+86 411 8282 0606

Colorful Courses in Smile Chinese

Business Communication in China

Experiencing Chinese(60~80 class hours) is designed to complete ab...

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Reading Newspaper and Learning Chinese

Reading Newspaper and Learning Chinese is designed for foreigners ...

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Traveling in China

Experiencing Chinese:Traveling in Chinais one course especially fo...

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Living in China

Experience Chinese:Living in China(40-50 classes) is designed for ...

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HSK Exams

All the materials for this course are created and edited by our te...

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Our cultural program is specially designed for those who have grea...

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Intermediate course (Accelerate Ⅰ Ⅱ)

This textbook is designed mainly for training ability of verbal ex...

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Advanced Course (Advanced Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ )

This course is designed for the foreign beginners who dont have an...

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Daily Chinese - Beginners

Class Content Our Daily Chinese for beginners course is divided in...

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Smile Chinese for Kids

Our Smile Chinese for Teens course includes topics such as greetin...

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Daily Chinese - Advanced

Class Content Our Daily Chinese course for advanced level learners...

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Business Chinese - Advanced

Class Content Our advanced Business Chinese course focuses towards...

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Courses in Smile Chinese

  • Basic Chinese Courses

    This course is designed for the foreign beginners who don’t have any foundation of Chinese. In order to avoid foreign students’

  • Practical Spoken Chinese

    Our Daily Chinese course follows the ACTFL, CEFR and HSK reference level standards and is divided into three phases with 9 levels

  • Business Chinese

    Our Business Chinese courses have been specifically developed for foreign business people who are looking to develop and improve

  • Chinese for Young Learners

    Our Smile Chinese for Young Learners curriculum has been specifically designed for learners aged 3 - 9 years.

  • Pinyin Made Easy

    This course has been specifically designed for learners with zero-based learning and conducts a comprehensive overview of consonants,

  • Chinese Characters

    Characters are an essential part of Chinese culture and by learning them you get a deeper understanding of the language and in the long

  • Chinese for Tourism

    Our Chinese for Tourism course is specifically designed for students intending to travel to China or improve their Chinese for all aspects of

  • HSK Exams

    China's Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) is the standardized national test used to determine the fluency of non-native speakers in Chinese and is

  • Experience Chinese

    This is the only official test for non-native speakers’ Business Chinese level, and it was developed by Peking University at the request of

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Why Smile Chinese ?

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Smile Story

  • 微笑汉语 · 冬日温情生日会
  • 汉语游学
  • 微笑汉语的老师们
  • 微笑汉语国际夏令营回忆
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Smile Videos

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Smile Chinese School tries its best to design the proper Chinese curriculum and teaching pattern to provide our foreign friends with the first-class studying environment.

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I am from Italy, I am satisfy with school' s service at airport pick up, accommodation and meal. I feel relieved.

25 Jul 2016 by Linda

I study many things about Chinese culture in Smile Chinese school, such as calligraphy, paper-cut, tea art and so on. I am really interested in these.

25 Jul 2016 by Ross

The atmosphere of school is warm and full of energy which make me enjoy studying Chinese in school. So cool!

25 Jul 2016 by Brent

What’s New

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Discounts & Promotions

VIP study card of reservation service in Smile Chinese

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Culture Essence

  • Spring Festival

    Jul 06,2016

    Spring Festivalis the most important festival in China lasting more than 4000 years.The celebration traditionally runs from the first day of first month to the fifteenth day in Chinese lunar calender.Usually a month ago,people begin to buy food,new clothe

  • Lantern Festival

    Jul 06,2016

    Lantern Festivalis one of the Chinese traditional festivals on the fifteenth day of first month in Chinese lunar calender.In China,the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night xiao.And the 15thday is the first ni

  • Qing Ming Festival

    Jul 06,2016

    Qing Ming Festival(清明节) ,one of the 24 seasonal division points in China, falling on April 4-6 each year.After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. But the Qingming Festival

  • Dragon Boat Festival

    Jul 06,2016

    Dragon Boat Festivalas a traditional Chinese festival,has been declared a “world intangible heritage”.It’s celebrated on fifth day of fifth month in Chinese lunar calendar.There are many legends about the evolution of the festival, the most popular of whi

  • QiXi Festival

    Jul 06,2016

    QiXi Festivalon the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance.There is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation. Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand)li

  • Mid-Autumn Festival

    Jul 06,2016

    Mid-Autumn Festivalfalls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar monthin Chinese lunarcalendar,which is the second most important festival. It is said that Chang E is living in the moon with Yu Tu,a cute rabbit.People in different places follow various customs,

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Romantic Dalian

  • 大连中心全景
  • 亚洲最大星海广场
  • 东港夜色
  • 渔人码头
  • 中山广场
  • 跨海大桥
  • 希望广场
  • 百年纪念雕塑
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+86 411 8282 0606
+86 411 8282 0606

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