
人事部有哪些 职位











【英文介绍/For English】:

The Personnel Department includes four positions: Personnel Director, Personnel Manager, Personnel Supervisor and Personnel Commissioner. Among them, personnel specialists include: recruitment specialists, performance specialists, training specialists, etc. 1. As the director of human resources, the director of the personnel department must strive to build an efficient and practical human resources management system from a strategic height, successfully select talents, establish a scientific assessment and incentive mechanism, maximize the potential of talents, and build an excellent team. 2. The manager of the personnel department is responsible for the overall management of the labor, capital and personnel of the headquarters. Entrusted by the general manager of the company, to exercise the power of guidance, command, supervision and management of the company's labor and personnel work. 3. The person in charge of the personnel department is the manager of the personnel department, who is responsible for allocating various talents according to the employment standards. 4. Personnel Specialist Personnel Specialist is a professional practitioner who implements and improves the company's personnel system and recruitment plan, employee training and development plan, performance evaluation, employee housing provident fund, social security and welfare.