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首页 > 参展商品 > 建筑及装饰材料 > 管件 > PPR 管件


起订量:10 箱




发 货 地:韩国 首尔

展品颜色:绿色 蓝色 可定制


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PP-R pipe is a new generation of environment-Friendly construction material developed in 1990s. Besides plastic pipe merits, such as lightness, corrosion resistance, anti deposition and long service life, PP-R pipe also have some new advantages, like hygienism, heat-resistant, material recycled. In the meanwhile, lower coefficient of heat conductivity can help for energy conservation. The usage of thermo sol binding technique can make the process of installation very convenient. Qualified raw material, from Korea, was used for TIANYAN PP-R piping networks. The performance standard of PP-R products can match DIN8077 & DIN8078 or GB/T18742.


●Long Service Life:

A PN20 water pipe, transporting water at 30C can last for more than 50 years, under normal conditions with an operating pressure of 21.8 bars. Hygienism and Non-toxic:

The material is a new type environmental building material, which can be used in pure water piping system.

● Heat-resistant:

Under 9.7 bars pressure and 95°C hot water, the PN25 hot water pipe can continue to work one year.

● Corrosion-resistant:

For most of the ions in the water and chemical substances in the building, there is not chemical reaction, no rust and no corrosion with PP-R piping system.

● Thermal Insulation and Energy Conservation:

The thermal conductivity coefficient is only 1/200 of the metal pipe.

● Light Weight and High Intensity:

The proportion is only 1/8 of the metal pipe. The pressure resistance test intensity reaches 5MPa (50kg/cm) or above.

● Attractive Appearance:

Smooth internal and external wall, low flow-resistant, mild color and exquisite appearance.

, Easy and Reliable Installation: It adopts thermo sol binding conjunction, no threaded, and it will only take several seconds for connection. High. quality copper inlay pieces are adopted, when it connects with metal pipe or water consumption machines. It is safe and reliable.

Material PP-R
 Specification 20MM,25MM
 Weight 375g,385g
 Packing carton
 Carton Size 50x30x27cm³
 Delivery Medium 45~60days after despoit
 Application Delivery Water
 Sample Offer free samples


1. We are a manufacturer of plastic tubes and fittings. We accept OEM business.

2. We supply stop valve,pipe end cap,equal/reduceing tee,cold hot water ball valve,union ball valve,threaded elbow(plastic or with metal) and so on.

3. We also supply the connectors Accordingly.

4. We can offer you very competitive prices for some pipes.

5. We welcome you to visit our web and our factory. Your visiting will be highly appreciated.

6. It is my pleasure to help you.

7.If you need more customized services and offers, Please Contact Us.



1.high quality&industrial leading price

2.quick order processing & on-time delivery

3.extremely long usage life for at least 5 years

4.innovative & customer-oriented

5.rich experience in exportation

6.best quality & best service with competitive price

7.easy and fast installation, making cost minimized

8.healthy and non-toxic, free of stain,recycable, enviromentally friendly

9.Modern technical equipment in combination with proficient manual work.

10.Lightweight, convenient to transport and handle, good for labor-saving.



1. Are you a manufacture or trading company?
We are a well-known solution provider for plastic piping system in the world with 26 years professional experience. Welcome to visit and investigate us, you would find the difference with others.
2. Do you offer OEM service?
Yes. We have our famous brand name. But we can offer OEM service also, with same quality. We can review and accept customer design, or design based on customer requirements, by our professional R&D team.
3.Why Choose Us?
Trust in our experience.
We supply many different standards professional products for more than 60 countries and areas in the world.
Trust in our authority.
We had many professional inspections and certificates. We had passed inspections of CE, NSF, SGS, and get the certificates of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, and WRAS, and so on.
Trust in our solutions.
We have professional R&D team, QA&QC team, marketing team. We have many patents and awards, can supply highest quality OEM products, and help you and do with you to settle any kind of logistical problems.
Trust in our production capacity.
We have more than 30 pipe extruding machines, and 200 injection molding machines. And those figures still increase each year.
Trust in our financial management capacity.
We obtain the “Zhejiang Top Export Brand” by government. We have the ability to make each your US cent efficient. Each cent, which you pay us, would be worth.
4.How to Get a Sample?
Please apply sample.
We can apply free sample for inspection, after the prices confirmed.
Sample is free.
We would supply you sample for free, and freight is collected, if you need a sample to confirm. You also can pay freight to us in advance, and let us prepaid freight, if you thought the prepaid freight is lower than collected freight.
Freight is free.
 We will undertake the freight, and pay the money into your deposit, if you give the order to us finally.


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行 业:其他建筑及装饰材料, CPVC管材管件, 管道配件, PPR 管件, PVC管材管件, 生料带, 弯头, 其他管件, PVC胶




联 系 人: 黄**

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