
健康 管理师 证书 有用吗





1. 会计从业资格证书


2. 中级职称证书


3. 副高级职称证书


4. 注册会计师资格证书


【英文介绍/For English】:

A health manager certificate is useful. Health manager is one of the 11 new occupations officially released by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in October 2005. Health managers are professionals who are engaged in the detection, analysis, and evaluation of the health of individuals and groups in terms of nutrition and psychology, as well as health consultation, guidance, and risk factor intervention.

A vocational qualification certificate is a proof that a worker possesses the specialized knowledge and skills required for a certain occupation. Different from academic diplomas, vocational qualification certificates are closely combined with the specific requirements of professional labor, and more reflect the actual work standards and norms of a specific occupation, as well as the actual level of ability achieved by workers in this occupation. It is the qualification certificate for workers to apply for a job, hold a job, and start a business. It is the main basis for employers to recruit and hire workers. It is also a valid certificate for overseas employment and foreign labor cooperation personnel to handle the notarization of skill levels.