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  在企业不断发展的同时,美华不忘热衷致力公益事业。积极响应并参与了“千企帮千村”精准扶贫活动,与吉安市万安县涧田乡上陈村结对帮扶、向泰和县资助建设爱心村卫生计生服务室、向广昌县国家级贫困村建设茶薪菇大棚光伏发电项目捐资、采购贫困县农副产品,参与公益基金会捐资活动等,捐资累计数百万元。并荣获“2017精准扶贫杰出贡献奖”。 美华建设积极做好“党工团”建设,成立党支部(2012年5月成立)、团支部(2011年5月成立)、工会委员会(2006年12月成立)。获得“2016年度优秀党支部”、“2017年度全市共青团工作先进单位”、“2018年优秀青年志愿服务队”等荣誉。多名技术工人荣获中国技能大赛——“全国建设行业职业技能竞赛三等奖”、“全国住房城乡建设行业技术能手”、“江西省技术能手”、“江西省青年岗位能手”、“省、市五一劳动奖章”、“市劳动模范”、“市五一劳动奖状”、“五一巾帼标兵岗”、“洪城工匠”、“洪城技师”等荣誉称号。



  Meihua, since it was founded in 1993, from the initial development of small enterprises branch to the registered capital of one hundred million five hundred thousand Yuan, now a well-known brand all over the country's domestic industry. From the original single decoration enterprise, the development to give priority to with building decoration, curtain wall construction, architectural decoration design, building curtain wall design, steel structure engineering, metal doors and Windows, building intelligence engineering, mechanical and electrical equipment installation engineering, landscape engineering, fire control facilities engineering design and construction, security engineering design and construction of specialized contracting and subcontracting and architectural engineering construction general contracting and financial investment for the integration of large-scale group company. Short 10 years, Meihua grow rapidly, there is no secret that there is only beautiful Chinese unwilling to people of the spirit of enterprising.

  Vying for industry leading, make domestic well-known decoration brand, has always been a persistent goal Meihua. To this end, Meihua always insist on high quality products, construction and service wins the market, the establishment of a standardized, scientific and stylized internal management system. With exquisite technology, strict norms of quality management, meticulous and thoughtful after-sales service, won the customer high praise, has created one after another of the boutique: Nanchang west railway station, Jiangxi provincial party and government organs to relocate replacement project core office building, Chengde KuanCheng Zhaofeng international hotel, Jangxi hotel, Guangzhou Asian games, the main media center, the new Olympic stadium in Huizhou, Dongguan people's hospital courtyard hotel, Hangzhou canal, Ganzhou municipal center become Meihua's representative works.

  2005, Meihua strides forward in the direction of the collectivization, successively in Beijing, Chongqing, Xiamen, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Yunnan, Jiangsu, Hangzhou, Hefei, Ma'anshan, Inner Mongolia, Shaoxing, Wenzhou, Jiaxing, Henan, Ningbo, Nantong, Suzhou, Changchun, Taizhou, Wuxi and other places set up branch, build up the service network all over the country. Now the Meihua, business scope has covered the country, set up 25 branches all over the country. For many years by the state administration for industry and commerce, rated as "heavy contract, keep promise enterprise", and in the national enterprise credit evaluation was identified as "AAA grade credit enterprise", is the standing director unit of China building decoration association, Jiangxi decoration industry association, vice President of units, executive director of the association of survey and design units in Jiangxi province, Nanchang city decoration industry association vice-chairman unit. Company for eight consecutive years by China building curtain wall industry top 50 enterprises, for seven consecutive years won the title of top Chinese architectural decoration industry.

  The strategy of "based on central, the rise of the national" blueprint for step by step to become a reality. Meihua is grow from a regional company, for the Chinese famous decoration brand. By the reform tide, in market competition to develop. Meihua, this Chinese decorative stars rising star, will stick to decoration development pulse, in part time, for the construction of a harmonious urban space made new again!


网站策划   南昌博然科技   赣ICP备13003250号-1 南昌家具厂 南昌减肥机构 江西格力中央空调 井冈山革命传统教育

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