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 不锈钢碗    Stainless steel bowl

      潮州市潮安区彩塘精工五金制品厂是" 不锈钢王国"中以专业创制氩弧焊 不锈钢双层碗而名扬中外的实业厂。
      本厂创制的不锈钢器皿有氩弧焊 不锈钢双层碗是全彩塘中最早推出的精品。"精工"牌器皿以精工制作而在市场中独树一帜,产品不仅畅销全国各大中城市,还深受香港、台湾、新加坡等国家和地区客商的青睐,成为消费者信得过和认定的名牌精品,产品获中国专利技术博览会银奖、中国专利新技术新产品博览会金奖。
Chaoan Caitang Jinggong Hardware Factory is an industrial factory well known for manufacturing argon-arc welding stainless steel double-layer bowl in"Stainless Steel Kingdom" .
Among our stainless steel vessels,the argon-arc welding stainless steel double-layer bowl is the earliest published art of work in Caitang. "Jinggong" brand becomes unique in the market for exquisite workmanship,our products are sold well in major cities in the whole country, and also being popular with customers from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries and regions,which has made us the customer trusted and designated brand, awarded by China Silver Patent Products Fair, gold award by China Fair Of Inventions And New Technologies.

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