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    九年级上学期英语期中试卷 陕西省期中试卷 2021-2024年九年级英语上册期中测试卷及答案
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    这是一份陕西省西安市高新第一中学初中部2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题(含答案解析),文件包含精品解析陕西省西安市高新第一中学初中部2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题解析版docx、精品解析陕西省西安市高新第一中学初中部2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。




    第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。每段对话读两遍。(共10小题,计10分)

    1.A. Rainy.    B.Cloudy.    C.Sunny.

    2. A. Paper and glass.        B. Silver and gold.    C. Wood and glass.

    3. A. By reading stories.    B. By reading magazines.    C.By reading newspapers.

    4.A. Six.    B.Twelve.    C. Eighteen.

    5. A. It’s too dangerous.    B. It’s breaking the rules.    C. It’s not serious enough.

    6.A. The food.    B. The moon    C. The story.

    7. A. In a restaurant.    B.At home.     C. In a hospital.

    8. A.At 8:50.    B.At 9:00.    C.At 9:10.

    9 A. Jack used to be strong.    B. Jack used to be funny.    C. Jack used to be shy.

    10. A. She can’t stay up too late.  B. She should spend more time on study. C. She must play baseball to keep healthy.

    第二节:听下面一段对话,每段对话后有几个问题,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计5分)


    11. Which was invented earliest?       

    A. The computer.     B. The telephone.    C.The car.

    12. What does the woman think of the man?   

    A. Poor in history.     B. Good at science.    C.Bad in maths.


    13. What does the woman want to buy?   

    A. Some beef.    B. Some fruit.    C. Some tea.

    14. Where is the shop?       

    A. Between the post office and the restaurant.

    B. Between the hospital and the hotel.

    C. Between the post office and the hotel.   

    15. How long does it take the woman to get to the shop on foot?    

    A.About 5 minutes.    B. About 10 minutes.    C. About 15 minutes.



    16. The volunteers will help the_______police on the street.

    17. 30 students will clean the park and pick up rubbish______ ______ ______.

    18. Twenty volunteers will clean all the______and read newspapers to the old there.

    19. We will tell people to ______ ______  ______  cars on both sides when crossing the street.

    20. These activities may take you a lot of ______time, but they will make the world better.



    1. —Look at ________ young man in the picture. Who’s he?

    —He’s Danny, ________ European artist.

    A. the; a B. a; a C. the; an D. a; an

    2. —I don’t know if Cindy ________ to my birthday party tomorrow.

    —Well, if she ________ come, she will tell you today.

    A. comes; won’t B. will come; won’t C. will come; doesn’t D. comes; doesn’t

    3. A number of trees ________ cut down each year, and the number of wild animals ________ become smaller and smaller in recent years.

    A. are; has B. is; have C. are; have D. is; has

    4. —Look at my shoes. They are beautiful and they were made ________ the US.

    — Well, I like my shoes very much because they were made _________ my mother.

    A. from; of B. from; by C. in; by D. in; of

    5. I want to get my bicycle ________, but my brother Alan advises me _________ a new one.

    A. repair; to buy B. repaired; buy C. repair; buy D. repaired; to buy

    6. ________ delicious food! And I can feel the ancient culture in Xi’an in my ________life.

    A. How; everyday B. What; everyday C. How; every day D. What; every day

    7. —I wonder ________ December is a good time to visit Thailand.

    —I know ________ it’s cold here, but it’s warm in Thailand. December is a good time to go there.

    A. that; that B. whether; whether C. that; whether D. whether; that

    8. Not only the students but also the teacher ________ deeply moved by the movie Home Coming. We all take ________in being Chinese.

    A. was; pride B. were; proud C. was; proud D. were; pride

    9. Phones make it ________ for us to connect with each other, but remember to use them ________.

    A. convenient; wise B. conveniently; wise

    C. convenient; wisely D. conveniently; wisely

    10. —Grace used to have short hair _________?

    —________. But look at her long hair now. How pretty!

    A. did she; Yes, she did B. didn’t she; No, she didn’t

    C. did she; No, she didn’t D. didn’t she; Yes, she did



    Once upon a time, there was a scientist. He wanted to study ____11____. Then in the library he ____12____ two peanuts (花生) into a tall glass bottle. The bottle was completely transparent (透明的). One could see the two peanuts ____13____ from outside.

    Then he gave the bottle to a monkey. The monkey held the bottle ____14____ shook it for a while. He couldn’t think of a way to get these peanuts out. He kept ____15____ the bottle and finally, the peanuts fell out and the monkey got to eat them.

    The scientist put ____16____ two peanuts into the bottle. This time, he showed the monkey that if he put the bottle upside-down, it was ____17____ for him to get the peanuts. But the monkey still shook the bottle aimlessly (无目的地) after he got it. He didn’t learned ____18____ from the scientist. Why? The reason is that all the monkey saw was just the peanuts. His brain could not manage anything else such as the ____19____ example.

    Sometimes when we meet some difficult situations, we are just like this monkey. We couldn’t control our mind and try our best ____20____ a way to solve the problem. We only do something aimless with the problem but get nothing at last.

    11. A. why monkeys learn B. how monkeys learn C. why do monkeys learn D. how do monkeys learn

    12. A. put B. puts C. has put D. was putting

    13. A. clear B. general C. clearly D. generally

    14. A. and B. but C. so D. or

    15. A. shake B. shook C. to shake D. shaking

    16. A. other B. others C. another D. the other

    17. A. easy B. hard C. easier D. harder

    18. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

    19. A. scientist B. scientists C. scientist’s D. scientists’

    20. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found

    第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯、完整。 (共10小题,计10分)

    It’s rare (罕见的) and lucky that the Mid-Autumn Festival fell on the same day as Teachers’ Day this year. However, we ____21____ celebrate the festivals at school. With the COVID-19 pandemic (疫情) in Chengdu, we were under lock down. In the hard situation, our class ____22____ to hold an online evening party, and I was one of the organizers.

    During the process, we ____23____ some creative ideas for the party. One of them was to make a video of our classmates’ best wishes for our ____24____. Every student took an active part in the video. In order to invite our teachers to the show, I called them one by one and sent out the invitations online. The key thing for the online event was the technical (技术的) part. ____25____, the father of one of our classmates is good at technology. He helped provide us with a livestream (直播) room.

    We also invited our classmates to perform and show their ____26____. When the party started, we watched many students play musical instruments like the piano, erhu, pipa and so on. ____27____ are a must for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Surprisingly, every family received mooncakes made in the school canteen! During the livestream show, we saw many families sit together in front of the screen ____28____ they were eating the mooncakes. Everyone looked so happy!

    In the end, we ____29____ all of our teachers and wished everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Although it was ____30____ to hold such a big event, we enjoyed the whole process. We felt more connected with each other during the pandemic.

    21. A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

    22. A. decided B. refused C. continued D. regretted

    23. A. began with B. ended up with C. came up with D. dealt with

    24. A. parents B. grandparents C. teachers D. friends

    25. A. Normally B. Clearly C. Generally D. Luckily

    26. A. presents B. talents C. cards D. ideas

    27. A. Dumplings B. Cakes C. Noodles D. Mooncakes

    28. A. before B. after C. while D. until

    29. A. thanked B. interviewed C. hugged D. asked

    30. A. boring B. tiring C. touching D. interesting




    The Classic of Mountains and Seas for Children

    Language: Chinese

    Age: 710

    This book simplifies (简化) the ancient Chinese words in The Classic of Mountains and Seas into easy words for children to understand. It is filled with stories about mythical creatures (神兽) and colorful pictures. It can help children develop their imagination and learn traditional Chinese culture.

    Buy now! It costs 159 yuan.


    Misty the Cloud: A Very Stormy Day

    Language: English

    Age: 35

    The picture book explains the reasons for lightning (闪电) and thunder () by telling stories of Misty a little cloud with big feelings! It helps children learn natural science. After reading the book, children won’t fear lightning anymore.

    Buy now! It costs 94 yuan.


    Detective (侦探) Agency of the Black and White Bear

    Language: Chinese

    Age: 610

    Do you like Detective Conan? If yes, this book is a good choice for you. The main character in this book is a detective bear. It combines (结合) fairy tales with reasoning. It is a fun book series with interesting pictures. It can also train children to think logically (有逻辑地).

    Buy now! It costs 253 yuan

    31. From which book can children learn about traditional Chinese culture?

    A. The Classic of Mountains and Seas for Children.

    B. Misty the Cloud: A Very Stormy Day.

    C. Detective Agency of the Black and White Bear.

    D. Detective Conan.

    32. Children can learn ________ from Misty the Cloud: A Very Stormy-Day.

    A. who fears lightning and thunder B. how they can tell stories about the cloud

    C. why there is lightning and thunder D. how natural science influences humans

    33. Anna wants to buy two Chinese books for her cousin and she should pay ________.

    A. 159 yuan B. 253 yuan C. 347 yuan D. 412 yuan


    When Xiong Chuanfa, a 34-year-old man, blew a lively tiger out of sugar in a few minutes, kids looked at him in surprise, thinking he was a magician.

    Xiong has blown sugar figurines(糖人) for twenty years. Every morning, Xiong prepares the sugar and drives to different markets in Nanchang to start his magic show. He heats the sugar, pulls off a little to make a ball and blows it into different shapes—a rabbit, a monkey, and even Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

    People, especially little kids, are interested in his skills. To draw young people closer to the art, he also stops in the universities. Many college students have been interested in the art, waiting in line for trying to do this by themselves. Among them, Simon, a foreign student, couldn’t help having a try. He found it difficult to make it. Thanks to Xiong’s help, Simon finally saw a horse slowly taking shape.

    Simon was deeply moved after learning about the art. “I can’t believe the traditional folk art can be kept so well here. I love it. Chinese culture should be brought to more places in the world.”

    This art has been passed down for four generations () in Xiong’s family. His 6-year-old son often blows sugar balloons, just like what he used to do as a child. “We will keep the skill and pass on the intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产),” says Xiong.

    34. From the passage we know that Xiong Chuanfa ________.

    A. is a foreign magician

    B. blows sugar into different balls

    C. has blown sugar figurines since he was fourteen

    D. works in a college to teach students Chinese traditional culture

    35. According to Simon’s words, we can infer that he will most probably ________.

    A. give up learning in China B. offer Xiong a helping hand in class

    C. learn more about Chinese culture D. stop blowing sugar figurines

    36. How does Xiong Chuanfa keep the skill of blowing sugar figurines and pass it on?

    A. By learning the art in a university. B. By giving sugar figurines to young people.

    C. By helping foreigners try this skill. D. By teaching his kid the skill at a young age.


    It’s hard to turn down bananas. They are delicious and you don’t have to wash them before eating them. However, British scientists say that the fruit may disappear by 2050.

    One reason for this is climate change. Scientists at the University of Exeter collected information from 27 countries. They found that climate change has improved growing conditions in 21 of these countries. In the past 60 years, the average yield (平均产量) has reached 1.37 tons of bananas per hectare (每公顷).

    However, if temperatures keep rising, this advantage (优势) will disappear. Ten of the countries, including India, the world’s biggest producer of bananas, will produce fewer bananas. By 2050, the fruit may die out. Shouldn’t bananas grow more easily if it’s hotter outside? In fact, the perfect temperature for growing bananas is between 24℃ and 32℃. If the temperature gets too high, they will stop growing.

    ④Diseases are also a danger to bananas. Unlike other plants, the bananas we grow come from shoot cuttings(茎段) rather than seeds. This means that all banana plants have the same genotype(基因型). In other words, if a disease is able to kill one plant, it could kill them all.

    One serious disease is called Panama. It is caused by fungus (真菌) in the soil. If the disease Panama is found in a banana plantation, people can’t grow bananas in it for 30 years. Scientists haven’t found a way to deal with this disease.

    37. What might happen if the temperature keeps going higher?

    A. More countries will start to grow bananas.

    B. Bananas will not be able to grow any more.

    C. Bananas will grow better in most countries.

    D. Bananas won’t be as delicious as before.

    38. What does the underlined word “plantation” mean in Chinese?

    A. 树干 B. 根茎 C. 幼苗 D. 种植园

    39. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

    A.  B.  C.  D.

    40. The passage mainly talks about ________.

    A. the difficulties of growing bananas B. the perfect condition of growing bananas

    C. the reasons for the disappearance of bananas D. the advice on growing bananas


    American and British people both speak English. But sometimes there are some important differences between British English and American English.

    ____41____. Americans don’t often say each word separately (分开地). They say words together. Americans may say “I dunno” instead of “I don’t know”. However, the British are more careful. They “ usually say all the words and keep them separate.

    Sound is not the only difference. Words sometimes have different spellings, too. ____42____. For example, the word “favourite” is often used by British people while “favorite” is often used in American English.

    ____43____. In England, if you are going to call your friends, you “phone them up”. In America, you” “give them a call”.

    There are also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans usually use the helping verb “do” when they ask a question. ____44____. But the British often say it in a quite different way. They say “Have you got a pen?”.

    Most languages are like this. Languages change over time. When people live in different places, the languages change in different ways. This is what has happened to English. ____45____. Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France.

    A. English is popular in China

    B. It can also happen to other languages like French

    C. Letter “U” is often left out in some words in American English

    D. They say “Do you have a pen?”

    E. English in these two countries is different only in sound

    F. First of all, they sound very different

    G. Many expressions are also different in the two countries


    46. 我们有各种颜色的气球,而且价格合理。   

    We have ________________ in all colors and they are at a good price.

    47. 毋庸置疑,母爱是世界上最伟大的爱。

    ______________, mom’s love is the greatest love in the world.

    48. 在谈话中使用谢谢这样的词语是非常有礼貌的。

    It’s quite _______________ to use the words such as “please” and “thanks” in a conversation.

    49. 在过去的两年里,西安建立了许多优秀的公立学校。

    In the past two years, many excellent _______________ have been built in Xi’an.

    50. 他救人的消息在人群中广泛地传播开来。

    The news that he saved people was _______________ among the crowd.



    know, usual, excite, leaf, die, he, taste, boil, eat, thousand

    The Dragon Boat Festival also called the Duanwu Festival, is one of the most important festivals in China. It is a day to memorize Qu Yuan, who threw ____51____ into the Miluo River and lost his life. He has been ____52____ for over 2,000 years. It’s said that in order to save Qu Yuan, people beat drums to drive fish away, and threw zongzi into the river, hoping that the fish ____53____ the rice instead of Qu Yuan’s body.

    For ____54____ of years, people have spent the festival by having zongzi on the fifth day of the fifth lunar (阴历的) month. On that day, people make zongzi, which is ____55____ made of rice. In southern part of China, zongzi is made of meat. Materials such as beans, pork and salted duck eggs are often added to the rice. It is wrapped with reed (芦苇) ____56____. After that, it is ____57____ in salt water for hours. Zongzi ____58____ delicious. We can also eat eggs together with zongzi.

    Of course, the festival is also ____59____ for its dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. The activity is ______60______. Many people like watching it.



    “World record broken!” On the ____61____ (twelve) day of August, 17-year-old Ma Jiajun from Jilin excitedly posted this on social media, with a picture of him holding the certificate (证书) from Guinness World Records.

    He has set a new world record for “the most consecutive jump rope triples (连续三摇跳绳)” with 701 times. The last world record was 423 and it was ____62____ (create) 35 years ago. You know what? A Japanese person made it.

    Ma was short and thin in the past. ____63____ (build) a stronger body, he took part in the school’s jump rope team. At 9, he competed in a ____64____ (nation) game and surprisingly broke a record. His coach said he was talented ____65____ the sport and suggested that he should fight for it. So he joined a jump rope club and trained for six years. The training was really hard. He needed to practice every day for at ____66____ (little) four to five hours. Every night when he ____67____ (lie) on his bed, his abs (腹肌) and back were in pain.

    After breaking the record, Ma caught lots of ____68____ (people) eyes. “I hope more people could enjoy jump rope, ____69____ it is very good for our health and full of fun,” Ma said. Now he is ____70____ (prepare) for next year’s gaokao. His next goal is Beijing Sport University.



    Sun Jiarui, a 10-year-old girl from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, recently becomes famous online for her cooking skills. Sun has learnt to cook from her father for two years and now she can cook more than 50 dishes. Can you cook? If so, what dishes are you good at?

    For middle and primary school students, being able to cook will become a must. A new curriculum standard(课程标准) for labor(劳动) education recently came out. Starting from 2022 fall term, students are required to take courses on labor skills. The standard includes different labor tasks. The first is daily housework, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and repairing home appliances. The next is productive labor(生产劳动), such as doing farm work, making traditional handicraft(手工艺品), and using new technologies like 3D printing. One more type is community work.

    Labor education aims to develop students’ basic life skills and good working habits. School education didn’t value(重视) it in the past. According to a report in 2019, it takes Chinese kids only 12 minutes a day to do housework, compared to 72 minutes for American students each day and 30 minutes for French students.

    Liu Fang, a mother of 6-year-old twins in Beijing, is a strong supporter of labor education. In the past year, she has trained her daughters to do household chores and make simple dishes for the family. “By doing housework, their hand-eye coordination(协调), time management and organization skills can be trained and it’s also good to help them relax”, said Liu. Through such education, her daughters have found fun in doing chores and are more independent.

    71. How many dishes can Sun Jiarui cook now?

    She can cook ________________.

    72. What kinds of labor tasks are included in the standard?

    Daily housework, ________________ and community work are included.

    73. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

    It refers to ________________.

    74. According to the report in 2019, in which country do children do housework longest a day?

    The children ________________ do housework longest a day

    75. What does Liu Fang think of labor education?

    She thinks it is ________________.



    A: Hi, Li Ming. You look sad. ________76________?

    B: I failed in the English exam again. My parents are very mad at me.   

    A: Really? What do you think is difficult in your English learning?

    B: ________77________. I feel people speak too fast. I can’t understand what they say.

    A: Don’t worry. ________78________?

    B: Well, that’s a good idea to study by listening to some English stories.

    A: And it will be interesting, too.

    B: ________79________?

    A: You can also ask your teacher for help.

    B: ________80________. I’ll try my best.

    XI. 书面表达(共1小题,计10分)

    81. 假如你叫李明,到了九年级以后,你的生活比以前更加充实了。请根据表格中所给的要点,写一篇文章介绍你的变化。
















    I’m Li Ming. My life is different from what it used to be. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    陕西省西安市西安高新第一中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期11月期中英语试题: 这是一份陕西省西安市西安高新第一中学2023-2024学年九年级上学期11月期中英语试题,共8页。

    2023年陕西省西安市高新第一中学中考五模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年陕西省西安市高新第一中学中考五模英语试题(含解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了完形填空,阅读单选,阅读还原7选5,完成句子,短文选词填空,阅读补全句子,填写适当的句子补全对话,材料作文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023年陕西省西安市高新第一中学中考七模英语试题(含解析): 这是一份2023年陕西省西安市高新第一中学中考七模英语试题(含解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了完形填空,阅读单选,阅读还原7选5,完成句子,短文选词填空,阅读回答问题,填写适当的句子补全对话,讲稿等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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