




1. 医保卡到哪儿去办理?


2. 办理医保卡需要什么材料?


3. 办理医保卡需要注意什么事项?


4. 医保卡的作用是什么?


5. 医保卡的使用范围是什么?


【英文介绍/For English】:

To apply for a medical insurance card, you can bring the household registration book and ID card to the village or community neighborhood committee where the household registration is located. It is possible. The specific processing methods are as follows: 1. The insured person brings his valid documents (identity card, household registration booklet, etc.) to the neighboring district/county medical insurance center to apply for processing, and the district/county medical insurance center will complete the settlement on the spot. 2. The insured can also go to the nearby street (town) medical insurance service point to apply for the service, and the service point will complete the process within 3 working days. The insured person should go to the service point within the specified time to collect the medical insurance card instead. 3. The insured can entrust others to handle it on their behalf. The entrusted person needs to bring the valid documents of himself and the insured person when applying. 4. When the employer handles the application in a centralized manner, it can go to the district/county medical insurance center to which it belongs with the introduction letter of the unit and the valid certificate of the operator, and then the employer will issue the medical insurance card to the insured.