect relationship. For example, the number 818 repeatedly showing up in your life is an example of synchronicity.

Sacred Geometry

Fish Scales and Peacock Feathers

Followers of a school of thought called sacred geometry believe that numbers and mathematical patterns, especially those that repeat in nature, are evidence of intelligent design by a single creator.

One example of sacred geometry appearing in nature is a fish scale pattern that appears not only in fish but also in peacock feathers, pinecones, and elsewhere in nature.

Another example is spiral patterns. Spirals appear throughout nature, such as on sunflowers, nautilus shells, coiled snakes, a seahorse’s curling tail, hurricanes, and galaxies.

For those who believe in sacred geometry, this repeated pattern is not just a random coincidence. It demonstrates the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe. (You can read more about this in my general post about angel number meanings, specifically the section on the Fibonacci sequence.)

Elements of Angel Number 818

818 Meaning

How did people from ancient cultures interpret number meanings, such as angel number 818? They did so much in the same way that we do today. To begin, they considered the context in which certain numbers appeared. In addition, they analyzed the components that made up a number sequence, such as the number pattern and if there was any repetition.

In the case of angel number 818, the sacred properties associated with the numbers 8 and 1 give the 818 angel number its special powers.

The Power of Number 1

In addition to the Pythagoreans’ view, the number 1 is seen an auspicious number in cultures around the world.

For example, the 1st century BCE philosopher Philo of Alexandria referred to the number 1 as “God’s number” and the basis of all things.

Indeed, both ancient and modern-day philosophers alike have viewed the number 1 as a symbol of unity, or oneness, with God. 3

For those who believe in sacred geometry, the number 1, as the first prime number, represent an atom of creation, or one the foundational building blocks of existence.

The number 1 is also associated with fresh starts and new beginnings, which plays into angel number 818 meanings. As well, 1 represent the self, as in the affirmation, ‘I am!’ or ‘I am here!’ Furthermore, it represents the pinnacle of success or an ultimate state of being. (You can read more about this in my posts on 111 and 1111 angel number meaning.)

Number 1 in Buddhism

Buddha Under the Bodhi Tree

In Buddhism, the number 1 symbolizes the focused mind that comes with one’s meditation practice. It also symbolizes the unlimited power of one individual to do good work in the world.

Furthermore, the number 1 symbolizes having a Buddha nature, or a person who has transcended transitory phenomena and is now enlightened.

Indeed, Buddha would refer to himself as “Tathāgata” instead of “I” or “me.” The translation of Tathāgata is roughly “one who has thus not gone.” 4 In other words, enlightened souls have become one with all that is.

The Power of 8 Magnified

In addition to the number 1, the number 8 has profound spiritual significance in many cultures. These associations also lend themselves to the powerful vibrations of angel number 818. Here are some examples:

Number 8 in Nature

Closeup Cosmos
Jewelry basket cosmos, Germany. Photo: H. Fischer.

In nature, the number 8 appears in flowers with eight petals. A few of examples of these include cosmos, mountain avens and clematis flowers.

As with the 818 meaning, clematis flowers are associated with reaching enlightenment, or a state of divine bliss. And cosmos flower symbolism includes infinity.

Also in nature, arachnids, which include spiders and scorpions, have eight legs. In addition, the scorpion is a symbol for the 8th sign in the western zodiac, which is Scorpio. As in 818 meaning, spider symbolism includes wisdom.

The number 8 is also embodied in the eight-limbed octopus. As with the 818 angel number, octopus meaning includes wisdom, renewal, and infinity.

Additionally, in music, the number 8 appears in the octave, which denotes the completion of a musical scale and the beginning of the next. This plays into angel number 818 meaning because it is also a symbol of new beginnings and renewal.

In the same way – we have seven days in our week and the eighth day begins a new one.

Number 8 in Mesopotamia

In Babylonian mythology, the gods were said to live in an eighth realm among the fixed stars. In addition, the ancient Sumerians had an eight-pointed star symbol, which they called the Magic Star of Venus. This eight-pointed star was a symbol for the Mesopotamian Earth goddess Ishtar, or Inanna. 5

Native American Culture

Among some Native American tribes, the number 8 symbolizes hope, protection, and guidance. In fact, some Native American tribes display an eight-pointed star in their artwork, which they call the hope symbol. It is an emblem of celestial guidance. 6

Number 8 in Ancient Egypt

While the ancient Egyptians worshiped over 2,000 deities, they had eight primordial gods, which were their deities of creation.


In ancient Greece, the god Dionysus (the Roman Bacchus) was born in August, the eighth month. He was a fertility god who ruled nature, agriculture, and wine making. Thus, he is associated with the 818 angel number as a symbol of prosperity.

8 in Buddhism


Like the number 1, the number 8 has sacred meanings in Buddhism. To begin, there are eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. One of them is the eight-petaled lotus flower, which is a symbol of spiritual awakening and reaching the state of Nirvana, or bliss.

In addition, the Dharmachakra, or Dharma Wheel, of Buddhism, has eight spokes. The eight spokes represent the Buddhist Eightfold Path, which leads to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Taking the Eightfold Path means having the:

1. Right View
2. Right Resolve
3. Right Speech
4. Right Actions
5. Right Occupation
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration 7


Goddess Lakshmi
Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and abundance. Image: Museum Syndicate.

In Hinduism, the number 8 in a lucky number that signifies wealth and prosperity. In fact, Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, is said to have eight forms. This lends itself well to 818 meaning being associated with prosperity.

Also in Hinduism, the number 8 is synonymous with protection. For example, the Ashta Dikpalas are eight Hindu deities who guard the eight cardinal directions. To bolster their power, they are assisted by eight elephants.


In China, the number 8 is a lucky number, especially for wealth. Indeed, in Chinese culture, the word for eight sounds like “ba,” which is similar to the word fa, which means to become rich quickly. 8

Number 8 in the Bible, Judaism, and Christianity

Jesus Christ

In Judaism, the number 8 is celebrated during Hanukkah, a holiday that lasts eight days and eight nights.

In addition, the number 8 and angel number 818 are associated with Jesus Christ. To begin, these numbers symbolize unity with God as well as eternal life.

Jesus also gave the Eight Beatitudes – his sermons on the mount near the Sea of Galilee – which appear in the Gospel of Matthew.

Furthermore, Jesus was resurrected on the eighth day, or Sunday. This is why so many Christians set aside that day for worshipping and going to church.

This is also one of the reasons that angel number 818 is associated with new beginnings and renewal.

8 Meaning in Islam

Muslims call their heaven Jannah, or the paradise for the righteous. Jannah is said to have eight different realms. Thus, in Islam, the number 8 signifies paradise as well as Allah’s mercy. In addition, eight angels carry Allah’s throne.

Hence, this lends itself to the 818 angel number being a symbol of reaching the kind of blissful state that comes with enlightenment.

Celtic Mythology

In Celtic mythology, the number 8 is associated with immortality and protective magic. The ancient Celts connected the number 8 with the Holly Moon, or Tinne, which occurs from July 8 – August 4.

In fact, the Celts use holly to make protective weapons. In addition, they would soak holly leaves in water to make a protective liquid that they sprinkled around their homes. 9

The Tarot, Numerology, and Astrology

Magician and Strength

The numbers 1 and 8 also have special meanings in the tarot.

The number 1 is represented by the Magician card, which is associated with knowledge, talent, skill, mastery, and manifestation.

The number 8 is represented by the Strength card. As the name implies, the Strength card is associated with power. However, it’s the kind of power that is wielded with empathy compassion, and restraint.

In numerology, the number 1 signifies independence, determination, leadership, and overcoming obstacles. While the number 8 represents success, wealth, and prosperity.

In astrology, the number 1 is associated with the sign of Aries, which is the first sign in the western zodiac. Aries is known to be fiercely determined, fiery, and competitive.

In addition, the 1st House in astrology rules your self-identity as well as how you approach your life.

The number 8 is represented by the sign of Scorpio, which is the 8th sign in the zodiac. Besides the eight-legged scorpion, Scorpio symbols include the snake, the phoenix bird, and the eagle. The snake and the phoenix are symbols of transformation and renewal. While the eagle is a symbol of the divine.

Furthermore, the number 8 symbolizes infinity, as it appears like the infinity symbol standing up. Thus, the first 8 in angel number 818 is like the infinite past, and the last 8 is like the infinite future.

The number 1 in the middle is symbolic of you. Thus, on a personal level, angel number 818 symbolizes the eternal nature of your soul and your potential to be aware of all that is.

5 Reasons Why You Keep Seeing the Number 818

Angel Number Meaning

Angel number 818 embodies the sacred aspects of the numbers 1 and 8 and takes them to a whole new level. So, if a guardian angel keeps showing you 818, you are being reminded of the powerful and loving forces in the Universe that are working in your favor.

Here are ways that 818 meanings can be applied to your own life:

1. A guardian angel is reminding you to have faith in your personal power and the ability of your spirit to renew and heal yourself. Angel number 818 can be a sign that it’s time to put the past behind you and face your future. You will always have your memories. But it’s the nature of the human spirit to heal and renew itself.

2. A soulmate of yours who has transitioned is sending a message of validation to you. Although they are now in angel form, they are present and they are at peace.

3. You are being reminded of your inner strength and your ability to stand on your own two feet. At the same time, you are supported. Have faith that when you strike out on your own, support will be there.

4. You have the potential to create sustained wealth for yourself and those you love. Be in tune with your own psychology, as this could be the only thing (not external factors) that is holding your back from the life of your dreams. Look inward to determine what it will take to achieve success. If you can envision it, positive things will be attracted to your energy.

5. When your angels show you the number 818, they are reminding you that you have the capacity to create a life of bliss for yourself and those you love. Envision your ideal life, and then describe it in a tangible way by writing it down or using a vision board. You are the starting point for achieving your dreams.

818 Spiritual Meaning

On a spiritual level, 818 angel number meaning signifies that you have the gift of clairvoyance as an old soul. You have a sense of what has happened before this lifetime as well as what could come in the future.

The number 1 in 818 signifies the importance of truly knowing yourself. Consider what has happened in your past in this lifetime as well as those that came before this one. 818 meaning indicates the importance of self-awareness.

In addition, when your guardian angels show you the 818 angel number, they are reminding you of your divine power to heal yourself and your relationships.

There is a saying: “At every moment something sacred is at stake.” This is a reminder to not get caught up in perspectives that are trivial. We can all do this.

Angel number 818 appearing in your life is like a gentle reminder to be aware that there is far more going on around you than the immediate material world. At the same time, the material world matters. How you think, speak, and act in the physical world has spiritual consequences.

818 Angel Number in Your Love Life and Relationships

Angel Numbers and Love

When it comes to your love life and other relationships, angel number 818 signifies deep, soul-level connections. It also signifies the importance of maintaining your sense of self. Be true to yourself while putting positive energy into your relationships.

Angel Number 818 Meaning and Soulmates

In love and relationships, as with the 808 and 888 angel numbers, the number 818 indicates the eternal nature of your soulmate relationships.

Your soulmates are a group of souls, sometimes referred to as your soul pod, with whom you are learning and evolving lifetime after lifetime. Like the seasons, relationships go through changes. At times, they can be fun and comforting. At other times challenging and even hurtful.

Angel number 818 meaning reminds you to be forgiving. All relationships have the potential to renew themselves. However, the 1 in this number reminds you to maintain your spiritual and emotional health in the relationship. If this is impossible, distance yourself.

One of your angels is at peace.

Seeing the number 818 can also be a sign that one of your soulmates, a loved one who has passed, is present in your life and looking after you. As a symbol of infinity and spiritual enlightenment, the 818 angel number is a sign that your loved one is at peace in their angelic state.

In terms of romantic soulmates, if you feel that you are still looking for your special person in this lifetime, the 818 angel number can be a sign to continue working on yourself, so that you can be the person you want to be in the relationship.

The 1 in 818 signifies having a strong sense of yourself vs. looking for your other half or someone else to complete you. Building this confidence and certainty in yourself will raise your vibration to attract a like-minded soul.

Angel number 818 is also about new beginnings. So, it’s a positive omen for new relationships. At the same time, it indicates past life soul connections. Thus, you might be meet someone with whom you feel an immediate, deep bond.

If you are in an established relationship, the 818 angel number can be a sign that your relationship is built to last. It can also indicate that your relationship is going through a period of renewal or rebirth. As you grow and evolve together, pushing each other to be the best expressions of yourselves, your bond will strengthen.

Angel number 818 also signifies prosperity. So, the two of you could be building a substantial nest egg together.

818 Twin Flame Meaning

Twin Flames

Your twin flame is a person with whom you will feel an immediate, soul-level connection. Yet, the nature of twin flame relationships is that they often come with heavy karma. So, it’s likely that when you connect with a twin flame in this lifetime, you will have to address your shared karma.

One of the characteristics of the 818 angel number is that it embodies the past and the future. So, you might be reconnecting with a twin flame from your past, either in this lifetime or a previous one. It will be up to you to decide how this relationship goes into the future, if at all.

What is key here is that you don’t lose yourself in this relationship. As in 111 and 1111 meaning, the 1 in 818 signifies the important of maintaining your sense of self and being true to who you are.

All relationships take compromise. But they shouldn’t involve soul sacrifices. Those are the kinds that dampen your spirit. You want a relationship that helps your spirit to soar. Sometimes twin flames will be a test to see what you’re willing to settle for.

When your guardian angel shows you 818, they are showing you two infinity signs. Hence, they might be giving you divine guidance to remind you of your infinite potential and right to be happy. In other words, don’t settle!

At a soul-level, relationships are for learning. And when it comes to twin flames, you are likely undergoing a karmic test. If you feel like you are in a familiar, negative pattern, it can mean that you are not facing your karmic lessons head-on.

818 meaning can imply that a twin flame separation may be the best course of action and that it’s time to protect yourself by gathering your strength and moving on.

818 meaning reminds you that you should feel like you can be yourself in this relationship. At the same time, it should inspire you to be a better version of yourself in a deep and profound way.

818 Meaning in Money


In money and financial matters, 818 is an auspicious number for building wealth and prosperity. As it is a number of new beginnings and the infinite future, it indicates new ways of doing things. An example of this is leveraging cutting edge technology to create more efficiencies, so you can build wealth faster.

In addition, 818 meaning signifies support. Look for the support that will help you create more abundance in your life. This could be through networking or even getting support at home so you can be more productive in building wealth.

Because 818 meaning also includes renewal, it can indicate the opportunity to rebuild wealth after a period of loss.

Furthermore, the 1 in 818 is a reminder to build financial independence. So, be extra careful about depending on just one source of income, one job, or taking on too much debt. The 818 angel number is a sign to be open to an array of money-making opportunities.

What about 818 angel number meaning in work and career?

The 818 angel number as it relates to work and career signifies that as you gain more knowledge in your field, you will be seen as leader and a wise expert.

If you are still trying to figure out your life purpose, keep moving forward in a process of self-discovery. Get clear on what you’re good at, what you value, and what you’re interested in.

Knowing this will put you in the right direction and increase the odds of bringing more financial abundance into your life.

In addition, 818 meaning indicates a revival of opportunities for growth and bringing more money into your life. Keep the faith. Good fortune is at your door.

818 Spiritual Meanings in Your Life

In spiritual matters, angel number 818 can be a sign that a soulmate who has passed is reaching out to let you know they are present and at peace.

818 meaning also indicates long-term soul-level connections. Your bonds with those you love go far back in time.

Angel number 818 also indicates the eternal nature of the soul. It is a reminder that, as souls, our mission is to become one with God, or our higher power. We are all meant to walk in God’s light.

818 spiritual meaning is also about forgiveness and your soul’s capacity for renewal. Even if you make mistakes, there is always opportunity for redemption. The key is to learn and to strive and do better. We are all souls having a human experience. So, it’s important that we be forgiving of ourselves and others.

818 in the Law of Attraction and Manifestation

Infinity Symbol

When it comes to the art and science of manifestation, the 818 angel number is a sign to believe in yourself and your ability to create a life of bliss for yourself and your loved one.

The 818 angel number lends itself well to the Law of Attraction because it indicates the power of your vibration to radiate out into the world. You stand in the center of your energy, like the number 1 in 818. And your vibration radiates outward with infinite potential.

Even if you have gone through periods of failure, hardship, or loss, 818 angel number meaning is a sign that you have an infinite capacity for renewal. It’s never too late to create the life of your dreams and achieve a blissful state. Angel number 818 reminds you that the past is for learning and the future is for envisioning the life you want to create.

818 Meaning in Health and Wellness

In health and wellness matters, the 818 angel number is a positive sign that signifies renewal and new beginnings. Remember that your body has been hardwired to heal and survive since time immemorial – just like the Earth itself. Have faith in your body’s capacity for regeneration.

818 meaning also includes wisdom. So, seeing this number can be a sign to be seeker and to take an intellectual approach to learning about what your options are for creating more health and vitality in your life.

In addition, the 818 angel number reminds you to seek out healing modalities that are based around a natural, holistic approach. For example, focus on the kind of nutrition that will will help your body thrive at the cellular level. Seek out experiences and people with positive vibes. This will help your mind, body, and spirit to thrive.

818 Meaning Summary: Infinite Blessings Are Yours

818 Angel Number

In summary, when your guardian angels show you the number 818, they are reminding you of your infinite potential and the positive energy that’s working in your favor. Practice having positive thoughts because you have the ability to create the life of your dreams.

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6 Responses

  1. I appreciate this article, I was very interested, it was hard not to read the whole thing. I’ve seen 818 for many years and believe it’s more than a coincidence at this point with how often I see it. Today I woke up and saw 8:18 on my clock, this has happened to me probably more than 10 times and I usually don’t wake up until around noon. Today I’ve spent several hours just reading about it to try to understand what it means. Quite interesting, Today is also the first of a new week, a new month and when I saw it, a new day. I also got out of a long term relationship not long ago that has been very hard to move on from. These signs seem like a new beginning, but I’m also open minded to the other possible meanings of this synchronicity. Thanks for taking the time to create this for people to help understand why they may be experiencing a synchronicity.

    1. Thank you for your message and I’m sorry to hear about your break up. When these things happen, I always go back to the belief that relationships help us learn and evolve spiritually and it’s up to us to be receptive to the lessons they teach us and how we can decide to make our lives better for it.

      As far as 818 goes – well, that is a very cool number to have show up for you! It’s interesting how the angel numbers are different for different people. When I write these things, it’s my belief that we all have the capacity to tap into Universal Wisdom and that hopefully I can provide some ideas whereby UniGuide’s readers go – “Aha! Now I remember!” or “Yes. That makes sense for me.” But I always encourage everyone to be their own spiritual seekers. Best of luck to you and thanks for your message!

  2. That’s beautiful and very rare to receive. Today was the first time I heard it in my general Pisces tarot reading, actually I never heard 818 as being an angel number. Love it
    I felt like it was meant for me!

    1. I am very happy to hear this! I enjoyed writing this one. It’s a special, unusual angel number! :o)

  3. Thank you for sharing your gifts! I was mesmerized reading this!

    1. Thank you for the kind words – and, of course, for appreciating angel numbers!


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Kristen M. Stanton

Hello. Thanks for visiting UniGuide. My name is Kristen and I started UniGuide as a tribute to nature, animals, and spiritual exploration. I hope you enjoy your experience here!

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