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产品名称: 金属材料

发布日期: 2016-09-27

点击数: 2945

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Metal Material Test



The development of human civilization and the progress of the society are closely related to the metal materials. After the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age were marked by its age all with the application of metal material.

With the development of society and the progress of the science and technology, metal products were widely applied in industry, agriculture and people's lives in various fields, also create more and more value to the society, the performance quality of the metal materials is directly determines it's application scope and it's life.


Application Materials

l 黑色金属



Ferrous Meta

Alloy structure steels, High strength low alloy steels, Carbon structure steel, High-quality carbon structure steel, Bearing steel, Spring steel, Free-cutting steel, Alloy tool steel, High-speed tool steel, Heat-resistant steel, Stainless steel, Pressure vessel steels, Steels for the automobile, Aviation steel, Steel for construction Widget, Nuclear power Steel, Bridge steel, Blades of steel, Welded steel, Ductile iron, Grey iron etc.

l 有色金属及合金


Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys

Pure copper, Brass, Bronze, Precious Metals, Aluminum Alloy, Titanium Alloy, Magnesium Alloy, Zinc Alloy, Copper Alloys, Nickel-Base Superalloy, Pure Aluminum and Wrought AluminumCoated MetalsZn/Ni/Cu/Cr/Au/Ag/Pt,etc.

l 原材及机械产品


l Raw Materials and Machinery Products

Plates, profiles, pipes and all kinds of mechanical equipment, mold, steel structure, seamless steel pipe, pressure vessel, auto parts, fasteners, hardware parts, welding parts, etc.




Chemical composition


Aluminum alloy, copper alloy, etc

机械性能Mechanical properties

硬度试验/Hardness Test




拉伸试验/Tensile Test 

抗拉强度Tensile Strength

屈服强度Yield Strength

断面收缩率Reduction of Cross-section Area

断裂伸长率Elongation at Break

弯曲试验/反复弯曲试验Bending Test /Repeated Bending Test

压扁试验Flattening Test

压缩试验Compression Test

抗压强度Compressive strength

压缩屈服点/Compressive yield point

压缩弹性模量/Compression modulus of elasticity

冲击试验/Impact Test

     V型缺口      V notch

U型缺口      U notch

   常温冲击 Room temperature Impact

   低温冲击 Low temperature Impact

剪切试验/Shear Test

扭转试验/Torsion Test

金相组织Metallographic structure


晶粒度评级Grain Size



脱碳层测量Decarburization Layer Measurement

镀层厚度Coating Thickness

网状碳化物Carbide network

非金属夹杂的数量、大小和形状评级Non-metallic Inclusion Rating

晶粒拉长程度Degree of Grain Elongation

钢材中带状组织Banded Structure in Steels

低倍组织(组织偏析)Low Magnification (Organization Segregation)

失效分析 Failure analysis

化学成分定性、定量分析/ Chemical Composition analysis

显微组织分析/Microstructure Analysis 


电子显微组织/Electronic Microstructure

X-射线相结构/X-ray Phase Structure

XRD衍射分析,晶体结构、晶胞参数、定性定量物相分析、晶格测定XRD diffraction analysis, crystal structure, unit cell parameters, qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, crystal lattice measurement

力学性能检测/Mechanic Property

应力(应变)分析/Stress and Strain Analysis

腐蚀、摩擦、环境分析/Corrosion, Friction, Environmental Analysis


断口失效分析、材料微观组织形貌观察及成分分析/Fractographic, Microstructures and Composition Analysis, etc.


Cleanliness testing


Cleanliness refers to the amount of contaminants that are left in the specified range of objects (parts or products).


The influence factor of pollutants including type, shape, size, quantity, weight and others,

The specific choice of factor depends on the impact of different pollutants on the quality of the product and the cleanliness of the control accuracy of the requirements.


The surface contamination on parts and components are debris, burr, casting sand, welding slag, abrasive and other solid particles. These pollutants will accelerate parts wear, scrapes with the surface, damage of the lubricating oil film, so that the parts temperature rise, lubrication oil deterioration; components of the orifice plug the components failed to regulate the function, or slide valve clearance into the spool stuck, or pull a cylinder inner surface enable leakage increase or reduce the output force, or damage the pump with oil pan. The pump burn or research death. The appearance of these cases will eventually be lost or completely paralyzed system function.


Therefore, it is necessary to prevent and reduce the generation of pollutants from every detail in all links, and to ensure that the system can run safely and reliably after the installation.


清洁度控制的目的 The purpose of cleanliness control

1. 使得产品达到规定寿命achieve the specified life

2. 使得产品达到规定的功能achieve the required functions

3. 不影响配合产品的寿命和功能do not affect the life and function of the matched product.

零部件清洁度检测标准 Cleanliness testing standards of components:

ISO 16232, VDA 19, ISO 4406, ISO 4407, ASTM D4378,NAS1638


Industries includes: Automotive components, bearings, engines, steam turbines, aviation, semiconductor, data storage, medical equipment, communications, precision instruments, large industrial and mining equipment etc.


环境腐蚀 Environmental Corrosion

  晶间腐蚀Intergranular Corrosion test

  局部腐蚀 Localized Corrosion

  应力腐蚀 Stress Corrosion

中性盐雾测试 NSS Neutral salt spray test

酸性盐雾 AASS  Acetic acid-salt spray

铜离子加速腐蚀 CASS Accelerated corrosion of copper ions

综合工况循环盐雾测试Synthetically cycle Salt spray test

硫化氢腐蚀试验 H2S Corrosion

混合气体腐蚀 Mixed Gas Corrosion


无损检测服务Non-destructive Testing

超声检测 Ultrasonic Testing(缩写 UT)

射线检测 Radiographic Testing(缩写 RT)

磁粉检测 Magnetic particle Testing(缩写 MT)

渗透检验 Penetrant Testing (缩写 PT)

目视检测 Visual Testing (缩写 VT)


尺寸测量 Geometry Measurement

常规外形几何尺寸Regular shape geometry

长度Length、宽度Width、高度Height、厚度Thickness、深度Depth、内径Inner Diameter、外径Outer Diameter、角度Angle

形状 Shape: 

直线度Straightness, 平面度Platness, 圆度Circularity, 圆柱度Cylindricity

轮廓 Profile: 

线轮廓度 Profile of a line, 面轮廓度 Profile of a surface

位置定向 Orientation: 

平行度Parallelism, 垂直度Perpendicularity, 倾斜度Angularity
位置定位 Location:

同轴 (同心) 度Alignment, 对称度Symmetry, 位置度Position

跳动 Runout: 圆跳动 Circular Runout, 全跳动 Total Runout
表面粗糙度 Surface roughness
对样品做逆向反求绘制图纸及建立 CAD 模型 Reverse modeling by CAD

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