
上饶市有 几个县



上饶东联浙江、南挺福建、北接安徽,处于长三角 经济区、海西经济区、鄱阳湖生态经济区三区交汇处。有“上乘富饶、生态之都”、“八方通衢”和“豫章第一门户”之称。





【英文介绍/For English】:

There are 9 counties under the jurisdiction of Shangrao, namely: Shangrao County, Yushan County, Qianshan County, Hengfeng County, Yiyang County, Yugan County, Poyang County, Wannian County, and Wuyuan County.

Shangrao, known as Raozhou and Xinzhou in ancient times, is a city (prefecture-level) under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province and an important member of the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, between 27º48´~29º42´ north latitude and 116º13´~118º29´ east longitude. It is inland area.

Shangrao is connected to Zhejiang in the east, Fujian in the south, and Anhui in the north. It is at the intersection of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Haixi Economic Zone, and Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. It is known as "Superior Fertility and Ecological Capital", "Throughfare in All Directions" and "The First Gateway of Yuzhang".