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Xilongduo Plaza

集购物、休闲、娱乐 、亲子、美食 、服务、教育 等全业态的大型购物综合体——喜隆多Plaza,是一个养眼休闲胜地,别出心裁的空间设计及体验感十足的全新玩法令人眼前一亮。室内温室花园是购物中心的一大特色,几万种植物高低错落,走进购物中心,有一种不是进入都市商业区,而是走进了绿色花园的错觉,花花草草搭配喷泉、水池等,悠闲自在的氛围油然而生。

It is a super shopping complex offering a great variety of services including shopping, leisure, entertainment, parent-child activities, catering and education services. Its ingenious space design and novel experiences it offers make it stand out among commercial complexes. The shopping mall features an indoor greenhouse which has tens of thousands of plants arranged artistically. Walking into the shopping mall is like entering a beautiful garden. Amid flowers and grasses are fountains and pools, creating a relaxing atmosphere.



Shijingshan Wanda Plaza


It is a large commercial complex frequented by local residents, equipped with a karaoke bar, a cinema, restaurants, and a supermarket and other facilities. To appeal to the young people, it has introduced many Internet-famous restaurants and fashion brand stores. It is an ideal destination for you to have a family time or hang out with friends.



Joy City (West Beijing Store)


It is conveniently located adjacent to the Pingguoyuan transport hub which is directly accessible from its B2 and L3. Covering a floor space of more than 200,000 square meters, it includes a shopping mall, high-end office buildings and a large parking lot, bound to become a youth-oriented, chic and trendy landmark. There is also a beautiful hanging garden that will definitely capture all the eyes in the west of Beijing and make for a good social media shot.



Chang’an Mills


Located at the heart of the northern area of Shougang Park, it is a project jointly developed by Shougang Fund and TISHMAN SPEYER for the upcoming Beijing 2022 Games and will open together with the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. It consists of 11 flagship stand-alone commercial buildings and one shopping center, with the highlights of parent-child activity, culture and entertainment, sports and experiential consumption. It offers one-stop services ranging from dining, shopping and entertainment to customers.



Jin’an Zhonghai UNI ELITE


The shopping mall represents many breakthroughs. It designs spaces for sports and consumer behavior based on the concept of the Winter Olympics and unleashes the power of imagination. Located at the intersection of three subway lines, it is part of the Jin’anqiao subway superstructure project, providing an area for passengers to take a rest when they are waiting to make transfers. It offers unique experiences. There are restaurants that are open 24 hours a day, taking your taste buds on a food adventure.



Sam’s Club (Shijingshan)


It is Walmart’s first Sam’s Club in Beijing. It offers high-quality, cost-effective commodities and considerate services, deeply beloved by its members. You can find whatever you need here: home appliances, furniture, clothing, fresh produce, dry goods and so on.




Cultural and Creative Products of Badachu Park


To meet the growing consumer demand, Badachu Park has introduced two more design ice creams: the leave-shaped ice cream inspired by the image of the horse chestnut tree, symbolizing purity, kindness, sincerity and nobility; and the ruyi-shaped ice cream, a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck. A photo in the park with the ice cream will definitely make for a good social media shot.


Where to buy: Inside the Badachu Park.


Beijing Gift (Shougang)

在这里除了有鸟巢、水立方等地标性建筑的冰箱贴,清宫特色的玩具手办,兔儿爷样式的剪纸等各式各样有北京特色的产品,还有首钢滑雪大跳台、新首钢大桥、首钢三高炉、首钢厂东门等标志性建筑的徽章、书签、T恤、冰箱贴等首钢专属纪念品哦!靓丽首钢游、故事讲不停、体验不断线、美景 look 拍个够!快来“北京礼物”首钢园店买买买吧!

In this store, you’ll find not only products with Beijing characteristics including refrigerator stickers of landmark buildings such as the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube, the Qing palace-style toys, and paper-cuts of Lord Rabbit and many other images, but also eight Shougang souvenirs including badges, bookmarks, t-shirts and refrigerator stickers featuring the Big Air, the New Shougang Bridge, No.3 Blast Furnace, and the East Gate. It is a good shopping site after you’ve toured around the Shougang Park and learnt its history, and also a photogenic spot.


Address: Northeast of No.3 Blast Furnace, Shougang Park, Shijingshan District


Cultural and Creative Products of Yanjing Eight Palace Handicrafts Museum


Based on the Yanjing Eight Palace Handicrafts, a series of exquisite cultural and creative products are developed, including the carved lacquer jewelry box, the carved lacquer cup, the embroidered scarves and handbags, mother-of-pearl inlaid gold lacquer plates with the temple pattern and with the scene of sunshine on the snow-covered Western Hills, and mother-of-pearl inlaid gold lacquer business card holders, and stickers.



Incense Products


The traditional incense making technique is included in the fourth batch of district-level intangible cultural heritage by Shijingshan. Medicinal herbs and vanilla growing in Badachu mountains are picked and processed after more than 30 steps to make incense plates, threads, beads and packs. Their pleasant smell is believed to be good for your health. Using the spices native in the district, more incense products are developed under such brands as Tiantai, Fulin and Dongmeng. There is also the Kuixing incense developed for the Cishan Temple, and the Fahai Dragon & Cloud incense for the Fahai Temple.


Where to buy: At shopping malls; or scan the following QR code to place the order.



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