






DE德企招聘平台 | 实习、就业信息汇总(12.21)

2018-12-21 11:20




DE Job Market(DE德企招聘平台)作为德国商会面向大中华区的大型在线人才招聘平台,为求职者提供最多最全的德企招聘信息、职位发展建议以及就业市场趋势信息。



Sales & Marketing Management Trainee

Allianz Worldwide Partners

About Company:

安世联合(Allianz Worldwide Partners),原安联全球救援(Allianz Global Assistance),是集救援与保险解决方案于一体的世界领先B2B2C服务提供商,致力于在全球救援、国际健康与生活、全球汽车及旅行保险专业领域提供全球保障服务。通过安联全球救援、安联全球健康与安联全球汽车三大国际知名品牌的直销或数字渠道为客户提供集保险、服务与技术为一体的个性化解决方案。安世联合在全球76个国家拥有超过1.75万名员工,提供70种语言的服务,每年成功处理超过4400万个案例,专注于为世界各地的客户与员工提供贴心保障。安世联合大中华区于2003年正式进驻中国市场,在北京成立在华第一家外商独资救援公司。作为中国第一家通过ISO9001:2008认证且于2017年取得ISO9001:2015新版认证的救援机构,安世联合已成为中国救援行业的领导者,并持续致力于通过覆盖全国的服务商网络和先进的信息技术提供更加卓越,高效,安全的解决方案,为客户创造更多价值。





  • 范围:2019年应届毕业生或毕业两年内的社会人才
  • 年龄:≤25岁
  • 最低学历:本科
  • 英语:应届毕业生须通过大学英语六级考试(请务必在简历中注明),非应届毕业生须具备流利的英语听说读写能力
  • 专业:不限专业
  • 经验:应届毕业生须具备至少一段实习经历


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Operations Management Trainee

Allianz Worldwide Partners

About Company:

安世联合(Allianz Worldwide Partners),原安联全球救援(Allianz Global Assistance),是集救援与保险解决方案于一体的世界领先B2B2C服务提供商,致力于在全球救援、国际健康与生活、全球汽车及旅行保险专业领域提供全球保障服务。通过安联全球救援、安联全球健康与安联全球汽车三大国际知名品牌的直销或数字渠道为客户提供集保险、服务与技术为一体的个性化解决方案。安世联合在全球76个国家拥有超过1.75万名员工,提供70种语言的服务,每年成功处理超过4400万个案例,专注于为世界各地的客户与员工提供贴心保障。安世联合大中华区于2003年正式进驻中国市场,在北京成立在华第一家外商独资救援公司。作为中国第一家通过ISO9001:2008认证且于2017年取得ISO9001:2015新版认证的救援机构,安世联合已成为中国救援行业的领导者,并持续致力于通过覆盖全国的服务商网络和先进的信息技术提供更加卓越,高效,安全的解决方案,为客户创造更多价值。





  • 范围:2019应届毕业生或毕业两年内的社会人才
  • 年龄:≤25岁
  • 学历:本科
  • 英语:应届毕业生须通过大学英语四级考试(请务必在简历中注明),非应届毕业生须具备基础的英语会话能力
  • 专业:不限专业,真诚期待各专业优秀人才申请该职位
  • 经验:应届毕业生须具备至少一段实习经历,非应届毕业生经验不限,有运营部工作经验者优先考虑


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2019 BMW GLDP Associate – Aftersales Strategy

BMW Global Leader Development Programme

About Company:

The Global Leader Development Programme (GLDP) is the BMW Group’s acclaimed international graduate programme offering the opportunity to jumpstart the career of talented graduates and young professionals. Through completing four different rotations, participants work in various parts of the company and complete two international assignments, one is at BMW Headquarters in Munich. During their assignments, participants gain insight into business processes, strategy, culture, and the BMW Group brands from both a local and global perspective.


  • Aftersales Market Trend Monitoring, including carry out auto-mobile industry research, understand the market competition status and update customer profile periodically.
  • Support aftersales management to analyze current business situation & dig out potential business areas.
  • Investigate and provide facts/figures for evaluation of the aftersales strategy and working processes optimization.
  • Aftersales management report preparation based on requests.
  • Other tasks assigned by line manager.


  • A degree in International Finance/ Economics/ Trade/ Vehicle Engineering or similar discipline with excellence grades (Master’s degree preferred).
  • At least six months of relevant work experience (e.g. internships, training, initial professional experience).
  • A maximum of 3 years professional working experience after graduation.
  • At least four months of relevant experience abroad (e.g. studies, practical experience, work & travel).
  • Familiar with the automotive industry and aftersales business.
  • Personal commitment alongside or outside university.
  • Excellent skills on data analytics and related tools. Knowledge of mathematics modeling is preferred.
  • Fluent English as well as knowledge of another foreign language (German Language business fluent is preferred).
  • A sharp intellect.
  • Passion for BMW.
  • Initiative, personal accountability, willingness to change, team spirit and self-reflection.
  • Readiness for an international career.


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2019 BMW GLDP Associate – Technical Purchasing

BMW Global Leader Development Programme

About Company:

The Global Leader Development Programme (GLDP) is the BMW Group’s acclaimed international graduate programme offering the opportunity to jumpstart the career of talented graduates and young professionals. Through completing four different rotations, participants work in various parts of the company and complete two international assignments, one is at BMW Headquarters in Munich. During their assignments, participants gain insight into business processes, strategy, culture, and the BMW Group brands from both a local and global perspective.


The Global Leader Development Programme (GLDP) is the BMWGroup’s international graduate programme offering the opportunity to jumpstartthe career of talented graduates and young professionals.

Through completing four different assignments, participants work in variousparts of the BMW Group including BMW headquarters in Munich and anotherinternational BMW market.

During their assignments, participants gain insights into business processes,strategy, culture, and the BMW Group brands from both a local and globalperspective.

Establishing an excellent international network while working on strategic andoperational projects in three different countries, the programme provides asolid basis for a successful international career at the BMW Group.

To handle all parts purchasing related issues in China.

To assure product and process quality of suppliers andsupport JV- BMW Brilliance and BMW on all Global Sourcing and Localizationactivities related to parts quality and supplier quality management issues.


  • Master Degree preferred with major inelectrical/electronics/mechanical / automotive engineering/ vehicle engineering/non-metallic material/poly-material, or other automotive related.
  • At least 6 months of relevant work experience (e.g.internships, training, initial professional experience).
  • At maximum of 3 years professional working experience.
  • At least 4 months of relevant experience abroad (e.g.studies, practical experience, work & travel).
  • Extracurricular involvement (e.g. initial leadershipexperience in a university, community, or work setting, engagement in a studentproject, political or charity organization).
  • Business-fluent language skills in the local language,fluent English, a sharp intellect and passion for BMW.
  • Initiative, personal accountability, willingness to change, team spirit, and self-reflection. Readiness for an international career.


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Project Manager


About Company:

希马(上海)工业自动化有限公司是HIMA在中国的独资子公司,于2016年7月1日正式运行。 HIMA是安全控制系统的开创者和引领者,总部位于德国曼海姆,工厂也在德国。HIMA安全自动化解决方案遍及过程自动化、铁路安全、物流、机械安全等领域,其安全控制系统在全球安装有35,000多套, 2001-2006年,HIMA以代理商形式入住中国; 2006-2016年以合资公司-上海黑马安全自动化系统有限公司运营; 2016年起,HIMA以独资公司-希马(上海)工业自动化有限公司在中国全面开展业务。公司经营范围:自动化设备的设计,并提供相关的技术咨询、技术服务;计算机软件的设计、制作,销售自产产品;自动化设备及零配件、计算机软硬件及辅助设备的批发代理。


  • PM and his team will follow and comply with all companies standards and regulations (FSMS, QMS, RR, …) as well as show common sense approach.
  • Prepare / release project-related reports to the Engineering Manager.
  • Ensure all project documents are accurately prepared, checked and archived.
  • Support any other departments in order to keep the project up-to-date e.g. OA, F/A, Proc., Logistic.
  • Host the project transfer meeting (Sales to Eng.). Clearly identify and record the complete project scope, any made commitments to the client but also any detected deviation (technical & financial) from the contract.
  • Coordinate and prepare the initial project budget and Key Points report to ensure the project gross margin is booked accurately by reviewing the contract in terms of technical and commercial matters.
  • Organize, take part and record the KOM.
  • Issue, monitor and record completion of all activities of the project execution schedule.
  • Weekly reporting & analyzing of the project status and goals (e.g. GM, Booked costs, FAT, Delivery, Site Activities, technical and financial deviations, …) with Engineering Manager.
  • Assure the contract FS, Technical and Q commitments are met.
  • Assure the contract claim management is performed.
  • Assure the contract commercial and liabilities commitments are met.
  • Be the interface to the client and/or any other involved party in the project.


  • Engineering University Degree (Bachelor or above) in Process control, automation, turbine mechanics, thermal energy and power, …
  • 8 years of experience in the automation industry.
  • 3 year experience in team/group leading for engineering, integration, testing and commissioning of automation systems.
  • Familiar with DCS/PLC engineering activities (software and hardware application & testing and instrumentation).
  • Project management financial and commercial knowledge, cost control and claim management.
  • Functional Safety Engineer Certificate and/or Training.
  • Experience with HIMA and HIMA Products.
  • Capabilities of listening & understanding and knowledge of guiding, checking, monitoring.
  • Proactive, strong sense of responsibility.
  • Learning, analyzing problems, strong coordination and communication skills.
  • Team Leader & Team Player at the same time.
  • Communication skill in both formal and informal environments.
  • Planning and priority management.
  • Business management and customer orientation.
  • Faculty to make decisions
  • Faculty of abstraction
  • Analytical Faculty
  • Planning skills
  • Perseverance
  • Conceptual Faculty
  • Faculty of leadership
  • Faculty to motivate
  • Faculty to act appropriate
  • Customer orientation
  • Adaptiveness
  • Cross-Cultural Competence
  • Faculty to highlight customers added value
  • Persuasiveness


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Assistant to General Manager Office (German Assistant)


About Company:

双立人(ZWILLING)品牌是Peter Henckels(彼得·亨克斯先生)以双子座作为最初的构想,在德国美丽的莱茵河畔小镇索林根创立的品牌。同时也揭开了这一人类现存最古老商标之一不老传说的序幕。


作为世界领先厨具专家,德国双立人丰富的产品线拥有超过2000种产品,涵盖不锈钢刀剪、锅具、炊具、餐具,以及厨房小家电和个人修容护理产品,在传承德国优秀传统与工艺的同时,更与世界名厨及时尚设计大师跨界合作,以国际化视角,结合本地性产品,如顺应中国市场而生的ZWILLING® Dragon中式炒锅,以及更为具有开创性的产品,如ZWILLING Now系列刀具。

除了位于“刀剑之城”德国索林根的刀具研发总部以外,双立人于比利时赫伦塔尔皇家锅具厂设有不锈钢锅具研发中心、在日式刀具朝圣地日本关市设有日式刀具研究中心,当然也在拥有新兴科技且高速发展的中国上海设有不锈钢刀具及锅具研发中心。 走过280多年历程,进入中国市场20多年(1995年)以来,德国双立人以高品质的产品向全世界诠释了历史、美感、实用、匠心,在最大限度满足人类对美食与烹饪热情的同时,营造从厨房到餐桌的“仪式感”,让烹饪变得更优雅便捷。


  • Assist routine office functions and operations:
  • Manage administrative tasks to ensure the efficient workflow at the GM office. -Administrative duties as answering phones, taking messages, processing paperwork, document filing/translation, preparation of expense reports -Take care of important company chops -Issue invitation letter for headquarter staff to apply Chinese visa -Arrange trip schedules and reception for guests/visitors -Make weekly absence list and inform key managers -Organize conference and meetings as directed by GM/assistant to GM -Type correspondence and respond to headquarter requests -Make important announcement on behalf of the GM office -Draft Emails/PPT for the GM -Assist the organization of big company event -Evaluate the company public service and facility on a regular basis
  • Other tasks appointed by the GM and GM’s assistant


  • Education: Bachelor’s degree or above.
  • Study/work experience in European countries is a plus.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships with all levels of staff, clients and other strategic partners
  • Adapt to flexible working times in terms of cross team collaboration and events supporting
  • Experience: 2 year’s working experience appreciated, freshly graduate also accepted
  • Personality: analytical, mature, motivated, flexible, and detail-oriented.
  • PC: general PC skills in Microsoft office
  • Speak fluent Chinese and English, Fluent in German is a must
  • Other languages, such as French, Italian etc. is a plus.


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Senior Electrical Automation Engineer / 资深电气自动化工程师

Schenck Shanghai Machinery Company(SSM)

About Company:


上海申克机械有限公司是世界著名企业-德国卡尔申克股份公司(Schenck) 在华投资并控股100%的德资企业,公司同时隶属于跨国公司-德国杜尔 (Dürr) 集团。自1999年9月10日成立以来,我们的各项业务、销售额以及员工数量的稳步发展,现员工人数达到600多人。




公司员工中60%为中/高级技术/管理人员, 其余为技术工人。每年有若干员工到德国总部培训或参加各种技术和商务会议。

“申克伴你成长, 你助申克发展”是员工和公司双赢的理念。

公司注重企业文化建设和员工素质培养,自2010年3月设立了申克网络培训课堂, 满足公司和个人全方位的需求。

公司管理采用先进的SAP企业经营系统,公司管理和运作全部信息化,从而快速响应市场需求。 “质量在我手中, 用户在我心中”, 这是公司赖以发展的质量方针, 力求成为全球用户忠实和可靠的伙伴 !

诚挚欢迎您成为上海申克机械有限公司大家庭中的一员 !


  • 图纸设计、BOM编制、审核、归档
  • 电气系统的方案制定、评审
  • 设计中目标成本的控制
  • 设计验证PLC程序编制、审核、归档,并按要求模块化
  • 提供机器的电气配置和控制方面方案
  • 提供技术参数,完善技术条款
  • 撰写与电气控制相关的技术文档
  • 结合改进设计降低成本
  • 生产过程及测试中技术问题的及时处理
  • 创新和专利的申报
  • 对客户现场的服务工程师的技术支持


  • 本科以上学历,电气自动化相关专业
  • 熟悉Visual Studio编程平台,能熟练使用C#, VB.NET,VB6等高级编程语言,有实际开发经验;
  • 精通如何进行软件的单元、功能测试;
  • 了解敏捷软件开发模式(AGILE或者SCRUM),有实际应用经验***;
  • 了解自动机软件的控制原理,例如PLC编程;
  • 具备良好的文档编写习惯和代码书写规范,能按要求撰写与设备相关的技术文档;
  • 具备良好的团队协作精神,有现场调试、解决故障的分析动手能力,学习和逻辑思维能力强;有团队管理经验者优先
  • CET-6及以上,英语水平良好,能阅读英文技术文档,能与国外工程师沟通。


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Branch Manager

European piping manufacturer in the field of city planning and industrial engineering

About Company:

Our Client is an European piping manufacturer in the field of city planning and industrial engineering. For the business development and expansion in mainland China, we are now looking for a new Branch Manager.


  • Sales and Marketing of system
  • Development of new & existing clients
  • Senior technical proposal preparation, presentation and contract negotiation
  • Analyse existing and new market opportunities in China


  • Bachelor degree or above in business management/marketing or related field
  • Above 5 years' working experiences in utilities
  • Proficient in Computer skills, strong communication as well as organisation & strong planning skills
  • Fluent in English


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Sales Manager (for New Accounts)

European leading manufactures in railway and industry field

About Company:

Our Client is one of the European leading manufactures in railway and industry field. Now we are looking for a new Sales Manager for their Shanghai branch.


Report to: General Manager

  • Defining the best suited go-to market model to maximize the profitability in the assigned field
  • Executing the sales strategy and develops his market segment
  • Recognizing the customer needs and initiates new product ideas
  • Driving contract negotiations and prepares the required documents
  • Ensuring a strong mutual cooperation with engineering
  • Being independent and responsible for working in the acquisition and development of new customers


  • Bachelor degree or above in Engineering and/or Commercial majority
  • At least 5 years of experience in the related industry
  • Work experience in sales with train operators and/or metro companies insignaling field is an asset
  • Strong technical skills in and experience from working closely with customers is highly valued
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Flexibility to travel and work in a multi-cultural environment
  • Fluency in Chinese and English, other languages are positive valued


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Head of Human Resource, Recruitment & Training Service

German Industry and Commerce Greater China | Guangzhou

About Company:

German Industry and Commerce Greater China | Guangzhou is part of the global network of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad. We promote Sino-German business relations and support the business activities of companies both from Germany and China with a broad range of services.

More informationen: www.china.ahk.de


Recruitment Service

  • Responsible for the business development of recruitment service, including online job portal and offline executive search;
  • Conduct professional executive search for clients by analyzing position requirements, utilizing -effective job portals and taking individualized candidate pre-selection etc.;
  • Engage in comprehensive management of applicants and candidates;
  • Offer German companies with information about HR strategy, employee compliance management etc. in China.

Training Service

  • Explore business opportunities with training partners, clients;
  • Investigate and observe market trends, customer needs etc. to ensure professional training service;
  • Project management of public and in-house trainings by offering consultancy and solutions;
  • Supervise the marketing activities such as training brochure, weekly mailings, Wechat newsletters etc.

Internal HR Management

  • Management of human resource operations in South & Southwest China including but not limited to talent acquisition, compliance, learning & development, visa of foreign employees, performance and HR record management;
  • Responsible for compensation and benefits with Finance Department for 3 regional offices;
  • Provide human resources support and consultation to senior management;
  • Involved in other HR projects and events.


  • Bachelor’s degree or above, with a minimum of 3 years working experience in Human Resource management or related service providers;
  • Ability to lead and work with a team;
  • Chinese native speaker, proficient in English both orally & written, German is a plus;
  • Problem-solver with decent approaches;
  • Good intercultural competence and interpersonal communication skills ;
  • Self-motivated and result-driven.


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AUDI China Enterprise Management

Intern, Vehicle Development Support/汽车产品技术分析实习生

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus – Beijing Office

Intern / Praktikum / 实习生

German Industry & Commerce Greater China | Beijing


Praktikum Human Resources人力资源部实习生




Vorwerk Commercial Co., LTD

Product Marketing Intern

NAI Sofia Group

Administrative Assistant (Internship)


Sievert Baoye quick-mix Building Materials (Hefei) Co., Ltd

Management Trainee


Benecke Changshun Eco Trim (Changzhou) Co.,Ltd.

Department Intern

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