

作者/Writer:官方 2022.09.20

类型/Type: 实际项目






(7)项目总建筑师须主持过同类型项目,具有创新设计理念,且须直接参与国际竞赛设计全过程, 以及参与主办方要求的重要节点会议(包括但不限于成果汇报、评审答疑等)。如在国际竞赛过程中发现项目总建筑师与报名材料不符,主办单位有权取消其入围和中标资格,并可根据相关规定追究其责任。
(1)The Competition is open for registration by design firms around the globe. There is no qualification requirement, and design firms from both at home and abroad are welcome. Individuals and individual consortium are not allowed for registration;
(2)The design firms may register for the Competition in "1+N" format: "1" refers to the chief architect / coordinator team responsible for the overall design and coordination of the three plots. To enhance the diversity in architectural ideas and the viability of implementation, it is suggested to join hands with "N" team(s) specialized in cultural planning, business operation, architectural design, and landscape architecture. Where the three plots are designed by different chief creative teams, the specific plot each team works on shall be indicated;
(3)Design firms applying for participation must be an independent legal entity, or a partnership enterprise or organization in other forms. Different firms chaired by the same person or involving shareholding and management relationship are not allowed to register at the same time;
(4)Design firms inside Chinese Mainland must be legally registered independent legal entities with valid business licenses;
(5)Design firms outside Chinese Mainland (incl. those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions) should provide the following verification materials: company registration certificate approved and issued by competent authority of the country (region) where the design firm is located;
(6)Consortium is allowed to participate in the Competition without limitation on the number of consortium members, while Consortium Agreement is required to specify the leading party and obligations of each member. Member of a consortium is not allowed to participate in the Competition separately by its own name, nor join other consortium at the same time;
(7)The project chief architect must have innovative design philosophy and experience in projects of the same type as the competition project, and directly participate in the whole process of the Competition including key milestone meetings (including but not limited to design presentation and Q&A) required by the Host. During the Competition, if the project chief architect is found inconsistent with that specified in the registration materials, the Host will be entitled to disqualify the design firm from shortlisting or bid winning, and may hold it for liabilities as per relevant regulations.

报名费用/Entry Fee


The First Place: RMB 4 million, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
The Second Place: RMB 3 million, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
The Third Place: RMB 2 million, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
The Forth and Fifth Place: RMB 1.5 million each, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
Other finalists (seven): RMB 0.8 million each, tax included.

International Architectural Design Competition for Civic Center, Qin Chuang Yuan Jinwan Sci-tech Innovation Area, Xixian New Area is open for registration by design teams around the globe.

This Competition, hosted by Xixian New Area Construction Administrative Committee of Shaanxi Province, co-hosted by Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Xixian New Area, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Xixian New Area, and organized by Administrative Office of Silk Road Economic Belt Energy Finance and Trade Zone, Xixian New Area, calls for visionary, innovative and site-specific high-quality architectural design proposals to create a new urban culture landmark with international influence.


Located between the built areas of Xi'an and Xianyang in Shaanxi Province, Xixian New Area is the seventh national district approved by the State Council, and the first National New Area themed on innovative urban development. It shoulders the key mission of the national strategy to create an important hub for China's opening to the west, a new engine for development of west China, and an example of new urbanization with Chinese characteristics, and serves as a major window of the innovation-driven Qin Chuang Yuan Platform of Shaanxi.


28e92098f774f4abe4d8d1aa7f0528e7.jpg◎图1 大轴线效果图
Fig. 1 Rendering of the major axis

Located in the center of Guanzhong's urban clusters and Xi'an metropolitan area, the Energy Finance and Trade Zone (including Energy Finance and Trade Area and Cultural and Educational Park Area) is the core area of the new center and new axis of the Greater Xi'an. It is also the only functional area featured by energy finance in Shaanxi Pilot Free Trade Zone, assuming the important function of developing Xixian New Area into an important financial, business and trade core area in northwest China. At the same time, the Energy Finance and Trade Area, as a pioneering area of Qin Chuang Yuan, will contribute to building a leading source and platform of innovation-driven development across the province, and produce a strong impetus for high-quality development in Shaanxi Province.

7810d92fa5dc58f8381bd821ef8253f1.jpg◎图2 能源金贸片区区位图
Fig. 2 Location of the Energy Finance and Trade Area
ef98c6049a225c5b91ec50efae81c486.jpg◎图3 大轴线功能板块图
Fig. 3 Function block diagram of the major axis

As the core area and main location for developing the new center and new axis of the Greater Xi'an, after years of intensive efforts, the Energy Finance and Trade Zone has achieved fruitful results. Among all, Jinwan Sci-tech Innovation Area focuses on headquarters economy, emerging finance, business and trade services and scientific and technological R&D. Thanks to its prominent location, transportation, ecological advantages and high-quality built space, it is becoming an attractive industrial and talent destination in the region.

93954d93beddf0444a72eaf18251c283.jpg594c0d843e69c126f349191fcf2a3f04.jpg◎图4 能源金贸片区效果图
Fig. 4 Rendering of the Energy Finance and Trade Area

◎图5 能源金贸片区现状图
Fig. 5 Photos of Energy Finance and Trade Area

Public cultural facilities are important carriers for inheritance and development of urban culture. In order to further upgrade the overall service capacity of Xixian New Area, and create a high-quality new center and new axis for the Greater Xi'an, Xixian New Area has decided to accelerate the construction of the Civic Center in Qin Chuang Yuan Jinwan Sci-tech Innovation Area, and make it an urban parlor with international influence, an important showcase of the new center and new axis of the Greater Xi'an, a lakefront activity center for citizens, and a new urban culture landmark. In the future, the Civic Center will significantly demonstrate the competitiveness and strength of the new area in urban culture, realize the cultural rights and interests of the people for a better life, enable the sharing of the development outcome by all, and make public culture the most eye-catching highlight in the urban backdrop of Xixian New Area.

63fd38364c49e1690049763a2bcd265e.png◎图6 秦创原·金湾科创区效果图
Fig. 6 Rendering of Qin Chuang Yuan Jinwan Sci-tech Innovation Area

Work Scope

设计协调范围: 用地面积约100公顷,与四馆一塔、金湾科创区东西绿廊两侧等周边地块进行一体化设计,做好协调与衔接工作;
Design coordination scope: about 100 ha to be coordinated, connected and designed as a whole with the surrounding plots, including the four museums and one pagoda, and both sides of the east-west green corridor in Jinwan Sci-tech Innovation Area.

建筑设计范围: 用地总面积约18.5公顷,包含三个地块及周边绿地,展开建筑方案设计工作。其中:
Architectural design scope: about 18.5 ha. in total for conceptual architectural design, including three plots and the surrounding green space, namely:
Plot I: Sci-tech Center
Sci-tech Center (site: 3.83 ha, above-grade floor area: 60,000㎡) focuses on Science and Technology Exhibition Center, and includes Youth Activity Center, Women and Children's Activity Center, small theater, etc;
Plot II: Culture Center
Cultural Center (site: 2.66 ha, above-grade floor area: 40,000㎡)focuses on cultural and art blocks and leisure commercial streets, and includes performance center and library;
Plot III: Sports Center
Sports Center (site: 4.01 ha, above-grade floor area: 60,000㎡) focuses on national fitness center, and includes natatorium and outdoor sports venue;

01233d6e42826b3a3277c41a83a8fda9.jpg◎图7 设计范围图
Fig.7 Design scope

Registration Requirements

(7)项目总建筑师须主持过同类型项目,具有创新设计理念,且须直接参与国际竞赛设计全过程, 以及参与主办方要求的重要节点会议(包括但不限于成果汇报、评审答疑等)。如在国际竞赛过程中发现项目总建筑师与报名材料不符,主办单位有权取消其入围和中标资格,并可根据相关规定追究其责任。

(1)The Competition is open for registration by design firms around the globe. There is no qualification requirement, and design firms from both at home and abroad are welcome. Individuals and individual consortium are not allowed for registration;

(2)The design firms may register for the Competition in "1+N" format: "1" refers to the chief architect / coordinator team responsible for the overall design and coordination of the three plots. To enhance the diversity in architectural ideas and the viability of implementation, it is suggested to join hands with "N" team(s) specialized in cultural planning, business operation, architectural design, and landscape architecture. Where the three plots are designed by different chief creative teams, the specific plot each team works on shall be indicated;

(3)Design firms applying for participation must be an independent legal entity, or a partnership enterprise or organization in other forms. Different firms chaired by the same person or involving shareholding and management relationship are not allowed to register at the same time;

(4)Design firms inside Chinese Mainland must be legally registered independent legal entities with valid business licenses;  

(5)Design firms outside Chinese Mainland (incl. those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions) should provide the following verification materials: company registration certificate approved and issued by competent authority of the country (region) where the design firm is located;

(6)Consortium is allowed to participate in the Competition without limitation on the number of consortium members, while Consortium Agreement is required to specify the leading party and obligations of each member. Member of a consortium is not allowed to participate in the Competition separately by its own name, nor join other consortium at the same time; 

(7)The project chief architect must have innovative design philosophy and experience in projects of the same type as the competition project, and directly participate in the whole process of the Competition including key milestone meetings (including but not limited to design presentation and Q&A) required by the Host. During the Competition, if the project chief architect is found inconsistent with that specified in the registration materials, the Host will be entitled to disqualify the design firm from shortlisting or bid winning, and may hold it for liabilities as per relevant regulations.


This Competition includes three stages, i.e. Registration and prequalification; concept design and evaluation; and concept development and bid finalization.


Note: The above timetable (Beijing time) is tentative and subject to adjustment by the Host.

Prize and Stipend

The First Place: RMB 4 million, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
The Second Place: RMB 3 million, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
The Third Place: RMB 2 million, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
The Forth and Fifth Place: RMB 1.5 million each, tax included (including fee for concept development stage);
Other finalists (seven): RMB 0.8 million each, tax included.

Downloading of Competition Document and Appendix

链接link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1j8m3QVtkpPUpO_a2U0bRcQ?pwd=v1cb


To complete the registration and upload documents, please scan the QR code or visit the website below:


链接: https://jinshuju.net/f/rYTY4U

Website: https://jinshuju.net/f/rYTY4U


联系人:李工 029-33585016,13713680150
Host: Xixian New Area Construction Administrative Committee of Shaanxi Province
Co-host: Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Xixian New Area, Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Xixian New Area
Organizer: Administrative Office of Silk Road Economic Belt Energy Finance and Trade Zone, Xixian New Area
Contact:Ms.li  029-33585016、13713680150


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