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万豪酒店品牌于杭州揭开全新篇章 可便捷前往长三角区域城市及目的地


Surrounded by the tranquil Qingshan Lake, the Marriott Hotel Lin’An is the second Marriott Hotels in historic Hangzhou

毗邻静谧怡人的青山湖湖畔,杭州第二家万豪品牌酒店 —— 杭州临安万豪酒店精彩揭幕

Hangzhou Lin'an, China – June 28, 2018 – Marriott International, Inc. today announces the Grand Opening of Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin'an. Under Marriott International’s flagship brand Marriott Hotels, the hotel marks the completion of the new district of Qing Shan Hu Science & Technology City, an emerging business and economic hub in the region. It is Marriott Hotel’s second hotel in historic Hangzhou.

中国杭州临安,2018年6月28日】– 万豪国际集团(纳斯达克股票代码:MAR)正式宣布旗下杭州临安万豪酒店揭幕。万豪酒店作为万豪国际集团的旗舰品牌,全新开业的杭州临安万豪酒店是杭州的第二家万豪酒店。杭州临安万豪酒店的开业成为杭州临安新兴商业及金融中心——杭州青山湖科技城的重要组成部分。

“Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin’an offers modern comforts in a convenient location allowing guests to travel more brilliantly during their stay,” said Henry Lee, Chief Operations Officer of and Managing Director, Greater China, Marriott International. “Lin’an in northwest Zhejiang is a dynamic destination that’s connected to key cities in the Yangtze River Delta region including metropolitan Shanghai, historical Nanjing and cultural Suzhou offering our guests a wide variety of options whether they are traveling for business or leisure.”

“杭州临安万豪酒店地理位置优越,交通便捷,将致力于为宾客带来舒适及高品质的入住体验, 万豪国际集团大中华区首席运营官兼董事总经理李雨生(Henry Lee)表示,临安位于浙江西北部,是一个充满活力的新兴目的地,与长江三角洲地区的重点城市紧密相连,如摩登都市上海,历史古都南京与文化名城苏州,将为商务及休闲宾客呈献丰富精彩的服务体验。”

“The Marriott Hotels brand has been on an exciting journey of transformation to reinvent travel experiences,” said Mike Fulkerson, Vice President, Brand Marketing Asia-Pacific, Marriott International. “The opening of Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin’an underscores our commitment to growing the Marriott Hotels brand in gateway cities around the world.”

“万豪酒店品牌经历了一场令人兴奋的转型之旅,重塑了旅行体验。” 万豪国际集团亚太区品牌推广副总裁霍日燊(Mike Fulkerson)表示,“杭州临安万豪酒店的开业,突显了我们致力于在世界各地的门户城市发展万豪酒店品牌的承诺。”

A place where innovation meets relaxation, Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin’an features 300 sophisticated guest rooms that reflect the Marriott Modern design ethos. Traditional in-room work desks have been replaced with portable, flexible table designs paired with chaise longues, offering a multi-functional area that’s suitable for work or for relaxation. Simple, modern interiors are complemented with local bamboo accents, which drew inspiration from nearby Yunxi Zhujing bamboo forest.

酒店拥有300间宽敞舒适的客房及套房,设计风格均体现着Marriott Modern的设计美学,融创新突破且灵活便利。传统的室内工作桌转变为轻便灵活的工作空间并配备休闲椅,多功能区域可用于工作或休憩。简约现代的室内装饰点缀着竹子等当地元素,其灵感源自酒店周边的新西湖十景之一的云栖竹径。

For distinctive dining experiences, guests can choose from a variety of inventive dining options. All-day dining restaurant Lin'an Kitchen features an endless selection of international and regional cuisines, as well as dynamic live cooking stations where guests can interact with hotel chefs. Marriott Hotels’ signature Chinese restaurant Man Ho showcases the best of traditional Hangzhou and Cantonese cuisines, and also offers 12 private rooms for private celebrations. Meanwhile, JIN represents the style and elegance of the Korean culture through its modern culinary offerings, while staying true to its Korean roots.


“We are excited to open Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin’an as the first international branded hotel in the Qing Shan Hu Science & Technology City,” said Clarence Ma, General Manager, Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin’an. “As the Lin’an district continues to flourish to become an important business, economic and tourist hub in the region, the hotel is set to connect both leisure and business travelers alike and offer them moments of brilliance.”

杭州临安万豪酒店总经理马骏(Clarence Ma)表示:“杭州临安万豪酒店的开业作为首家进驻临安的国际品牌酒店,我们非常兴奋。自临安区成立以来,该区域内商业及金融业发展蓬勃,旅游资源日趋成熟,杭州临安万豪酒店将凭借专业高效的服务品质为商务及休闲宾客提供精彩的入住体验。”

Hangzhou Marriott Hotel Lin’an offers more than 2,200 square-meters of meeting and event spaces that can accommodate a variety of occasions, with twelve multi-functional meeting rooms that are flooded with natural daylight and come equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi. Complemented with Marriott Hotel’s Meetings Imagined philosophy, hosts at Hangzhou Marriot Hotel Lin’an can work with planners to create events that enable creativity to flow.

杭州临安万豪酒店提供超过2,200平方米的会议及活动空间,可满足不同规模的会议及活动需求。12间多功能会议室,配备齐全且高品质的视听设备以及高速Wi-Fi连接服务。通过万豪酒店品牌特色Meetings Imagined数字会议平台,会议策划者可获得丰富的会议灵感,同时,酒店内专业细致的会议服务团队,充分满足宾客一切会议及宴会需求。

About Marriott Hotels With more than 6,500 hotels and resorts in over 120 countries around the world, Marriott Hotels is evolving travel through every aspect of the guest’s stay, enabling the next generation to Travel Brilliantly. Boldly transforming itself for mobile and global travelers who blend work and play, Marriott leads the industry with innovations, including the Greatroom lobby and Mobile Guest Services that elevates style & design and technology. All Marriott hotels participate in the award winning Marriott Rewards frequent travel program that allows members to earn hotel points or airline miles for every dollar spent during each stay.


万豪酒店于全球120多个国家和地区拥有超过6500家酒店及度假酒店,致力全方位提升宾客的入住体验,携手新一代旅客“旅˙获精彩”(Travel Brilliantly)。万豪酒店通过突破性改革,全面提升形象、设计及科技水准,为移动设备使用者及全球旅客打造工作与休闲兼备的体验。同时打造“大堂吧”(Greatroom Lobby)及“手机客房服务”(Mobile Guest Services)等提升品牌在设计及科技运用上的创新元素。返回搜狐,查看更多


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