Coming to the PS4 and Xbox One for the first time and built in Unreal Engine 4, gameplay screenshots in the alpha stage of Insurgency: Sandstorm have been revealed. Developer New World Interactive is developing the sequel while Focus Home will publish it. Insurgency: Sandstorm will have a lot to live up to, as its predecessor sold a whopping 3.6 million copies.

In this new addition to the hit series, there will be 16v16 multiplayer matches that include the shiniest toys in the game. As an added benefit, players who prefer to go through the new Story Mode can do so with a friend on split-screen or online with three others. However, if the story mode or battling against another team of humans doesn't get you excited, then you can choose to join in on a co-op match against bots instead.

As a shooter that borders upon the lines of reality, not using team-tactical strategies will likely end poorly. Teamwork is essential in Insurgency: Sandstorm, and it will have some ranked modes. This is one area where players can be rewarded for their gameplay skills in objective play and teamwork.

Insurgency: Sandstorm is slated for a 2018 release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Want to know more about Insurgency: Sandstorm? Check out the reveal trailer from last E3 down below, along with the new screenshots: