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作者:[美]斯蒂芬·P. 罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins)、[美]玛丽·库尔特(Mary Coulter)
丛书名: 清华管理学系列英文版教材

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《管理学》由美国著名管理学家斯蒂芬?P. 罗宾斯教授所撰写,是西方经典的管理学教材,被欧美大多数商学院选为指定教材或推荐参考书。本书以管理过程为主线,分别阐述了管理的主要职能:决策、计划、组织与领导。为适应管理实践的发展和管理学科的动态变化,第12版进行了较大范围的更新,从内容到形式都做了颇多调整。 本书结构清晰,语言生动,不仅提供了大量的应用案例,而且荟萃了众多学者的研究成果。同时,作者还颇具匠心地设计了多个实用性很强的专栏和练习,帮助读者掌握所学内容。

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The book you have before you is one of the world’s most popular introductory management text- books. It’s used by several hundred U.S. colleges and universities; it’s translated into Spanish, French, Russian, Dutch, Bahasa, Korean, and Chinese; and there are adapted editions for Australia, Canada, India, and the Arab World. For a textbook first published in 1984—in a crowded market where there are currently several dozen choices, why has Robbins/Coulter Management been so popular and enduring? We believe there are three characteristics that set us apart: contemporary topic coverage, readability, and relevance. Contemporary Topic Coverage We have always prided ourselves on bringing the latest management issues and research to this book. In preparing each edition, we carefully comb the academic journals and business periodicals to identify topics that students need to be current on. For instance, prior editions of this book were the first to discuss self-managed teams, emotional intelligence, open-book management, sustain- ability, social entrepreneurship, stretch goals, the contingent workforce, self-managed careers, wearable technology, big data, and design thinking. This current edition continues the tradition by including a new section on disruptive innova- tion. No topic appears to be more current or important to students today than dealing with major structural changes taking place in industries as varied as automobiles, hotels, banking, TV net- works, or book publishing. In fact, there are few industries that aren’t being threatened by disrup- tive innovation. In Chapter 7, we define disruptive innovation; explain why it’s important; describe who is vulnerable; and discuss implications for entrepreneurs, corporate managers, and your career planning. Key Changes to the 14th Edition ? Chapter 7 on managing change has been expanded to include a discussion of disruptive innova- tion as an important driver of change. ? The Part 2 module on creating and leading entrepreneurial ventures has become a separate chapter (Chapter 10). We’ve expanded our discussion, added end-of-chapter applications, and acknowledged the importance of entrepreneurship by giving it its own chapter. ? The two chapters on organizational design have been merged into one chapter (Chapter 11) in response to comments by users and reviewers. But we’ve retained the key concepts that students need to know. ? The addition of “Workplace Confidential” pages throughout the book which address common frustrations and challenges that employees face in the workplace. ? Current and timely topics—including the Internet of things, real-time feedback, and choosing appropriate communication media, among others—have been added. ? Dozens of current examples illustrating management practices and challenges in start-up and es- tablished organizations, small and large organizations, and manufacturing, service and technol- ogy organizations have been added. Readability Every author claims his or her books are highly readable. The reality is that few actually are. From the first edition of this book, we were determined to make the field of management interesting and engaging for the reader. How did we do it? First, we committed to a conversational writing style. xvii xviii Preface We wanted the book to read like normal people talk. Second, we relied on an extensive use of examples. As your senior author learned early in his teaching career, students don’t remember theories but they do remember stories. So you’ll find a wealth of current ex- amples in this book. A well-written book should be able to be used successfully at all levels of higher edu- cation, from community colleges to graduate programs. And over its 30+ years of life, this book has done just that. You’ll find this book is used in community colleges, at for-profit colleges, by undergraduate students at both regional and land-grant universities, and in numerous graduate programs. Relevance Students are unlikely to be motivated if they think a course and its textbooks aren’t rel- evant to their career goals. We’ve responded to this challenge in a number of ways. Our latest inclusion is an important new feature—the Workplace Confidential pages—that’s designed to make this book more meaningful to non-management majors. We also want to highlight four additional features that have helped build this book’s reputation for practicality. Providing value to non-management students. New to this edition are in-chapter pages entitled Workplace Confidential. This unique feature marks a distinct break from what typically has been included in the traditional introductory management text. Your authors have long heard a common complaint about the introductory management course from students in majors such as accounting, finance, and marketing. As summed up by one accounting student: “Why do I need to take a management course? I have no interest in pursuing a career in management!” Even though that accounting student might some day lead an audit team or manage an office of a major CPA firm, we understand those non-man- agement majors who question the relevance of this course to their career goals. We’ve listened and responded. We’ve made the contents of this 14th edition relevant to any student who plans to work in an organization. Regardless of whether an organization employs three people or 300,000, there are common challenges that every employee encounters. We’ve researched those challenges and identified the nearly dozen-and-a-half most frequent. Then we looked at providing students with guidance for dealing with these challenges. The result is the Workplace Confidential features that you’ll find throughout this book. For instance, you’ll find suggestions for dealing with organizational politics, job stress, coping with an uncommunicative or abusive boss, and responding to an unfair performance review. Insights from real managers. One feature that has differentiated Robbins/Coulter for more than 15 years is our “real” managers. Student feedback tells us that they appre- ciate learning from real managers in their everyday jobs. In Let’s Get Real boxes, actual managers respond to problem scenarios. In Leader Making a Difference boxes, you’ll meet a variety of global executives whose knowledge and skills significantly influenced organizational outcomes. Focus on skills. Today’s students need both knowledge (knowing) and skills (doing). Students want to leave class knowing what management is all about but also with the skills necessary to help them succeed in today’s workplaces. In response, you’ll find several fea- tures in this book that are designed to build skill expertise. It’s Your Career chapter open- ers cover skills ranging from managing time and being self aware to being a pro at giving feedback and being change ready. These chapter openers include information about the skill and are reinforced with a MyManagementLab component that tests students’ com- prehension of the skill. Also, at the end of each chapter, you’ll find more skill exercises, where we provide a thorough discussion of additional skills and give students opportuni- ties to practice these skills. Looking ahead. Students are going to spend most of their future work life in a setting that’s likely to look very different from today. To help students prepare for that future, we have included Future Vision boxes throughout the book that look at how management and organizations might change over the next 15 to 20 years. Although no one has a perfectly Preface xix accurate view into the future, certain trends in place today offer insights into what tomor- row’s work world might look like. We draw from recent research and forecasts to consider this future. MyManagementLab Suggested Activities Making assessment activities available online for students to complete before coming to class will allow you, the instructor, more discussion time during the class to review areas that students are having difficulty in comprehending. The activities below are available in MyManagementLab and are integrated into the textbook. Watch It Recommends a video clip that can be assigned to students for outside classroom viewing or that can be watched in the classroom. The video corresponds to the chapter material and is accompanied by multiple-choice questions that reinforce students’ comprehension of the chapter content. Try It Recommends a mini simulation that can be assigned to students as an outside classroom activity or be done in the classroom. As the students watch the simulation they will be asked to make choices based on the scenario presented in the simulation. At the end of the simula- tion the student will receive immediate feedback based on the answers they gave. These simulations reinforce the concepts of the chapter and the students’ comprehension of those concepts. Talk About It These are discussion-type questions that can be assigned as an activity within the classroom. Write It Students can be assigned these broad-based, critical-thinking discussion questions that will challenge them to assimilate information that they’ve read in the chapter. Personal Inventory Assessments (PIA) Students learn better when they can connect what they are learning to their personal expe- rience. PIA (Personal Inventory Assessments) is a collection of online exercises designed to promote self-reflection and engagement in students, enhancing their ability to connect with concepts taught in principles of management, organizational behavior, and human resource management classes. Assessments are assignable by instructors who can then track students’ completions. Student results include a written explanation along with a graphic display that shows how their results compare to the class as a whole. Instructors will also have ac- cess to this graphic representation of results to promote classroom discussion. Assisted Graded Writing Questions These are short essay questions that the students can complete as an assignment and submit to you, the professor, for grading. For Students Taking a Management Course: What This Course Is About and Why It’s Important This course and this book are about management and managers. Managers are one thing that all organizations—no matter the size, kind, or location—need. And there’s no doubt that the world managers face has changed, is changing, and will continue to change. The dynamic nature of today’s organizations means both rewards and challenges for the in- dividuals who will be managing those organizations. Management is a dynamic subject, xx Preface and a textbook on it should reflect those changes to help prepare you to manage under the current conditions. We’ve written this 14th edition of Management to provide you with the best possible understanding of what it means to be a manager confronting change and to best prepare you for that reality. But not every student aspires to a career in management. And even if you do, you may be five or ten years away from reaching a managerial position. So you might rightly feel that taking a course in management now may be getting ahead of the game. We hear you. In response to these concerns, we’ve added new material to this book that is important and relevant to everyone working in an organization—manager and non-manager alike. Our “Workplace Confidential” pages identify, analyze, and offer suggestions for dealing with the major challenges that surveys indicate frustrate employees the most. You should find these pages valuable for helping you survive and thrive in your workplace. Surprisingly, this topic has rarely been addressed in business programs. Inclusion in an introductory management course appeared to us to be a logical place to introduce these challenges and to provide guidance in handling them. Instructor Resources At the Pearson’s Higher Ed catalog, https://www.pearsonhighered.com/sign-in.html, in- structors can easily register to gain access to a variety of instructor resources available with this text in downloadable format. If assistance is needed, our dedicated technical support team is ready to help with the media supplements that accompany this text. Visit https://support.pearson.com/getsupport for answers to frequently asked questions and toll- free user support phone numbers. The following supplements are available with this text: ? Instructor’s Resource Manual ? Test Bank ? TestGen? Computerized Test Bank ? PowerPoint Presentation This title is available as an eBook and can be purchased at most eBook retailers.

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  • 斯蒂芬?P. 罗宾斯(Stephen P. Robbins)美国圣迭戈州立大学荣誉退休教授,管理学与组织行为学领域全球***教材的作者,其著作在全美超过1000家大学中广泛使用,并被翻译为19种语言。罗宾斯博士长期从事管理学和组织行为学研究,他撰写的教科书中***的有《管理学》《组织行为学》《组织行为学精要》《人际技能培训》等。
  • 《管理学》由美国著名管理学家斯蒂芬?P. 罗宾斯教授所撰写,是西方经典的管理学教材,被欧美大多数商学院选为指定教材或推荐参考书。本书以管理过程为主线,分别阐述了管理的主要职能:决策、计划、组织与领导。为适应管理实践的发展和管理学科的动态变化,第14版进行了较大范围的更新,从内容到形式都做了颇多调整。

  • 目录
  • 特色介绍
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  • Part 1 Introduction to Management 2

    Chapter 1: Managers and You in the Workplace 2

    Who Are Managers and Where Do They Work? 4 Why Are Managers Important? 7

    What Do Managers Do? 8

    How Is the Manager’s Job Changing? 13 Why Study Management? 17

    Preparing for: Exams/Quizzes 21

    Preparing for: My Career 23

    Case Application 1: The Power of Social Media 24 Case Application 2: Who Needs a Boss? 25

    Management History Module 30

    Early Management 30

    Classical Approach 32

    Behavioral Approach 35

    Quantitative Approach 37

    Contemporary Approaches 39

    Chapter 2: Making Decisions 44

    The Decision-Making Process 45 Approaches to Decision Making 50

    Types of Decisions...

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