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    九年级上学期英语期中试卷 陕西省期中试卷 2021-2024年九年级英语上册期中测试卷及答案
    • 2022-11-28 10:01
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    这是一份陕西省西安市长安区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题(含答案),共11页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。




    1. 本试卷共8页,满分120分,时间120分钟,学生直接在试题上答卷;

    2. 答卷前请将装订线内的项目填写清楚。









    第一部分(选择题 共70分)


    I. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分)



    1. A. She is saying sorry.  B. She is saying thanks.  C. She is saying hello.

    2. A. On the street. B. Behind the school.  C. In the park.

    3. A. It's sunny.  B. It's snowy.  C. It's rainy.

    4. A. Turn off the TV.  B. Clean the room.  C. Do his homework.

    5. A. Have a picnic.  B. Go swimming.  C. Do some cooking.

    6. A. By bike.  B. On foot.  C. By car.

    7. A. Frank.  B. Amy.  C. Lucy.

    8. A. On Monday.  B. On Thursday.  C. On Saturday.

    9. A. The white one.  B. The blue one.  C. The black one.

    10. A. Three times a week. B. Four times a week.  C. Five times a week.



    11. What is the woman preparing?

    A. Breakfast.  B. Lunch.  C. Dinner.

    12. How many kinds of vegetables does the woman want?

    A. One.  B. Two.  C. Three.


    13. What will the girl do next week?

    A. Make a speech.  B. Tell a story.  C. Sing a song.

    14. How long will it last?

    A. Three minutes.  B. Four minutes.  C. Five minutes.

    15. What's the father's advice?

    A. She should learn from the Chinese Women Volleyball Team.

    B. She should look at the mirror and practice more.

    C. She should communicate with her teachers.

    . 听填信息(共5小题,计10分)


    16. Many people spend less time reading __________ __________  the television and the Internet.

    17. The speaker gives some advice to __________ the situation.

    18. Firstly, we should choose __________ __________ to read.

    19. __________, we can have fun and develop our imagination when we read.

    20. Finally, reading can help us express our ideas to others in a __________ and correct way.


    . 完形填空(共20小题,计20分)


    Tommy was a lizard (蜥蜴) who lived between rocks. One day, some children caught him when he   21   on a stone. He had no other choice but to run away from danger   22   losing his tail.

    After the children left, Tommy returned and started looking for his tail everywhere.   23   he couldn't find it. He didn't want to give up so he went on looking for it. Days and months passed, and Tommy kept asking everyone he met   24   they saw his tail.

    One day, someone he asked replied to him in surprise, Why   25   need two tails?

    Tommy turned and found that he had got a new tail. Seeing   26   tail, he felt surprised and excited. Then he decided to go back home. On the way, he saw his old tail on the ground. It   27   behind a stone by the children. It was ugly, but Tommy was happy to find it. He picked it up and continued his journey.

    Soon he met a duck. Why are you carrying such an ugly old tail   28   you have had a lovely one? the duck was surprised.

    Because I spent months looking for it, replied Tommy.

    I don't think you need it now, though, said the duck.   29   it, and you will have a new life.

    The duck was right. Tommy understood. So he decided to drop his old tail and all his past worries there. He felt at ease (释然) and   30   continued his journey. All he took with him were thoughts of the future.

    21. A. was lying B. lies C. is lying D. will lie

    22. A. at B. for C. by D. of

    23. A. So B. Or.  C. And D. But

    24. A. that B. whether C. which D. what

    25. A. you are B. are you C. you do D. do you

    26. A. a B. an C. the D. /

    27. A. is left B. was left C. left D. leaves

    28. A. when B. until C. unless D. if

    29. A. Carry B. To carry C. Drop D. To drop

    30. A. sad B. sadly 111 0 C. happy D. happily


    When I was young, I was very proud. I liked to show off (炫耀) in front of others to get their praise. But after one   31   experience, I came to understand that it's important to be modest (谦虚的).

    One day, my   32   and I were riding our bikes in a park. My mother knew I had just learned how to ride for a   33   time, so she asked me to wear some safety equipment (装备). No, I won't wear them! It's   34  , my friend said. You need more practice. I might have   35   later than you, but I can ride even better! I said loudly. She narrowed her eyes and said, Let's wait and see!

    I saw a road leading into some woods. I'll race you! I shouted. Then we   36   towards the woods. However, the road wasn't as   37   as I thought. I kept humping up and down, and then suddenly. bam! I   38   my bike. I broke my arms. Ha - ha! My friend made a face and helped me up: Be more careful next time, she said. Tears ran down my   39  . Sorry, I said.

    All in all, this experience made me   40   that we must be modest. A fall into a pit, a gain in my wit.

    31. A. unhealthy B. unforgettable C. unknown D. uncertain

    32. A. father B. brother C. sister D. friend

    33. A. short B. long C. terrible D. hard

    34. A. safe B. dangerous C. comfortable D. easy

    35. A. eaten B. slept C. learned D. stopped

    36. A. walked B. rode C. ran D. flew

    37. A. big B. small C. smooth D. soft

    38. A. fell off  B. threw away C. put down D. laid out

    39. A. hair B. face C. hand D. arm

    40. A. remember B. guess C. promise D. realize

    . 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)








    Hong Kong






    Singapore City



    41. What would Simon do outside in Moscow that day?

    A. Plant trees.  B. Make a snowman.  C. Cook meals.  D. Wash vegetables.

    42. It was _________ in Beijing.

    A. rainy B. snowy C. sunny D. windy

    43. The weather in _________ was the hottest.

    A. Beijing B. Singapore City C. Hong Kong D. Sydney


    With the development of science and technology, education in the future will be very different.

    People will use the Internet more to take classes in different subjects in different places. For example, students may take a math lesson online, upload (上传) their homework later and then send it to their teacher by email. Also, students will be able to study at famous universities in other countries without leaving home. In this way, studying will become much easier.

    What's more, people will spend more time studying. In the future, people will change their jobs often. Many of them will have three or four different jobs. So they will have to go back to school to improve themselves. As a result, they will meet classmates of different ages.

    What about the subjects at school in the future? Will they change? Yes, of course. Children will use computers at school from the very beginning. Foreign languages will be more important then. All children will learn two or three languages. Their abilities to learn languages will be great. So it will be a good idea for children to learn more languages from an early age.

    In a word, education will become easier in the future.

    44. The writer thinks studying at famous universities in other countries will be _________.

    A. harder B. worse C. simpler D. stricter

    45. People of different ages will appear at school to _________.

    A. improve themselves B. visit their favorite school C. make new friends D. test themselves

    46. In which part of a newspaper can you read this passage?

    A. Health.  B. Education.  C. Sports.  D. Art.



    Xiao Li


    A travel plan to Xi'an

    Dear Xiao Li,

    My time here in China is going, well. I love my new school and classmates. Over the October holiday, my parents and I are planning to go to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Army. I've heard that it is an amazing sight, and I can't wait to go. To me, the story of the Terracotta Army is almost incredible. It's amazing that there are more than 8, 000 statues (塑像), and no one in modern times knew about them until the 1970s.

    We're also planning to visit several other places in Xi'an. My dad and I are both looking forward to going to the Shaanxi History Museum, because my dad loves history and I have heard that this museum is known as a Chinese treasure house! We're also going to the Xi'an City Wall and a few other famous sights.

    We're taking the train, leaving the day before the October holiday begins. We're arriving at 9: 30 a. m. and will start sightseeing right away, so I hope we sleep well on the train!

    I guess that's all for now! I'll write again soon and send photos! Do you have any plans for the coming holiday? Hope to hear from you soon.

    Your friend,


    47. What kind of writing is the text?

    A. Ad.  B. News.  C. Email.  D. Story.

    48. The underlined word in the passage probably means _________.

    A. unbelievable B. uncertain C. unforgettable D. unexpected

    49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A. Richard went to the City Wall in September.  B. Richard's father loves history very much.

    C. Richard has sent many photos to Xiao Li.  D. Richard is an exchange student in Xi'an.

    50. Richard wrote the passage to _________.

    A. introduce his travel plan in Xi'an B. introduce his family members

    C. describe places of interest in Xi'an D. describe the Terracotta Army


    As we all know, animals are important in our daily life. For example, dogs can be good helpers to human. What about monkeys?   51   Yes. They can do a great job, too. Monkeys can help disabled people live a better life just as dogs do.

       52   One difference is that monkeys live longer than dogs do. This means that a monkey's childhood is also longer than a dog's. So it may take them four to six years before they are ready to begin training. It's said that it is almost as much work as raising a young child!

    After monkeys begin training, they usually take about a year to learn enough tasks' to be good helpers.   53   For example, if is a person wants to have the lights turned on, he or she may give the order sun.   54   The monkey will know what its owner wants when it hears these orders, and it will complete the tasks.

    As the monkeys get better at completing their tasks, they. learn new and more difficult ones.   55   

    Can you imagine that in the future some disabled people keep monkeys as their pets and at the same time the moneys can help them to make their life easier?

    A. Some monkeys can even learn how to use a computer!

    B. Monkeys can play with people when they are free.

    C. Can they also help human?

    D. One important thing that they need to learn is how to follow orders.

    E. If the owner has dropped something, he or she might say fetch.

    F. Likes dogs, monkeys need lots of training to be human helpers.

    G. Unlike dogs, monkeys don't need lots of training to be human helpers.

    第二部分(非选择题 50分)

    V. 完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分)

    56. 请改正你作业中的错误。

    Please correct the _________________________ in your homework.

    57. 我希望每个人都能加入进来,玩得开心。

    I hope that everyone will be able to _________________________ the fun and enjoy yourselves.

    58. 这是私人信件,因此你不能看。

    This is a _________________________, so you can't read it.

    59. 我们对年龄较大的人讲话应有礼貌。

    We should _________________________ to older people.

    60. 爸爸下个月要出差。

    My father will be _________________________ next month.

    . 短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)(共10小题,计10分)

    create     student     can     robot     help     we     fill     fast     pollute     collect

    Robots will help us clear rubbish from polluted water worldwide. That's the goal that a group of Grade Seven 61. ___________ from a school in Australia try to achieve. They have already 62. ___________ robots to do the dirty work in this school's pool.

    Anna, 12, says she feels really sad to learn about the global problem of ; plastic (塑料) 63. ___________, but it is good to find a way out and their robots do quite well.

    The smart robot works like a broom (扫帚) in the shape of a V. It cleans up the water's surface, picks up plastic bottles and then sends them to the person who is 64. ___________ the rubbish.

    Robots work better, 65. ___________ , and can go further into the water, says Anna. There are things that humans 66. ___________ not do, but robots can. They will be really 67. ___________ in dealing with environmental problems.

    Some students write the code (代码) to guide the 68. ___________ activities. Aijay, 12, enjoys the learning while having fun doing it.

    The whole idea is to understand what is going on the planet, and try 69. ___________ best to find a way to change it, She says, so then, when we grow up, the world won't be 70. ___________ with rubbish.

    Their robotics teacher says the students are able to develop creative thinking during the process. It also helps them get prepared for life outside the school, he adds.

    . 任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)

    Kong Zi, Confucius in English, is a great philosopher. He lived and worked in China from 551 BC to 479 BC. He gave China and the world deep thoughts and ideas about life and how to live it well. They are known far and wide. Also, his works are studied in many top universities.

    Confucius found out three. main truths about a good life. First, he said we, should respect (尊重) the king. Next, we should do everything possible to respect each other. Finally, he believed that we can have a really good and happy life if we learn to live in harmony (和谐). This means that we should try to find a way to live peacefully both with each other, and with the natural world.

    During his lifetime, Confucius travelled across China, working as a teacher. Wherever possible, he tried to put his ideas into action. None of his wise sayings were written down while he was alive. His followers collected them after his death. One of his greatest thoughts is that Don't do to others what you do not want others to do to you. Slowly, people everywhere learned about as well as from his wisdom.

    Today, Confucius is believed to be one of the greatest philosophers. His thoughts. and ideas are studied and spread all over the world.

    71. What did Confucius give to China and the world?

    He gave China and the world _______________________________ about life and how to live it well.

    72. According to Paragraph 2, what will happen if people learn to live in harmony?

    They will have a _______________________________.

    73. Why did Confucius travel across China?

    He travelled across China in order to _______________________________ by teaching.

    74. What does the underlined word, them in Paragraph 3 refer to?

    It refers to _______________________________.

    75. What can we know from the last paragraph?

    We can know that Confucius's thoughts, and ideas are very _______________________________ in the world.

    . 补全对话(共5小题,计5分)


    A: I called you yesterday afternoon, but you didn't answer. 76. _____________________________?

    B: I was watching a video with my students in the classroom.

    A: What video?

    B: The three astronauts were teaching something interesting to the students.

    A: Sounds great. 77. _____________________________?

    B: In the space station.

    A: Cool! Can you tell me more about it?

    B: 78. _____________________________. The astronauts showed some amazing facts which can't be seen on the earth.

    A: Students must be surprised seeing them.

    B: 79. _____________________________. Students were very surprised and excited. And they asked some interesting questions.

    A: 80. _____________________________?

    B: They think the lesson is great. It opens their eyes and encourages them to learn more about space.

    . 书面表达(共1题,计15分)


    Su Yiming


    born in Ji Lin Province in 2004. 2

    a skier (滑雪运动员), a student, an actor,

    hard - working, brave, energetic

    win medals in the Beijing Olympics

    want to go to Tsinghua university


    要求:1. 参考提示语,可适当发挥;

    2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;

    3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和地名;

    4. 词数:不少于70词。
























    2022 ~ 2023学年度第一学期期中学习评价


    第一部分(选择题 70分)


    I. 听选答案(共15小题,计20分)


    1. B     2. C     3. C     4. A     5. A     6. B     7. C     8. B     9. C     10. C


    11. C     12. B     13. A     14. C     15. B

    . 听填信息(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

    16. because of     17. change     18. good books     19. Secondly     20. simple


    . 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)

    21. A     22. C     23. D     24. B     25. D     26. C    27. B     28. A     29. C     30. D

    31. B     32. D     33. A     34. B     35. C     36. B    37. C     38. A     39. B     40. D

    . 阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)

    第一节(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,计15分)

    A) 41. B     42. D     43. B

    B) 44. C     45. A     46. B

    C) 47. C     48. A     49. B     50. A


    51. C     52. F     53. D     54. E     55. A

    第二部分(非选择题 50分)

    V. 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

    56. mistake(s)

    57. join in

    58. personal private letter

    59. speak politely

    60. on business

    . 短文填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

    61. students     62. created     63. pollution        64. collecting     65. faster

    66. can         67. helpful     68. robot's/ robots'   69. our           70. filled

    . 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

    71. (really) good and happy life

    72. (really) good and happy life

    73. put his ideas into action

    74. Confucius's / his wise sayings

    75. popular / famous/known / welcome...

    . 补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

    76. What were you doing / Where were you

    77. Where (were they teaching)

    78. Sure / Certainly / Of course/..

    79. You're right/ Yes/...

    80. What do students / they think of the lesson / What's students' idea about the lesson


    . 书面表达(共1题,计15分)



    I. 听选答案


    1. W: Thank you for helping me with my English, Peter!

    M: You're welcome!

    Q: What's the girl doing?

    2. W: Look ! So many people are in the park.

    M: Yes. And some students are planting trees.

    Q: Where are the students planting trees?

    3. W: Dad, it's so wet in Xi'an today. How long will the rain last?

    M: Don't worry. It will stop tomorrow.

    Q: What's the weather like in Xi'an?

    4. W: Tom, can you tum off the TV? Your sister is doing her homework.

    M: OK, Mum. I'm coming.

    Q: What does Tom's mother ask him to do?

    5. W: I want to have a picnic this Sunday. What about you?

    M: I'm not sure. Maybe I will go swimming.

    Q: What does the woman want to do this Sunday?

    6. W: John, a new shopping center opens. Let's walk there and have a look.

    M: Sounds good. Walking is better than driving a car.

    Q: How will they go to the shopping center?

    7. W: Frank, what is Linda doing?

    M: Oh, she is talking with Lucy on the phone.

    Q: Who is Linda talking with?

    8. W: When is Mr. Wang's birthday party, Eric?

    M: Let me see. It's Monday today. I'll be in three days.

    Q: When is Mr. Wang's birthday party?

    9. W: Bob. The T - shirts are on sale. Do you like the white one or the blue one?

    M: Neither. I prefer the black one. It'll make me look thinner.

    Q: Which shirt does Bob want?.

    10. W: Jack, do you run every morning?

    M: No. Except Saturday and Sunday. Running makes me healthier.

    Q: How often does Jack run?



    W: Mike, I'm preparing dinner. Can you buy something on the way home?

    M: Sure. What do you want?

    W: Er... Some carrots and cabbages.

    M: Anything else?

    W: Oh, a box of milk, please.


    W: Dad, I will have a speech contest next week.

    M: So?

    W: I'm a little worried. What should I do?

    M: How long will it be?

    W: About five minutes.

    M: Have you decided the topic?

    W: Yes. About the spirit of the Chinese Women Volleyball Team.

    M: Sounds good. Relax. You just look at the mirror and practice more. Believe in yourself.

    . 听填信息


    Hello everyone, today I will talk about our reading habit. You know because of the. television and the Internet, many people spend less time reading, and they read just for fun. How can we do to help people love reading? Here is some advice to change the situation.

    Firstly, you should choose good books to read. You can improve your knowledge by reading good books. People who read more usually have a better idea at life than those who do not read often.

    Secondly, you can have fun and develop your imagination when you read. Children have very good imagination, so parents need to read lots of stories that feed their imagination.

    Finally, no matter how old you are, it can help you have a better understanding of life and express your ideas to others in a simple and correct way.

    So I suggest that you read more. Try to choose good books at the beginning, and then I'm sure that you will never stop reading.


    陕西省西安市长安区2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中英语试题: 这是一份陕西省西安市长安区2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中英语试题,共8页。

    陕西省西安市长安区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中英语试题: 这是一份陕西省西安市长安区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期中英语试题,共8页。

    陕西省西安市长安区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末质量评价英语试题: 这是一份陕西省西安市长安区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末质量评价英语试题,共23页。

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    陕西省西安市长安区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题 (含答案)

    陕西省西安市长安区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中英语试题 (含答案)










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