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(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...

招聘, HENN 海茵建筑, Architecture Internship, Design Architect, Project Architect, Interior Designer, 北京
(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project Architect / Project Architect Revit / Interior Designer

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(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第1张图片

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第2张图片

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第3张图片

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第4张图片


▽ 保时捷馆 Porsche Pavilion

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第5张图片

▽ 南通市通州区城市展览馆 Nantong Urban Planning Museum

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第6张图片

▽ Zalando Headquarters

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第7张图片

▽ (left)Haikou tower (right) Haikou project

(北京)HENN 海茵建筑 - Architecture Internship / Design Architect / Project...第8张图片


O Archicture Internship
For our Beijing office we are looking for an intern (f/m) to support our team for a minimum of six months (with month- ly intern compensation).
– Taking part in the designing and planning of projects of different scales
– Participation in high profile international architecture competitions
– Preparing presentation packages
– Coordination of building systems, building codes and regulatory requirements
– Three years of full-time enrollment in an accredited Architecture university program
– Advanced skills in computational design
– Proficiency in 3D and graphic software (Maya/Rhino, Adobe Suite), scripting experience is preferred – Strong ability to work in a team
– Solid spoken and written English
Your application includes
– Detailed qualification description with references – Résumé
– Earliest possible start of work
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please submit your application and supporting documents to

O Design Architect (Beijing)
For a number of competitions and ongoing exciting projects we are looking for talented and motivated colleagues (f/m) for our design studio in the Beijing office.
– Designing and planning projects of different scales
– Participation in high profile national and international projects, in collaboration with colleges in Berlin in
– Communication with clients and consultants
– Preparing presentation packages
– Master degree in Architecture
– Strong conceptual design and design development skills
– Excellent skills with presentation and graphic software (Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator)
– Excellent skills in 3D modelling with Rhino (scripting knowledge is a plus) and Revit
– Excellent communication skills in English
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please submit your application and supporting documents to

O Project Architect (Beijing)
For our Beijing office, we are looking for experienced architects (f/m) that will work with us on demanding and com- plex projects for public and private clients.
• Prepare designs, working drawings, specifications and construction documents as well as creating working models, advance design concepts and ensure design integrity
• Communicate with local and remote project teams, coordinate and communicate with managers, consultants, and team members
• Compile data and perform computations and prepare graphic code analyses of projects for use in client discussions
• Maintain running log of issues to be resolved and decisions throughout the life span of a project
• Meets clients’ requirements, ensure projects are on time and within budget
• Creatively advance the design concept and work with the design team to ensure the design integrity
• Very good degree in architecture
• Two to five years of experience in competition and design
• Professional handling of CAD systems, preferably Revit, Adobe CS
• Solid experience in coordination and working with LDIs
• Solid knowledge of the detail of project infrastructures and domestic architectural regulations
• Occasional travel will be required
• Excellent communication skills in English
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please submit your application and supporting documents to

O Project Architect Revit (Beijing)
For our Beijing office, we are looking for experienced architects (f/m) that will work with us on demanding and com- plex projects for public and private clients.
• Prepare designs, working drawings, specifications and construction documents as well as creating working models, advance design concepts and ensure design integrity
• Translate design intents into Revit models, implement and maintain office BIM standards across multiple projects and be Revit mentor for the HENN China team, work with Design Systems in Germany
• Communicate with local and remote project teams, coordinate and communicate with managers, consultants, and team members
• Maintain running log of issues to be resolved and decisions throughout the life span of a project
• Meets clients’ requirements, ensure projects are on time and within budget
• Very good degree in architecture
• Two to five years of experience in competition and design
• In depth Revit experience is mandatory, professional handling of other CAD systems would be beneficial
• Experience in project coordination software like Navisworks as a plus
• Solid experience in coordination and working with LDIs
• Solid knowledge of the detail of project infrastructures and domestic architectural regulations
• Occasional travel will be required, and a flexible approach to working hours needed to permit
communication across time zones
• Excellent communication skills in English
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please submit your application and supporting documents to

O Interior Designer
For a number of competitions and ongoing exciting projects we are looking for talented and motivated colleagues (f/m) for our design studio in the Beijing office
• Conceptual design to pitch for projects, competitions and potential clients
• Signage and lighting design
• Space planning, test fitting and schematic design schemes for interior design projects
• Design development for presentations and documentations
• Formation of construction documentation packages including drawings, schedules and specifications
• Master Degree in Architecture or eqiuvalent
• At least five years’ professional experience, preferable in large scale projects for commercial interior spaces
• Experience in working in China
• Professional proficiency with Revit, AutoCAD Architecture and Adobe CS
• Solid level of experience in interior design focused firms
• Coordination experience with signage and lighting design
• Excellent levels of written and spoken English
Your application includes
• CV/résumé
• Portfolio
• References
• Salary requirements
We look forward to receiving your application!
Please submit your application and supporting documents to

联系 Contact

Sanlitun SOHO Building A, Unit 2102
GongtiBeiLu, Jia 8 Chaoyang District
100027 Beijing, P.R.C.
T +86 10 5785 3193


招聘, HENN 海茵建筑, Architecture Internship, Design Architect, Project Architect, Interior Designer, 北京



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