无障碍 关怀版

为城市留一点白 | 南昌保利·九龙湖城市艺术馆


In his decades-long creative career, American artist Robert Ryman has always focused on his white oil paintings and explored the diversity of "white". His works has limited to white colour, but white has been created into many forms. All of his paintings seem to be painted in one colour, while in fact, there are many different texture and materials hidden under the white cover.


On the south bank of Jiulong Lake in Nanchang, the new starting point of the city, the project is pre-loaded with its display function as Nanchang's "urban stage", injecting the gene of art and nature into the blank space of the city. While on this blank stage of the city, expecting time, space and light to have a silent dialogue with the audience.

▲ 方案平面

▲ 概念落位


With Nanchang’s unique healing gene "light & water" as the , spatial destruction and the aethetics of light and shadow are illusioned into the blank scenes. Each scene brings nature and art into the front of the viewer, stimulating the perception and participation of the audience.

▲ 自然帷幕下的白色戏剧


The collision of volume and geometry, the flow of nature and art, affect the emotions of the viewer. Under the shadow of th etree, between light and shadow, between reality and virtual, across the rippling water, the audience has entered the performance already.


The rhythm of the pavement square and the composition of the sketches are densely contrasted, and the steps are connected with the relationship between movement and stillness, intertwined with the city cover.

▲建筑与景观倒影 成双入境


The collision of volume and geometry, the flow of nature and art, affect the emotions of the viewer. Under the shadow of the tree, between light and shadow, between reality and virtual, across the rippling water, the audience has entered the performance already.

▲ 方案效果图

▲ 方案效果图


The viewer moves through this epic story at his own pace, the natural background color breaks through the frame and crashes into the white space. Scenery and sceneries infiltrate and intersect each other to become each other's most beautiful scenery.


Moving forward, it seems to have entered a meditation space that has no connection with the outside world. The stone and the circle form a scene in the lens that metaphorically releases the hustle and bustle of life. Here, touching with the sky, listening with nature, and touching with light, scenes of art emerge quitely.

▲ 方案效果图


From the front space to the bridge, immersed in a dramatic transition, the flowing white walls lead the viewer from one theater to another.

▲ 柔软的曲线描绘轻盈的力量感

悠悠细探,流动的线条, 怡静的水面,错落的石景,遍布的植物,渗透与交互,四周万物与观众仿佛在进行一场无声的对话。

Gently and gently, flowing lines, the calm water surface, scattered stone scenes, plants all over, infiltration and interaction, everything around it seems to be in a silent dialogue with the audience.


Looking up the corridors, alonging the flowing white bridges, the scene shifts with every step, the audience is led into a series of white illusion scenes, whose emotions are affected by the natural performance. The transfer of various thoughts is completed here

▲ 自然包裹 纯粹且强大



Passing by here,trees are stretching and growing up under the gaze of the white walls, it not only drives the emotions of the viewers and brings them aesthetics pleasure, but also creates an subtle ethereal atmosphere in which human and nature are in harmony.


当微风抚过,当光影穿梭,当树枝摇曳,一切感受都无需多言,静谧与欢愉,力量与轻盈糅合,森林发出低语, 便此成为了扑向人和艺术的灵魂的自然的旋风所构成的诗。

When the breeze strokes, when the light and shadow shuttle, when the branches sway, there is nothing to say about feelings, tranquility and joy, strength and lightness blending, the whispering forest, all of these composed a natural whirlwind poem that knock on the mind of human.


Each plant plays a different role in this "growing forest". They grow up naturally in their right place, presenting the audience with the changing scenes of the four seasons.


There are always some blanks in life, such as empty spaces in the environment, which bring comfort and openness to the vision; such as the pause of the conversation, bring out the collision of ideas; such as a gap in a period, bring a break for life, leave some empty spaces for the past and the future.

| 项目信息



景观设计:寻迹景观事务所 S.E.E.K. STUDIO




项目地点:江西省 南昌市









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