中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


The design deeply studies the characteristics of residential life on the site, creates a super star hotel style luxury art residence from three aspects of spatial pattern, temperament integration and emotional connection, injects the life concept of fashion city and sports fashion into the project, customizes the luxury art experience hall on the high-end spire, and reproduces the grand gathering of celebrities in the central city.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


The demonstration area takes “fine luxury art experience hall” as the design theme, creates a high-end private club scene, and integrates the aesthetic concept of Hong Kong Style metropolis. It not only has luxurious but not vulgar etiquette and solemnity, but also has the dignity and elegance of the central city.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


The drop off gate is spread out with an 80m hotel like enclosure, accompanied by the soft sound of the spring at the entrance. 100 Diamond Star lamps are combined with pavement to form a homecoming starlight ceremony, with a mirrored interface and an encircling enclosure to create a hotel like drop off area.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


In combination with the entrance culture of Fuzhou academy, the corridor is unfolded in the form of 10 “Book screens” and simple linear elements are selected. The exquisite and luxurious corridor columns create a space for artistic taste, and in the meantime, you can experience an invitation from a privileged life.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


Walking under the light and shadow corridor, the 100 meter urban homecoming corridor guides people to focus on the inner courtyard. The two mirror ceremony water scenes reflect the homecoming lights, and the mirror water images like a little star light. In combination with the bathing light star top, a homecoming experience corridor is created to capture the shadow of light, a homecoming journey and a homecoming experience.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


At the end of the light and shadow corridor is the image grid of the light and luxury metropolis. The delicately carved earth art grass skirt looms. Six graceful and selected trees stand in it to create a smart and natural environment. The verdant shade of the trees sprinkles mottled light and shadow, secretly entering the garden, creating a low-key sense of dignity.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


When the night falls, the lights light up the scene, and the corridor is hidden in the forest. It has a quiet forest, a cool wind, and a leisurely walk. Slow down and experience the ultimate enjoyment of prosperity and tranquility.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


The standard infinity pool of the four swimming lanes resort hotel is matched with the immersion pool water bar area. Sitting on the lounger beside the pool, holding up the wine glass at hand, you can freely enjoy the warmth of the world of mortals in the quiet time. The lighting design carefully hides all light sources in secret corner, making the space present an elegant and quiet atmosphere.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


The 1000 square square clubhouse is integrated with the concept of “sports everywhere”. The basement of the clubhouse is equipped with high-end facilities such as a gym, a yoga room, a trendy video room, and a private projection hall, which are connected with the outdoor immersion swimming pool and water bar to create an exclusive hotel style resort space and a trendy life.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


The hippo Holiday Themed swimming facilities accompanied by fashion play children create a fresh holiday Carnival and open a pool party.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观


In the design of the sculpture installation, the visual focus of the hotel style club is created through abstract artistic techniques. The “flowing skirt” and the “earth art” courtyard are connected together to form an artistic extension. These distinctive design elements are interspersed in the architecture and landscape, engraved with the unique memory of the site.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观



The ultimate field design embodies the wisdom of human creation and contains the philosophy, culture and art of different times. In addition to practical functions, design is also a record of life journeys. They were born from twists and turns or sweetness, but they are the most precious creations left by people to the times and themselves.

The most ceremonial community is the private holiday living environment belonging to every resident, which is a quiet, pleasant and micro holiday experience. The most warm community is trying to create an environment that children like. Looking at their laughter, they ran and played enthusiastically.

中奥抚州·君柏宸央 景观设计 / TDG万境景观

摄     影:CHILL SHINE丘文三映、须然建筑摄影
项目地点:江西 抚州


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