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2021-10-29 13:08 来源:中国城市规划网



Pre-announcement on International Competition for

Urban Design of Donghai Central Activities Zone in Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road New City


Urban Planning Society of China (the organizing supporter) is commissioned by Quanzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau and Quanzhou Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd (the organizer) jointly to launch this open international competition activity for Urban Design of Donghai Central Activities Zone in Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road New City (hereinafter referred to as “this solicitation activity”)。 The relevant matters are hereby pre-announced as follows.


I.Project Background


Quanzhou has glorious historical and cultural heritage, beautiful landscape environment and strong economic foundation. After the successful application of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Project, Quanzhou has entered a new stage of development. In order to implement the strategic requirements for the construction of two major coordinative development zones and three central cities by the Fujian provincial party committee and the provincial government, Quanzhou put forward the strategic goal of “developing towards the bay and opening the era around the bay”, and clearly point out that the bay area will be the focus of Quanzhou's future development in the new round of territorial planning. In order to enhance the level and vitality of the city centre, promote the quality upgrade of Quanzhou, highlight the characteristics and image of Quanzhou, and improve the competitiveness of Quanzhou in the Xiamen-Fuzhou-Quanzhou region, the Quanzhou municipal government has proposed a great plan to build “Maritime Silk Road New Area” around the bay; the Donghai Area and Jindong Area will be the two major central activities zones (CAZ), and the development positioning of the Donghai Area as the “Gateway of Maritime Silk Road Headquarters” has been preliminarily established.


The Donghai Central Activities Zone is an important starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk Road. It is located in the eastern suburb of Quanzhou central urban area, on the north bank of Jinjiang River, and on the west bank of Luoyang River; it is at the core of the estuary of the two rivers, with mountains behind and the sea in front, known as “Two Rivers” (Jinjiang River and Luoyang River) around “Two Mountains” (Daping Mountain and Taohua Mountain)。 To the west of the area is the ancient town of Quanzhou and Fengze central area; to the east are the built Quanzhou administrative centre and public cultural centre, the headquarters office, and residential communities.


This solicitation activity sincerely invites excellent planning and design institutions around the world to participate, and propose planning and design schemes with international vision, forward thinking, and creative concepts, to plan Donghai Central Activities Zone with high standards and high quality, making it an international gateway area of Maritime Silk Road that shows the coastal characteristics of Quanzhou and the southern Fujian culture in the new era.


图1 项目区位示意图

Figure 1. Location of the project site




This solicitation activity is divided into two stages, namely “scheme formulation” and “follow-up scheme deepening”.


(Ⅰ)Scheme formulation


The work in the scheme formulation stage mainly includes:


To study the spatial relationship between Donghai Area and Jindong Area, and through in-depth investigation of the resources and advantages, problems and challenges of the area, to put forward systematic design scheme of the overall spatial structure, functional layout, urban style on both sides of Jinjiang River, sight corridors, traffic organization, etc. To echo with the thousand-year-old ancient town, inherit the characteristics of Quanzhou’s world cultural heritage, and create a more charming and attractive urban core that best represents Quanzhou’s future image in the competition and coordination among the three major cities of Xiamen, Fuzhou and Quanzhou.


To fully recognize and analyse the site, explore the traditional spatial characteristics of Quanzhou, inherit the traditional urban planning concept, and enhance the historical context and influence as the world-famous city of Maritime Silk Road. To focus on the key elements of the overall image and urban characteristics of the area, carry out specific design of architecture, public space, landscape environment and traffic organization, and put forward control requirements to guide the follow-up architecture and landscape design.


(Ⅱ)Follow-up scheme deepening


The applicant institution who is responsible for the follow-up scheme deepening stage shall optimize and develop the scheme according to the opinions of the jury committee and the organizer, absorb the advantages of other schemes, to form an integrated and original design scheme.


III.Planning and Design Scope


The planning and design scope is divided into three spatial levels:


Overall research of Donghai Area and Jindong Area: includes the Donghai Peninsula, the Jindong Area, and the Jinjiang estuary, the area is about 31.7 square kilometres.


Urban design of Donghai Central Activities Zone: includes Houpu, Jinqi, Xunbu and other areas, north to Jinjiang Bridge, south to Donghong Road, west to Fenghai Road, east to Bincheng Avenue, the area is about 2.9 square kilometres.


Detailed urban design of the core area: includes Xunbu and Jinqi, the area is about 0.9 square kilometres.


图2 设计范围示意图

Figure 2. Diagram of the design scope


IV.Application Requirements


This solicitation activity opens application to domestic and foreign institutions, and there are no qualification requirements. This solicitation activity accepts application by consortium, and there is no limit on the number of consortium members, but the members of the consortium are not allowed to apply separately on their own or form another consortium. Applicant institutions should have corresponding industry research abilities on Central Activities Zone (CAZ); if not, applicant institutions can hire an industry consulting agency as the consultant or form a consortium. Considering the impact of COVID-19, foreign applicant institutions (without branches in China) must form a consortium with domestic institutions. Applications by individuals or groups of individuals will not be accepted.


Domestic and foreign design institutions must be legally registered and have valid business licenses, and must be independent corporate legal entity. For two or more legal entities whose legal representative is the same person, the parent company, the wholly-owned subsidiary and the holding company are not allowed to apply at the same time.




Applicant institutions with planning and design experience similar to this project will be given priority:

(1) Comprehensive research ability and practical experience of urban design for international central activities zones (CAZ), city centres, and waterfront areas;

(2) Rich experience in urban planning, urban design, architectural style and public space design.


V.Fees and Awards


This solicitation activity is divided into two stages, namely “scheme formulation” and “follow-up scheme deepening”. Six applicant institutions will be shortlisted to participate in the scheme formulation stage through qualification review. After the shortlisted applicant institutions submit valid application documents in accordance with the requirements of the Solicitation Document, the jury committee will review and determine the ranking of schemes, and award the corresponding design fees.





The first place: a bonus of RMB 8.0 million (including RMB 3.0 million bonus for scheme formulation stage and RMB 5.0 million for the follow-up scheme deepening stage; including tax);

The second place: a bonus of RMB 2.5 million (including tax);

The third place: a bonus of RMB 2.0 million (including tax);

The fourth, fifth and sixth places: a compensation fee of RMB 1.5 million (including tax) each.


In principle, the applicant institution who wins the first place will be responsible for the follow-up scheme deepening; the design fee for the follow-up scheme deepening stage will be RMB 5.0 million (including tax)。 Specific matters will be negotiated according to follow-up arrangements.




It is planned to determine the shortlist of applicant institutions and organize the site survey and hold the project release conference in December 2021. The chief designer and the team members of the applicant institutions are required to attend the conference. The design period of the scheme formulation stage is about 3 months (including holidays)。 The schedule shall be subject to the final official announcement.




The final official announcement will be issued soon on the website of Urban Planning Society of China (, and the website of Quanzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau (。 Relevant contents shall be subject to the final official announcement. If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English, the content in Chinese shall prevail.

欢迎有意向机构进行咨询。咨询电话:雷工 010-58323868,张工 010-58323854

Institutions who intend to participate are welcome to contact. Contact: Miss Lei 010-58323868, Miss Zhang 010-58323854.


October 29, 2021




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