

 At 30km a day, govt hit top gear in building national highways in FY19



NEW DELHI: Highway construction and expansion in the country touched 10,800 km in 2018-19, which translates to nearly 30 km per day making it the highest pace of construction during the NDA regime. In contrast, the previous UPA regime saw maxmum highway construction in 2012-13 when the government added and expanded 5,732 km of roads.


A comparative analysis of the recent data also shows that during the last year of the current regime of NDA ending March 31 highway construction was almost two-and-a-half times more than the total construction reported during 2013-14. For Narendra Modi government, the huge jump in highway construction is one of the major achievements, which it is highlighting in its poll campaign.


TOI has learnt that the maxmum length of highway construction has been reported from highway minister Nitin Gadkari’s home state, Maharashtra (approxmately 2,100 km) during 2018-19.

印度时报获悉,2018-19年期间,公路建设里程最长的邦为印度公路部长Nitin Gadkari的家乡马哈拉施特拉邦,达到2100公里左右


Data show that during five years of UPA-II a total of about 24,690 km were build or widened while during the current NDA regime the total construction touched nearly 39,350 km, which is an increase of about 70%.


Unlike the developed countries where highway construction usually means laying of new roads, highway development in India is largely focused on widening of exsting roads.



译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/47364.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


Tamil Selvan - Salem - 2 days ago -Follow

Once the basic infrastructure , roads, water, sanitation is developed the country will develop automatically irrespective of political parties in power

一旦基础设施建设到位,无论哪个政党掌权, 印度都能向前发展。


Looter Khangress - Khangress - 2 days ago -Follow

So much corruption opportunity lost for khangress.



narasarao - Hyd - 2 days ago -Follow

The Modi Effect!



Aishvaraya Gupta - 2 days ago -Follow

Hats off to work done by Nitin Gadkari... best minister in present govt

向印度公路部长Nitin Gadkari致敬…现任政府里面最好的部长


asram asram - 2 days ago -Follow

that is the main thing every government should l do anything the way is the main thing for the development of the country



Ashley King - 2 days ago -Follow

Huge infrastructure development during NDA 5 years, yes failed in providing enough employments but these infra developments sure surfaced employment in coming years.



Thiagarajan - Chennai - 2 days ago -Follow

Road building pace is fine.. Govt should plan for getting rid of toll collections after the costs have been recovered. Else at one point, people would have to pay even to step out of their house..



Realhindu - pune - 2 days ago -Follow

thanks Modi for reducing my home loan to 8.35 percent also received prime minister awas Yojana 2.70 lakhs as subsidy



Indian - 2 days ago -Follow

but people of India doesn't care about robot building and nation development

what people of India want is freebies and caste based reservation and 6000 rupees per month

people of India will remain poor and countries like us and will develop




Dilip Deshpande - 2 days ago -Follow

Wonderful achievement of the govt. there will becpeople who will never give credit Modiji. But the Modern India believes doers and not sloganeers. Modiji for next 5 years, hands down



Ramesh Pai - 2 days ago -Follow

Congres and leftists believe that making good roads is a waste because it will be used by the rich people owning cars only. They forget that there is a middle class which uses the roads for transportation and commuting too! We have seen tremendous explosion in road building in Gujarat over the last two decades and hence Gujarat has progressed a lot better than other states!




Krishan Kumar Totlani - Jaipur - 2 days ago -Follow

So NDA made 30 KM per day against UPA who made only 10KM per day



Keysman K - 2 days ago -Follow

Wonderful to see this information well done to Modiji government



Nitish Choudhary - Delhi - 2 days ago -Follow

That''s nice to see



Kamal Thadani - Pune - 2 days ago -Follow

Credit goes to Nitin Gadkari.

印度公路部长Nitin Gadkari功不可没


Shahid - 1 day ago -Follow

Great Job, indeed - team Chowkidar Modi. Keep adding up inckuding Bharat And Sagar mala highways in the next 5 years. Wherever, i went people said - MODI, MODI.



Rabul - New Delhi - 2 days ago -Follow

Congress was busy with corruption



Ramesh Pai - 2 days ago -Follow

Probably same amount of money was used during he congress days, BUT half of it went to corruption!



Truth - 2 days ago -Follow

They should also build footpaths in all major cities!



Ramkumar - Bengaluru - 2 days ago -Follow

Good Achievement. Border roads specifically around has to be strengthened. All towns, villages and cities should a connection to highways.



chowkidar shilpy shilpy - onthescene - 1 day ago -Follow

namo''s bjp constructs 30 km road a day.

scamgressis looted 30 kg of rs 1000 notes every single day.



Abdul - 2 days ago -Follow

All fake , there is Bombay Goa highway started work in 2013 and still not completed halfway mark .



Ikmb - India - 2 days ago -Follow

Next five years India will run at fastest speed ever...



Factsfirst - 2 days ago -Follow

Their calculation is different. They calculate each lane as a separate road which is why its that much



Nitin Hirey - Mumbai - 2 days ago -Follow

The Road development started in UPA time, It is natural in initial period the pace will be slow, when a kid born,he don''t run, he takes baby steps, after 2-3 years he tried to stand and then walk and then starts to run.



Rajlaxmi Tripathy - 1 day ago -Follow

More infrastructure means country is develo very fast.



Amritashya - Others - 2 days ago -Follow

except in Assam where it's still at snail's pace..



Chel - 2 days ago -Follow

Modi doesn't have to do anything with this since he doesn't know the difference between asphalt and concrete


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