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Excel DDB Function

Author: Sun Last Modified: 2022-02-10

doc workday.intl function 1

If you want to follow along with this tutorial, please download the example spreadsheet.
doc workday.intl function 1


The DDB function returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period by using a double-declining balance method or other specific method.

Syntax and arguments

Formula syntax


  • Cost: Required, the initial cost of the asset.
  • Salvage: Required, the value of the asset at the end of the depreciation, or called the salvage value of the asset.
  • Life: Required, the number of periods over which the asset will be depreciation, or the useful life of the asset.
  • Period: Required, the period which used to calculate the depreciation for.
  • Factor: Optional, the rate that used in the depreciation calculation. If it is omitted, the DDB function assumes it as 2.

Return Value

The DDB function returns a numeric value in currency format.


1. If the arguments are non-numeric value, the function returns #VALUE! error value.

2. If anyone of below occurs, the function returns ##NUM! error value:


1. Both of the life and period must be in the same unit. For instance, the life is calculated in yearly, the period must be calculated in yearly too.

2. The double-declining balance method computes the depreciation of asset at an accelerated rate. In the first period, depreciation is the highest, and then decreases in following periods. The DDB function use below formula to calculate the depreciation for a period:

Min( (cost - total depreciation from prior periods) * (factor/life), (cost - salvage - total depreciation from prior periods) )

Factor can be changed if you do not want to use the double-declining balance method for depreciation calculation.

Use the VDB function if you want to switch to the straight-line depreciation method when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation.


Excel 2003 or later

Usage and Examples

Example 1 when argument factor is omitted

Supposing in the table B3:G8 which lists the cost, salvage, life and periods (1-5), and factors are omitted (will take it as 2), to calculate the depreciation of the asset in each period, please use below formula:


Press Enter key to get the depreciation of first period.
doc workday.intl function 1

Then select first result, drag autofill handle over the cells to calculate the depreciations in other periods.
doc workday.intl function 1

Example 2 when argument factor is other number

Supposing in the table B3:G8 which lists the cost, salvage, life and periods (1-5), and the factor is 3, to calculate the depreciation of the asset in each period, please use below formula:


Press Enter key to get the depreciation of first period.
doc workday.intl function 1

Then select first result, drag autofill handle over the cells to calculate the depreciations in other periods.
doc workday.intl function 1

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