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Announcement of the International Consulting on the Urban Design for the Dynamic Development Belt of Shenzhen Longgang River

BIM|深圳市龙岗河活力发展带城市设计国际咨询公告 BIM视界 第1张

I. Project Description

1.1 Project name: International Consulting on the Urban Design for the Dynamic Development Belt of Shenzhen Longgang River
1.2 Host: Shenzhen Longgang District People’s Government
Organizer: Longgang Office of Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
Technical service and organization unit: Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen
1.3 项目背景
1.3 Project background
As the mother river of Longgang District, Longgang River rises in Wutong Mountain, with the main stream within Longgang of about 20km long, flowing through the 6 sub-districts in eastern Longgang, and connecting the key areas in the Eastern Center such as Universiade New Town, Apollo Future Industry City, Baolong Technology City, Longgang Central City, Longgang Laoxu Town, and International Low Carbon City. It is the river with the largest drainage area and the only river flowing from south to north and west to east in Shenzhen City, and marks a core potential area in the Eastern Center.
Longgang River possesses good ecological background resources and big redevelopment potential of land along the river, with the watercourse comprehensive renovation advanced steadily and culture, technology and innovation resource elements, etc. gathering. However, Longgang River also has problems such as fragmented space, weak ties between riverside open space and urban functions, low ecological quality, lack of unified design of river shoreline, failure to highlight ecological functions and landscape features, insufficient waterfront vitality, lack of organic integration of mountain, river, city, and culture resources, etc., single area functions, lagging cultural features, mixed construction along the river at present, and failure to reflect Hakka cultural characteristics.
In order to bring into full play the strategic value of Longgang River, enhance the architectural style of Longgang River, highlight the charm of Hakka culture and provide citizens of Longgang District with quality urban public space for getting close to nature and recreation, this international consulting is hosted by Shenzhen Longgang District People’s Government to conduct high-level planning and design of overall development, space reshaping, cultural rebuilding, and industrial agglomeration, etc. on both sides of Longgang River, and build international waterfront space and “dynamic development belt of Eastern Center” that integrate technology, innovation, culture and ecology, to shape Longgang River with stories and soul.
1.4 咨询目的
1.4 Consulting purpose

This international consulting aims to introduce domestic and foreign high-level design teams to propose urban development ideas and land development models for the line along Longgang River by using innovative design philosophies, provide the optimal design scheme for the urban landscape space of Longgang River, continuously guide future urban development, improve land utilization efficiency along the line, accelerate urban renewal pace andexcavate historical and cultural resources along the line, and improve space quality and environmental quality, to build a quality, diversified, and sustainable dynamic waterfront development belt in eastern Shenzhen.
1.5 咨询范围
1.5 Consulting scope

The consulting contents mainly include 2 parts:
Firstly, the overall conceptual urban design, with the scope including the about 1km range (with a total area of about 46km2) on both sides of the about 20km-long main stream of Longgang River;
Secondly, detailed urban design of key section: to prepare the detailed design for the selected 1 key section (1 core plot of about 50ha and the reach of 1km long where the plot is located) by integrating the existing planning along Longgang River and in combination with the overall conceptual urban design and existing conditions of Longgang River.

BIM|深圳市龙岗河活力发展带城市设计国际咨询公告 BIM视界 第2张
图1 城市设计国际咨询的范围
Fig. 1 Scope of the International Consulting on the Urban Design

II. Way of Consulting and Rule

This consulting will be divided into three stages: 1st stage: Prequalification + conceptual proposal; 2nd stage: Overall conceptual urban design; 3rd stage: Detailed urban design of key section.
2.1 第一阶段-资格预审+概念提案
2.1 1st stage: Prequalification + conceptual proposal

This consulting is open to the world and requires Chinese and overseas corporations to participate as joint groups. A joint group shall consist of no more than 3 members, and each member of the group shall not further apply alone or repeatedly participate by joining another group with other design institutions. Applications from individuals or teams of individuals will not be accepted.
The design institutions that apply should provide prequalification, conceptual proposal and other materials as required by the Consulting Document.And the host will set up a prequalification committee which will select 4 design institutions to enter the 2nd stage: Overall conceptual urban design according to achievements and experiences of principal designers, team members to input for the project and experience thereof, corporation qualifications, industrial reputation, and conceptual proposal and other documents for prequalification of the applicants and select 2 standby design institutions (sequenced). If any of the 4 exits, a standby design institution will be selected as per sequence.

2.2 2nd stage: Overall conceptual urban design

The 4 selected design institutions shall submit deliverables as required by the Design Brief. The review committee will review the overall conceptual urban design schemes submitted to select the 2 winners and sequence the other two. It shall give review opinions of the 2 winners and recommend them to the host which will then determine the sequence of the 2 winners upon study fully respecting the review opinions. The 2 winners will enter the 3rd stage: detailed urban design of key section

2.3 第三阶段-重点区段详细设计
2.3 3rd stage: detailed urban design of key section

The 2 selected design institutions shall submit deliverables as required by the Design Brief. The review committee will review the detailed urban design schemes for key section submitted, give the review opinions, and give the recommended sequence. The host will then determine the sequence of the 2 design institutions upon study fully respecting the review opinions. The one sequenced first will be the winner that will take charge of cooperating with the scheme deepening of the technical service and organization unit and conducting two workshops.

Ⅲ. Schedule (Tentative)




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