
首页 -  艺术设计 -  设计赛事 - 2019年武汉创意设计大赛公告


今年首届武汉创意设计大赛的主题是“精致城市 创意空间”,由武汉市人民政府主办,武汉市城乡建设局和武汉市市政建设集团联合承办,旨在将武汉城市公共空间建设与设计之都建设相结合,强调全民参与,利用联合国教科文组织创意城市网络这一国际化平台,实现全球传播,更好地宣传武汉城建设计文化,加快推进武汉世界一流创意城市的建设,奋力谱写新时代武汉高质量发展新篇章。












“精致城市 创意空间”
























5.报名截止日期:2019年9月10日 20:00




注:获奖应征人为两位或两位以上的,获奖应征人自行分配奖⾦, 所涉纷争与大赛组委会无关。组委会将在本次活动全部结束并收到获奖应征人提交的全部合格文件后,将依法扣除税后的奖⾦发放至获奖应征人指定账户。

1、年度最具创意设计大奖(1名)  10万元(税前)


2、公共空间设计——应用设施设计 共计18万(税前)

金奖1名   奖金6万元/名(税前)

银奖2名   奖金2万元/名(税前)

铜奖3名   奖金1万元/名(税前)

优秀奖10名  奖金0.5万元/名(税前)

3、公共空间设计——景观设计 共计18万(税前)

金奖1名   奖金6万元/名(税前)

银奖2名   奖金2万元/名(税前)

铜奖3名   奖金1万元/名(税前)

优秀奖10名  奖金0.5万元/名(税前)

4、老城新生社区升级——社区公共空间设计(综合设计) 共计27万(税前)

金奖1名   奖金7万元/名(税前)

银奖2名   奖金3万元/名(税前)

铜奖3名   奖金2万元/名(税前)

优秀奖10名  奖金0.8万元/名(税前)


















The first Wuhan Creative Design Contest will be held this year under the theme of “Delicate City, Creative Space”. It will be hosted by Wuhan Municipal People's Government and jointly undertaken by Wuhan Urban and Rural Construction Bureau and Wuhan Municipal Construction Group. Aiming at combining the urban public space design with the construction of the “City of Design”, the contest puts emphasis on wide public participation.  It will achieve the goal of sharing and promoting Wuhan’s urban design culture to the world through the international platform of UCCN. It will also accelerate the construction of Wuhan into an internationally renowned creative city, as well as write a new chapter featuring high quality development for Wuhan in this new era.

Relying on the mainstream media, the contest is open to all the professional institutions and the general public. It will last for four months and include numerous stages such as the call for entries, design selection, winner announcement and awarding. There will be a final selection of Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, as well as the Most Creative Design Award of the Year. In early November, the winning designs will be officially awarded and exhibited in an independent session during Wuhan Design Day 2019 & Fifth Wuhan Design Biennale launched on Nov 1st, 2019. They may further be directly adopted in the process of urban construction and operation of the city.


Host: Wuhan Municipal People's Government

Organizer: Wuhan Urban and Rural Construction Bureau

Wuhan Municipal Construction Group Co.,Ltd.


Supporters: China National Commission for UNESCO

Chinese Creative Cities Network

Wuhan Design Industry Promotion Office

2.Time Frame and Scale

From August to November 2019

It is open to professional design institutes, students, social organizations and individuals who are fond of creative design worldwide.


“Delicate City, Creative Space”

4.Design Principles

“Smart, Green, Humanity, Art”. It is encouraged to make proposals to envision future public space in Wuhan from multiple perspectives.

Smart - the adoption of IOT, cloud computing, big data and AI technology in the 5G era to improve the functionality of future public space in Wuhan.

Green - maximizing the use of the renewable energies such as natural light, solar energy and wind power, the conservation of resources (saving energy, land, water and wood), and the reduction of environmental pollution, energy consumption and the cost to provide comfortable, healthy and convenient service for the object recipients.

Humanity - proposing suggestions and ideas for cozier spaces and environments which reflect the people-centered concept that focuses on the everyday needs, services and processes.

Art - putting forward innovative ideas on the decoration, exterior design, and equipment layout of the public space and supporting facilities, all of which can help retain Wuhan traditions while not neglecting modernity in the design. Public spaces and their supporting facilities can thus be transformed into works of art in life, becoming important landmarks for the city and blending into the daily lives of citizens.

5.Design Focus

The focus area of this contest is the broad-sensed public space and its supporting facilities, which are classified into two types:

(1) Layout Design of Public Spaces at the Waterfront and Lakefront. Natural open space plays an increasingly important role in regulating the city environment. The rich natural resources along the East-lake Greenway and river beaches of Wuhan can be used to their full advantage  when using creative design while aiming to strengthen peoples’ ties and accessibility to nature  and maintaining a scientific, reasonable, healthy and perfect city pattern. It is further divided into two targets:

  1. a) The Design of Facilities in Public Spaces

Proposals may include but are not limited to design of public facilities for the disabled, benches, indicating and lighting facilities, kiosks and mobile libraries, dustbins, guard bars, bus stations, children’s facilities, entertainment and fitting facilities, public toilets and multifunctional service stations of the scenic areas.

  1. b) Landscape Design of Public Spaces

The natural elements available at the waterfront and lakefront areas in Wuhan can be fully used to design the landscape facades, gardening and art facilities to improve citizens’ taste of life and spiritual pursuit.

(2) Upgrading the Old Communities—public space design in the communities (integrated design).

It is encouraged to make creative proposals for implementing urban renewal and organic renovation in an orderly manner to address the many challenges facing Wuhan city: the decline in quality of environments in communities over time, the misuse of space, and damage to historic and cultural heritage; the beautification and renovation of the outward appearances of buildings, street facades, skyline, hues;renewal of urban space, inheritance of cultural context and revival of functions.

The entrants (including organizations) can choose one or all of the above three focus areas  to submit their proposals.

Requirements for Submission

All submissions should provide the following items:

(1) One hi-resolution photo of the main designer in jpg format and his CV; photos in jpg format of 2 designers in the participating team. The main designer with the two participants on the application form would possibly be designated as winners. Please fill in the form carefully.

(2) Images of the design. Every piece of the design should  be complete. For engineering designs, the applicant should provide at least 8 real-scene photos or renderings ( no more than 12), supported by main floor plan, which can be supplemented with hand-painted drawings. For solutions, the applicant should provide at least 4 images, of which the high-precision renderings should be not less than 2. The name of the designers and companies should not be included in the photos of the works and design description.

(3) A brief design description (fixed format, see attached application form)

(4) Requirements for images: each image should be over 300 dpi and in CMYK format. All the drawings should be provided in hi-resolution jpg files.

(5) Deadline: 20:00, September 10, 2019


Telephone: +86 27 85799940


Note: If a winning design is submitted by two or more designers, the designers should allocate the bonus by themselves. The organizing committee shall not be responsible for any disputes caused by allocation of bonus between / among the co-designers.

After the event, the organizing committee will issue the bonus (after tax) to the designated account of the winners after receiving all the qualified documents submitted by the applicant.

  1. Most Creative Design Award of the Year (1 winner) ,¥100,000 (pre-tax)

It will be selected from all the applications.

  1. Public Space Design--Facilities Design, totally¥180,000 (pre-tax)

1 Gold Award, Bonus ¥60,000 for each(pre-tax)

2 Silver Awards, Bonus ¥20,000 for each(pre-tax)

3 Bronze Awards, Bonus ¥10,000 for each(pre-tax)

10 Merit Awards,  Bonus ¥5,000 for each(pre-tax)

  1. Public Space Design--Landscape Design, totally¥180,000(pre-tax)

1 Gold Award,  Bonus ¥60,000 for each(pre-tax)

2 Silver Awards, Bonus ¥20,000 for each(pre-tax)

3 Bronze Awards, Bonus ¥10,000 for each(pre-tax)

10 Merit Awards, Bonus ¥5,000 for each(pre-tax)

  1. Upgrade the old communities—public space design in the communities (integrated design),totally¥270,000(pre-tax)

1 Gold Award, Bonus ¥70,000 for each(pre-tax)

2 Silver Awards, Bonus ¥30,000 for each(pre-tax)

3 Bronze Awards,  Bonus ¥20,000 for each(pre-tax)

10 Merit Awards,  Bonus ¥8,000 for each(pre-tax)

  1. Other requirements

(1) The design works should express both the Wuhan urban culture and Jinchu ancient culture

(2) The design works should be original of the designer(s).All the applications must not be published or exhibited in any form. Intellectual property of the third party must not be infringed upon.

(3) The design works should contain both creative concept and  artistic style. The design sketches can be hand drawn or computer drawn with detailed design description attached (such as size, crafts and cost).

(4) The design should meet the actual application and construction requirements of the specific project.

(5) The design should be easy to use, safe, aesthetic, reasonable, environmentally friendly, cost controllable and actionable.

(6) The organizer reserves the copyright of all the winning works

  1. Process

The contest will be organized through three stages:

(1) Stage 1: Call for entries ( August --10 September 2019)

The call is open widely to professional design institutes, students, social organizations and individuals who are fond of creative design.

(2) Stage 2: Finalist selection and online display voting (11 September --20 September 2019)

The organizer makes an initial selection of the applications according to the requirements and criteria to get a shortlist.

An online vote will be organized after the shortlist is announced to the public on the main media platform and UCCN.

(3) Final Selection Recognition (21 September --10 November 2019)

The organizer will carry out a final selection of the awards for the 2019 Wuhan Creative Design Contest based on the expert evaluation(80%) and online votes(20%). The winning design works will be officially awarded and exhibited in an independent session during the Wuhan Design Day 2019&Fifth Wuhan Design Biennale. The event will be promoted internationally through mainstream media platform and within UCCN and its winners can participate in the actual construction.

附件: 2019年武汉创意设计大赛报名表

Annex: Registration Form for 2019 Wuhan Creative Design Contest

本文由 欧米网 整理编辑,版权归原作者所有,转载请注明来源!

关键词: 大学生, 武汉, 设计
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