Cincinnati (zip 45226), OH

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United States / Ohio / Cincinnati Metro Area / Hamilton County / Cincinnati / Cincinnati (zip 45226)
Cincinnati (zip 45226), OH

About Cincinnati (zip 45226), OH

Living in 45226 Cincinnati, OH is a great experience. This area of the city is known for its vibrant culture, diverse communities and excellent amenities. The area is home to many different types of businesses and restaurants, giving residents plenty of options when it comes to shopping, dining, and entertainment. Public transportation is also readily available in the 45226 zip code, with multiple bus lines running through the neighborhood. Residents also enjoy access to parks, recreation centers and other outdoor spaces for exploring nature. In addition, there are plenty of educational opportunities available in the area as well as many cultural attractions that draw visitors from near and far. All in all, living in 45226 Cincinnati provides an exciting and desirable lifestyle that is sure to please any resident! Very large metro area set in the rivers and valleys of the Great Lakes region. Primary industries include manufacturing and finance. - Situated in southwest Ohio, along the Ohio River, 110 miles southwest of Columbus and 70 miles southeast of Indianapolis, Indiana..

Location Details

State: Ohio
County: Hamilton County
Metro Area: Cincinnati Metro Area
City: Cincinnati
Zip Codes: Cincinnati (zip 45226)
Cost of Living: -11.7% lower
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Elevation: 551 ft above sea level
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Dig Deeper on Cincinnati

The Cincinnati, OH metro area is a place with a long and interesting history. It started in the late 18th century when European immigrants founded the city. Over the years, it became an important spot for trade and industry because it's right on the Ohio River. This river made it easy for people to transport goods and helped the city grow.

Geographically, Cincinnati has a mix of landscapes. There are rolling hills and valleys that make the area quite picturesque. The Ohio River is a big part of the scenery here, offering chances for boating and fishing. The climate includes hot summers and cold winters, allowing locals to experience all four seasons fully.

When it comes to the economy, Cincinnati is home to a variety of industries. Big companies like Procter & Gamble and Kroger are based here. The city also has a strong presence in manufacturing, healthcare, and education. This mix provides a lot of job opportunities for people living in the area. Plus, the cost of living is more affordable compared to many other big cities.

Cincinnati is known for having a mix of political views. It's seen as a swing region, meaning it can vote for either major political party in elections. This diversity in opinions makes it a key area during national elections, showing how engaged the community is in political matters.

Life in Cincinnati offers a lot to do. The city has a lively arts scene, with museums, theaters, and music venues. For sports fans, there are professional baseball and football teams to support. Outdoor lovers can enjoy the parks and the river. There's a strong sense of community here, and people often come together for festivals and events throughout the year.

For anyone thinking about moving to Cincinnati, it's good to know that it's a welcoming place with a friendly vibe. Newcomers will find a variety of neighborhoods to choose from, each with its own character. It's also useful to be ready for the weather changes, enjoying the warm summers and preparing for snowy winters. Getting involved in local activities is a great way to feel at home quickly.

In short, Cincinnati offers a blend of history, natural beauty, and economic opportunity. There are activities for everyone, from cultural events to sports and outdoor adventures. With its affordable living costs and welcoming community, it's a great place to call home.

Cincinnati Cost of Living

Affordable homes, arts & culture, and excel health resources make Cincinnati a great place to live.

Median Home Price
+10.2% higher than avg
Median Income
+24.2% higher than avg
$1,250 /mo
Monthly rent (2br)
-14.4% lower than avg

88.3 / 100
TrueCost Score
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Cincinnati Crime
74.4 / 100
Property Crime
Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low) to 100 (high). US average: 35.4

45.1 / 100
Violent Crime
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To live comfortably in Cincinnati, Ohio
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Cincinnati Rankings

#1 of 110
America's Migraine Hot Spots

#2 of 100
Most Popular Cities for the Holidays

#4 of 50
America鈥檚 Manliest Cities

#5 of 361
Best Baseball Cities
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Pros & Cons of Cincinnati
   Affordable homes
Gets muggy and sticky
   Arts & culture
Slow growth
   Excel health resources
Poor air quality
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