
身份证310 开头是哪里的


2、 居民身份证 号码,正确、正式的称谓应该是“公民身份号码”。中华人民共和国居民身份证是国家法定的证明公民个人身份的有效证件。




【英文介绍/For English】:

1. ID card address code: Beijing 110, Shanghai 310, Jiangsu Province 320, Zhejiang Province 330, Shaanxi Province 610, Gansu Province 620, Qinghai Province 630, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 640, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 650, Anhui Province 340, Fujian Province Province 350, Jiangxi Province 360, Shandong Province 370.

2. Resident ID card number, the correct and official name should be "citizen ID number". The resident identity card of the People's Republic of China is a legally valid document to prove the personal identity of citizens.

3. The digital encoding rules of the address code in the ID card number of mainland Chinese residents are as follows: the first and second digits represent the province, and the third and fourth digits represent the city. (The seventh to fourteenth digits of the ID card number) indicates the year, month, and day of the encoding object's birth, where the year is represented by four digits, and there is no separator between the year, month, and day.