



e ea ee ie ei i ey

e: me she he we evening

ee: sweet bee sheep see three

ea: meat leaf sea teach eat

ie: piece

ei: receive ceiling

i: police

ey: key

[i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合

a i e y ey ay u ui

a: village comrade orange

i: pig fish in fifteen six ship th

e: begin behind jacket basketball

y:happy heavy busy carry sunny

ey: monkey money

ay: Sunday Saturday Friday

u: busy business

ui: build

[?:] (长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our

er: her serve term

ir: bird girl skirt first dirty

ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple

ear: early learn

or: word work world

our: journey

[?] (短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u

ure: picture

er: teacher brother dinner father

ar: sugar dollar

or: doctor actor

re: metre centre

ou: delicious gracious

a: panda aboutcamera sofa China

e: open hundred

i: candidate

o: control polite today

u: datum curriculum

[?:] (长音凹)发这个音的字母及组合

a aw al or oor ore au ar ou oar

a: water want

aw: draw strawberry

al: ball wall

or: horse corn fork or short

oor: floor door

ore: core tore

au: August daughter

ar: warm

ou: bought ought

oar: board


o a au ou ow

o: fox coffee shop dog doctor

a: watch what

au: Austrilia

ou: cough

ow: knowledge


o oo ui u oe ou ew

o: do who whose

oo: food moon too

ui: fruit juice

u: ruler rude

oe: canoe

ou: coupon

ew: drew blew


o oo u oul

o: woman wolf

oo: look good book foot wood

u: bull bullet

oul: could should


a ar au ear al

a: grass glass class dance fast father

ar: car star arm March garden scarf

au: laugh aunt

ear: heart

al: half palm calm

[Λ] (短音啊)发这个音的字母及组合

o u oo ou

o: son come color love money

u: sun nut jump bus brush supper us

ou: touch cousin country [?](张大嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组a ai

a: dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand stand rat map

ai: plaid

[e] (张小嘴的哎)发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue ie

e: egg bell desk leg pet ten pen

ea: bread head breakfast

a: many any anything

ai: said

ue: guess guest

ie: friend friendly

[ei] (哎和衣拼到一起念A)发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigh a: cake make name game snake lazy

ai: rain train wait

ay: day May play today way

ey: they grey

ea: great break

ei: reign veil

eigh: eight weight

[ai](啊和衣拼在一起念圆滑的啊衣)发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eye

i: kite bike nice tiger write knife

y: by cry fly my sky try why

ie: tie pie

uy: buy guy

ei: either

(e)igh: high height

eye: eyebrow

[?i] (凹和衣拼到一起念凹衣)发这个音的字母及组合oi oy

oi: oil boil coin

oy: boy toy

[au](啊和屋拼到一起念啊屋)发这个音的字母及组合ou ow

ou: house mouse mouth trousers

ow: flower cow how now down

[?u] (饿和屋拼到一起念饿屋)发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ou

o: nose rose open over

oa: boat coat soap goat

ow: show window snow bowl

ou: shoulder though

[i?] (衣和饿拼到一起念衣饿)发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eo e: era

ear: ear hear tear

eer: deer beer

ea: really

ier: pierce

eo: peony

[e?] (哎和饿拼到一起念哎饿)发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eir air: hair chair pair

ear: pear bear wear

ere: where there

are: dare hare

eir: their

[u?] (屋和饿拼到一起念屋饿)发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure u

oor: poor

our: tour

ure: sure pure

u: jury



p pp pe

p: piano panda pet ship sheep pig stop

pp: apple happy

pe: cope ripe


b bb be

b: book ball bird boy bag banana bb: rubber rabbit cabbage

be: robe tube

[t](清音特)发这个音的字母和字母组合t tt te

t: table tea taxi cat rat fat ticket

tt: butter matter

te: bite cute

[d] (浊音的,是t的浊化)发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed dd de

d: duck seed door desk day red head

ed: smiled opened played

dd: addition buddy

de: ride jade

[k] (清音科)发这个音的字母及组合

c k ck ch qu ke

c: cap cook cup car can class

k: cook milk key desk

ck: clock sock cock neck

ch: school Christmas

que: cheque technique

ke: lake bike [g] (浊音哥,是k的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gue

g: glass golf get girl bag goat flag

gg: egg

gh: ghost

gu: guilt guide

gue: dialogue colleague

[s] (清音丝)发这个音的字母及组合

s c ss ce sc se

s: star sun snake sea see

c: pencil city cedar ceiling

ss: grass glass class boss

ce: face race rice nice

sc: scene scentist

se: sense dense

[z] (浊音资,是s的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze es

z: zero zebra zoo

s: bags photos sisters

se: nose rose

ze: size realize

es: knives wolves

[∫] (清音狮)发这个音的字母及组合

s sh ch ci si ti

s: sugar sure

sh: ship sheep wash cash shop she

ch: machine chef

ci: species special

si: session passion

ti: patient cautious

[3](浊音日,是∫的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si z

s: usually measure pleasure

ge: massage mirage

gi: regime

si: collision decision television


[t∫] (吃)发这个音的字母及组合

ch tch t

ch: teacher peach cherry chair

tch: watch match

t: virtual ritual question


g j ge dge

g: ginger giraffe

j: jump job jam

ge: orange cabbage cage

dge: bridge judge

[f] (清音夫,咬下嘴唇)发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fe

f: five fan flower fish four leaf

ff: giraffe cuff

ph: phone elephant photo

gh: laugh

fe: knife life

[v] (浊音屋,咬下嘴唇,是f的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合v ve

v: video vase vest

ve: five love

[θ] (咬舌音丝)发这个音的字母及组合th th: three thin third teeth mouth


th: father mother brother weather


ts tes

ts: seats goats coats cats pets eats tes: gates kites dates tastes

[dz](浊音资,是ts的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合ds des

ds: seeds woods friends birds beds des: rides



tr: tree truck trousers strawberry trick

[dr] (浊音桌,是tr的浊化)发这个音的字母及组合dr

dr: draw drink driver dragon dry

[h] (清音和,就是哈出一口气,声带不要震)发这个音的字母及组合h wh

h: he her head heart hair ham wh: who whose

[r](浊音若)发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rh

r: rice room ride road rose

rr: mirror carrot parrot

wr: write wrong wrap

rh: rhyme rhythm

[l](可以理解成放在单词前面(第一排单词)发乐的音,放在最后发欧的音(第二排单词))发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll

l: look light lock lucky lion tail

ll: ball pull doll tell

[m] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发木的音,放在单词中可以理解为发摸的音)发这个音的字母及组合m mb mm mn me

m: mouse milk monkey money mum

mb: climb comb thumb

mm: hammer common yummy

mn: autumn hymn

me: time come

[n] (闭上嘴,用鼻子发嗯的音,放在单词中可以理解为发呢的音)发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn ne

n: nose net nut banana noodles train

kn: knee knife knock

gn: sign design

nn: sunny dinner tennis

[η] (可以理解为和上面的n发音一样)发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng

n: ink bank tank

ng: sing hang song king reading

[w] (发窝的音)发这个音的字母及组合w wh

w: winter window watch water well wh: white where which when why wheel

[j] (发也的音,要注意和u合起来ju发优的音)发这个音的字母及组合y e

y: yogurt yard yes you your

e: few beauty




英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母 i y e ui u a

sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [ ? ] 发音字母 a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday


48个音标例词 以下音标字符与国际音标一致(1988年后EPD版本)。 辅音部分(28个) [ p ] pot pig put people piano potato [ b ] book bag big jo b bear but brother [ t ] t ooth t eacher t ea t able t ask t ell [ d ] dog dig duck dad d ouble day [ k ] cake keep cat cup cap [ g ] grandpa girl green good god [ f ] f ather f at f oot f ull f it [ v ] fi ve very vent dri ve vary [ s ] small st udy bu s ye s must [ z ] ja zz zoo zero cloth es zig [ θ ] eigh th for th ten th eleven th nin th [ δ ] th ose th ese th at th is th ere [ ? ] ca sh bush shake sh oe ship [ ? ] mea sure plea sure lei sure [ t? ] chair chicken lun ch change [ d? ] j ack j ob [ tr ] tr ee tr uck tr ain [ dr ] dr ess dr ink dr ain [ ts ] studen ts coa ts ca ts [ dz ] be ds od ds co des [ m ] m um m oon m orning [ n ] moo n nut needle [ ? ] i nk li nk ri ng [ h ] hello hurry hey [ l ] l ook l eg l ake [ r ] r ain r adio r oom [ w ] window w ake w eek [ j ] yellow yes you 单元音(12个): [ e ] y es y ellow b ed p en [ æ ] c at b ad d ad [ ɑ: ] are c ar f ar [ ? ] c ut n ut b ut m ot her c olor [ ? ] p ot g ot d og


48个国际音标表 元音12个单 元音 长元音[i:] [?:][?:][u:] [ɑ:] 短元音[i] [?][?][u] [?][e] [Λ] 8个双元 音 [ai] [ei] [?i][i?][??] [?u][u?][au] 辅音 10 对 清 辅 音 [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [θ][ ∫ ][t?][tr] [ts] 浊 辅 音 [b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [e][?][d?][dr] [dz] 3个鼻音[m] [n] [?] 3个似拼 音 [h] [r] [l] 2个半元 音 [w] [j]

音标字母例词 [i:] e ea ee ey i ie e vening,b e,sh e,th e se,w e ea t,cl ea n,ice cr ea m,pl ea se,t ea cher s ee,thr ee,thirt ee n k ey pol i ceman bel i eve,p ie ce [?:]er ir or ur ear h er, b ir d,g ir l,s ir,sh ir t,sk ir t,th ir ty w or d,w or k,w or ker n ur se,p ur ple,t ur n,ur gent ear th,ear ly,ear n, [?:] a al au aw or oar oor our ore w a ter, al l,w al l,b al l,t al k Au gust dr aw,aw ful,l aw, or,h or se,sh or t b oar t,b oar d, d oor,fl oor, y our,f our,c our se,c our t m ore,b ore, [u:]o u oe ue oo ui ou wo impr o ve,l o se r u ler, sh oe, bl ue, s oo n,r oo m,p oo l,sch oo l fr ui t,j ui ce y ou t wo [ɑ:] a ar ear cl a ss,f a ther,d a nce,a fternoon c ar, d ar k,f ar m,st ar t,ar m,m ar ket h ear t, [i]i y a l i ve,d i nner,l i sten,p i cture famil y,lovel y,man y or a nge [?]or er u a e act or,doct or, f or get, togeth er,dinn er,fast er,bett er,wat er,eras er,broth er,work er s u ppose, a lone,A merica,a bout,a llow, op e n [?]o a sh o p, b o ttle,d o g,h o t, sm a ll,w a nt [u]u oo p u t,p u ll,p u sh, c oo k,l oo k,g oo d,c oo l,f oo t


48个音标以及单词举例 元音: [i:] eat [i:t] 吃 pea [pi:] 豌豆 bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 tea [ti:] 茶叶 [?:] bird [b??d] 鸟 girl [g??l] 女孩 nurse [n??s] 护士 skirt [sk??t] 裙子[ɑ:] car [kɑ:]小汽车 star [stɑ:]星星 park [pɑ:k]公园 [?:] door [d?:] 门 ball [b??l] 球 fork [f?:k] 叉子 [u:] zoo [zu:] 动物园 moon [mu:n] 月亮 spoon [spu:n] 匙 [?] it [?t] 它 lift [l?ft] 电梯 bit [b?t] 一点儿 [e] egg [eg] 鸡蛋 leg [leg] 腿 very ['ver?] 非常 [?] bat[b?t]球拍 cap [k?p]帽子 apple ['?p(?)l] 苹果 [?] duck [d?k] 鸭子 cup [k?p] 杯子 bus [b?s] 公共汽车 [?] pot [p?t] 壶 dog [d?g] 狗 box [b?ks] 箱子 [?] book [b?k] 书 bull [b?l] 公牛 cook [k?k] 厨师 [?] rubber ['r?b?] 橡皮 ruler ['ru:l?] 尺 doctor ['d?kt?] 医生 banana [b?'nɑ?n?] 香蕉 [e?] cake [k e?k] 蛋糕 plane [pl e?n] 飞机 table ['te?b(?)l] 桌子 [a?] eye [a?] 眼睛 tie [ta?] 领带 bike [ba?k] 自行车 tiger ['ta?g?] 老虎[??] boy [b??] 男孩 oil [??l] 油 toy [t??] 玩具 boil [b??l] 煮沸 [??] ear [??] 耳朵 beer [b??] 啤酒 deer [d??] 鹿 [e?] pear [pe?] 梨 bear [be?] 熊 hair [he?] 头发 chair [?e?] 椅子 [??] tour [t??] 旅游 flower [`fla??] 花 [a?] cow [ka?] 奶牛 house [ha?s] 房子 mouth [ma?θ] 嘴 [??] coat [k??t] 外衣 goat [g??t] 山羊 bowl [b??l] 碗


(新)英语国际音标48个及例词 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?://?://i://U:/ 短元音/?//?//?//?//?//e//?/双元音/e?//a?//??//??//e?//??/ /??//a?/ 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p//t//k//f//θ//s/浊辅音/b//d//g//v//e//z/清辅音/?//ts//t?//tr//h/ 浊辅音/?//dz//d?//dr//r/ 边音/?/ 鼻音/m//n//?/ 半元音/j//w/ 1./ɑ:/arecarclassbanana 2./?/butbusnumberlunchsupper 3./?:/horsetallballfloordraw 4./?/boxdogmophotclock 5./?:/herbirddirtyshirt 6./?/rulernumbersupperdoctor 7./i:/heshebetheseChinesethreeteam 8./?/inissitJimEnglish 9./u:/youtooschoolmoverulerwho 10./?/booklookcookput 11./e/eggyespensevenspell 12./?/andcancatbagdad 13./e?/cakeKatelategreatplayeight 14./a?/finenicebikesky -来源网络,仅供个人学习参考

15./??/boytoyoilnoise 16./??/hereneardearcheer 17./e?/pearchairwheretheir 18./??/suretourpoor 19./??/nogozerothosenosecoatknow 20./a?/hownowmousedown 21./p/playparkpeoplesheep 22./b/bikebananabagweb 23./t/teatooteachercat 24./d/dogdoctorfrienddesk 25./k/carcakeKatedesk 26./g/greengladgooddog 27./f/friendfaxfiftyfloor 28./v/veryriversevenhave 29./θ/threethinkbirthdaysixth 30./e/thethisthesethosebrother 31./s/sitseeniceclass 32./z/zerotheseherstrousers 33./?/sheshipshirtshoeEnglish 34./?/usuallytreasurepleasure 35./ts/studentscatshatsparents 36./dz/bedsbirdsfriendsAIDS 37./t?/chaircheckChinawatch 38./d?/jeeporangeagepage 39./tr/treetrouserstreasuretravel 40./dr/drawdrivechildrenhundred 41./h/hewhohothelphouse 42./r/redrightreadroom 43./?/looklikelightbottleGoogle 44./m/mapmumnamenumber 45./n/nicenineknockfine 46./?/doingshoppingthinkEnglish 47./j/yellowyesyouyoung 48./w/whatwhitewherewar -来源网络,仅供个人学习参考


元音 [i:](长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key [i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrade orange i: pig fish in fifteen six ship th e: begin behind jacket basketball y:happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday u: busy business ui: build [?:] (长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple ear: early learn or: word work world our: journey [?] (短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u ure: picture er: teacher brother dinner father ar: sugar dollar or: doctor actor re: metre centre ou: delicious gracious a: panda aboutcamera sofa China e: open hundred i: candidate o: control polite today u: datum curriculum [?:] (长音凹)发这个音的字母及组合a aw al or oor ore au ar ou oar a: water want aw: draw strawberry al: ball wall or: horse corn fork or short oor: floor door ore: core tore au: August daughter ar: warm ou: bought ought oar: board [?](短音凹)发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou ow o: fox coffee shop dog doctor a: watch what au: Austrilia ou: cough ow: knowledge


英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e y 单词举例:thr ee t ea m ea t t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n 2) [ I ] [i] 发音字母: i y 单词举例:s i t p i g b i g man y happ y d i ctionar y 3) [?: ] 字母组合: al or au our ar 单词举例:w al l sh or t au tumn f our w ar m 4) [ ? ] 发音字母: o a ([?]) 单词举例:o n h o t l o t w a nt w a sh w a tch 5) [З:] [?: ]字母组合: ir ur ear er or 单词举例:g ir l sh ir t t ur n n ur se l ear n ear th w or k 6) [?] 字母组合er or ar o a 单词举例:teach er doct or t o gether a round 7) [a:] 字母组合: ar a 单词举例:c ar f ar m c ar d f a st cl a ss 8) [ ? ]发音字母: u o ou oo 单词举例:u p l u nch f u n c o me l o ve tr ou ble 9) [u:] 字母组合: oo o u 单词举例:f oo d r oo m sh o e d o tw o bl u e f u ll 10) [u]字母组合: u oo ou 单词举例:p u t f u ll p u sh l oo k g oo d sh ou ld c ou ld

48个音标 及 常见对应字母

48个音标及常见对应字母(组合)巧计表 20 3 2 3 [p]p[b] b [ts]ts,tes [dz]ds,des [m] m [w] w,wh [l] l [t] t[d] d[tr]tr[dr]dr[n]n[ j ] y[r]r [k]c,k,ck[g]g[t∫]ch,tch[d?]ge,dge, j [?]n[h]h,wh [f] f,ph[v]v [s] c,s[z] s,z 2. [θ] th[e] th (第49个音标[ ju:] u ) [∫] sh[?] 备注: 1. 熟记音标是记忆单词的基础和关键 3. 黑色:辅音28个;蓝色:元音20个 红色:对应字母 4. 字母i 常在词中,字母y常在词尾 5. 字母u的音标要记住:[ ju:] 48个音标及常见对应字母(组合)巧计表 20 [i: ]ee,ea [i]i,y [ei] a,ai,ay,ei,ey[ai]i,y[?i]oi,oy [?:]er,ir,or,ur,ear[?][i?][e?] [u?] [u:]o,u,oo[u]o,u,oo[?u]o,oa,ow[au]ou,ow [?:]or[?] o [ɑ:]含有a [∧]o,u,ou [?]a[e]e,ea 5. 爆破音有6个:[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 6. 除上表中所列常见字母组合外,还有:(熟读) ear, eer, ere, eir, air, are, oor, ore, ew, -tion, -ment, -ness, -ful, -ly,-less, gh(常不发音), -cial, -able, -ance, ence, qu-, un-, dis-,等


英语中48个音标对应的字母组合 [i:] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey [i] 发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui [?:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our [?] 发这个音的字母及组合 ure er ar or ou re a e i o u [?:] 发这个音的字母及组合 a aw al or oor ore au ar ou oar [?] 发这个音的字母及组合o a au ou ow [u:] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo ui u oe ou ew [u] 发这个音的字母及组合o oo u oul [a:] 发这个音的字母及组合a ar au ear al [Λ] 发这个音的字母及组合o u oo ou [?] 发这个音的字母及组合a ai [e] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea a ai ue ie [ei] 发这个音的字母及组a ai ay ey ea ei eigh [ai] 发这个音的字母及组i y ie uy ei igh eye [?i] 发这个音的字母及组合oi oy [au] 发这个音的字母及组合ou ow [?u] 发这个音的字母及组合o oa ow ou [i?] 发这个音的字母及组合e ear eer ea ier eo [e?] 发这个音的字母及组合air ear ere are eir [u?] 发这个音的字母及组合oor our ure u

[p] 发这个音的字母及组合p pp pe [b] 发这个音的字母及组合b bb be [t] 发这个音的字母和字母组合t tt te [d] 发这个音的字母和字母组合d ed dd de [k] 发这个音的字母及组合c k ck ch qu ke [g] 发这个音的字母及组合g gg gh gu gue [s] 发这个音的字母及组合s c ss ce sc se [z] 发这个音的字母及组合z s se ze es [∫] 发这个音的字母及组合s sh ch ci si ti [3] 发这个音的字母及组合s ge gi si z [t∫] 发这个音的字母及组合ch tch t [d3] 发这个音的字母及组合g j ge dge [f] 发这个音的字母及组合f ff ph gh fe [v] 发这个音的字母及组合v ve [θ] 发这个音的字母及组合th [e]发这个音的字母和字母组合th [ts] 发这个音的字母及组合ts tes [dz] 发这个音的字母及组合ds des [tr] 发这个音的字母及组合tr [dr] 发这个音的字母及组合dr [h] 发这个音的字母及组合h wh [r] 发这个音的字母及组合r rr wr rh [l] 发这个音的字母和字母组合l ll [m] 发这个音的字母及组合m mb mm mn me [n] 发这个音的字母及组合n kn gn nn ne [η] 发这个音的字母和字母组合n ng [w] 发这个音的字母及组合w wh [j] 发这个音的字母及组合y e


48个音标例词 辅音部分 [p] pot pig put people piano [b] book bag big job bear but [t] tooth teacher tea table task [d] dog dig duck dad double [k] cake keep cat cup cap [g] grandpa girl green good god [f] father fat foot full fit [v] five very vent drive vary [s] small study bus yes must [z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig [θ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth [δ] those these that this there [∫] cash bush shake shoe ship [з] measure pleasure leisure [t∫]chair chicken lunch [dз] jack job change [tr] tree truck train [dr] dress drink drain

[ts] students coats cats [dz] beds odds codes [m] mum moon morning [n] moon nut needle [?] ink link ring [h] hello hurry hey [l] look leg lake [r] rain radio room [w] window wake week [j] yellow yes you 单元音: [e] yes yellow bed [ae] cat bad dad [a:] are car far [?] pot got dog [?:] call tall or [?] cut nut but [3:]curtain further fur [?]mother color cooler [i] ink big pig [i:] jeep tea eat [u] good book look


h e[hi]他m e[mi]我b e[bi]是 此外字母组合ee,ea,ie,ei在重读音节中都可以发/i/,例如: sh ee p[ip]绵羊gr ee n[grin]绿色f ee[fi]费 s ea t[sit]座位st ea m[stim]蒸汽m ea n[min]用意 ach ie ve['tiv]完成bel ie ve[b'liv]相信bel ie f[b'lif]信任rec ei ve[r'siv]收到conc ei t[kn'sit]想法dec ei t[d'sit]欺骗2、音标[]音的发音字母 字母i,y在闭音节和非重读音节中发//,例如: p i ty[pti]怜w i sh[w]愿望off i ce[fs]办公室 lil y[ll]百合rh y thm[rem]节奏bic y cle[baskl]自行车 字母e在非重读音节发//,例如: r e main[rmen]保持tick e t[tkt]票d e lay[dle]耽搁

3、音标[e]音的发音规则 字母e在重读开音节中发[i],在重读闭音节通常发[e],例如: ch e ck[tek]检查b e d[bed]床n e t[net]网 字母组合ea在重读音节中不仅可以发[i:]音,也可以发[e]的音,在什么情况下发[i:]或[e]没有特定规则需要在平时学习中分别记忆,例如: d ea d[ded]死的h ea ven[hevn]天堂h ea lth[helθ]健康 4、音标[]音的发音规则 字母a在重读闭音节中发[],例如: a pple[pl]苹果m a d[md]疯狂的c a sh[k]现金 f a mily['fmili]家庭r a bbit['rbit]兔子h a ppy['hpi]高兴的 5、音标[]音的发音规则 通常情况下字母组合er,ir,ur在重读音节中都发[],例如: c er tain[s:tn]必然的n er vous[n:vs]紧张的s er ve[sv]服务 sk ir t[skt]裙子d ir ty['dt]肮脏的s ir[s]先生 n ur se[ns]护士p ur se[ps]钱包f ur[f]毛皮 or字母组合在w后也发[],例如: w or ship[w:p]崇拜w or th[w:θ]价值w or m[w:m]虫 ear字母组合后接辅音时通常发[],例如: ear ly['l]早的ear n[n]赚ear th[θ]地球 6、音标//音的发音字母 在非重读音节中发//的常见字母及字母组合a,e,o,u,or,er,例如: a long/l/沿着 b a nana/bnɑ:n/香蕉 op e n/pn/开presid e nt/prezdnt/总统 t o day/tde/今天sec o nd/seknd/第二 s u pport/sp:t/支持ind u stry/ndstri/工业 fact or/fkt/因素hum or/'hju:m/幽默 met er/mi:t/米moth er/me/母亲 a bout/bat/关于stud e nt/stju:dnt/学生 p o lite/plat/有礼貌的s u ggest/sdest/建议 profess or/prfes/教授speak er/spi:k/演讲者 7、音标[]音的发音字母 字母o在m,n,v或th前常发[],例如:


元音 [i:] (长音衣)发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key [i] (短音衣)发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrade orange i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday u: busy business ui: build [?:] (长音饿)发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear: early learn or: word work world our: journey [?] (短音饿)发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u ure: picture er: teacher brother dinner father sister


个国际音标对应的字母 组合及例词可打印版 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

48个国际音标对应的字母组合 1 元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \ei ①ee: three[θri:](三) tree[tri:](树) green[ɡri:n](绿色) ②ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) tea[ti:](茶、茶叶) meat[mi:t](肉食) ③e: he [hi:, i] (他) me[mi:, mi](我,宾格) ④ie\ei: piece[pi:s](片, 块)receive[ri,si:v](收到, 接到) 2) [i] 发音字母:① i ②y③ e ①i : sit[sit] ((使)坐) picture.[,pikt] (图画, 肖像; 照片) ②y : any[,eni](一点, 一些) many[,meni](许多, 多的) ③e : defect .[di,fekt](缺点, 过失) women.[,wimin](女人) 3) [ ]发音字母: a a : bag .[b?ɡ] (袋, 包) hand .[h?nd] (手) and.[nd, nd](和, 与) 4) [e] 字母组合:① ea ②e ③a ①ea : head.[hed](头部 ) bread.[bred](面包 ) ②e : desk.[desk](书桌, 办公桌) bed.[bed](床, 床位) ③a : any[,eni](一点, 一些) many[,meni](许多, 多的) 5) [:] 字母组合:①ir② ur ③ear④ er ⑤or ①ir : girl .[ɡ: l] (女孩、少女) shirt.[:t](衬衫、衬衣) ②ur : turn.[t: n](翻转、旋转) nurse.[n: s](护士 )


[i:] 发这个音的字母及组合e ea ee ie ei i ey e: me she he we evening ee: sweet bee sheep see three ea: meat leaf sea teach eat ie: piece ei: receive ceiling i: police ey: key [i] 发这个音的字母及组合a i e y ey ay u ui a: village comrad e orange i: pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e: begin behind jacket basketball y: happy heavy busy carry sunny ey: monkey money ay: Sunday Saturday Friday u: busy business ui: buil d [?:] 发这个音的字母及组合er ir ur ear or our er: her serve term ir: bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur: nurse Thursday turtl e purpl e curtain ear: early learn or: word work worl d our: journey [?] 发这个音的字母及组合ure er ar or ou re a e i o u ure: picture er: teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar d ollar or: d octor actor


48个国际音标对应的字母组合 一.48个国际音标的发音—20元音: 1[i:] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。 2[i] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。 3[?:] 嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舍身平放,舌中部稍稍抬高。

4[?] 嘴唇微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起,口腔自然放松发声。 5[?:] 双唇收得小而圆,并向前突出,舌身往后缩。 6[?] 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆。 7[u:] 嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量后缩。 8[u] 嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩。 9[ɑ:] 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身放平,舌尖不抵下齿,下巴放低,放松发音。 10[?] 嘴唇微微张开,伸向两边,舌尖轻触下齿,舌后部稍稍抬起。 11[?] 嘴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。 12[e] 嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。 13[ei] 由[e]和[i]两个单音组成,[e]重读,[i]轻读,口形由半开到合,字母A就发这个音。 14[ai] 由[a]和[i]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[i]轻读,口形由开到合,与字母I的发音相同。 15[?i] 由[?]和[i]两个单音组成,[?]重读,[i]轻读,口形由圆到扁,由开到合。 16[au] 由[a]和[u]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[u]轻读,口型由大到小。 17[?u] 由[?]和[u]两个单音组成,[?]重读,[u]轻读,口形由半开到小,与字母O的发音相同。

18[i?] 由[i]和[?]两个单音组成,[i]重读,[?]轻读,双唇始终半开。 19[e?] 由[e]和[?]两个单音组成,[e]重读,[?]轻读,舌端抵下齿,双唇半开。 20[u?] 由[u]和[?]两个单音组成,[u]重读,[?]轻读,双唇由收圆到半开。 二.48个国际音标的发音—28辅音: 爆破音清辅音 1[p]双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带不振动。 2[t]舌尖抵上齿龈,憋住气,然后突然弹开舌尖,让气流从口腔喷出,但声带不振动。 3[k]舌后部抵住软腭,憋住气,然后突然间离开,将气送出来,想咳嗽一样,但声带不震动。 爆破音浊辅音 4[b]双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带需振动。 5[d]舌尖抵上齿龈,憋住气,然后弹开舌尖,让气流从口腔中喷出,但声带需振动。 6[ɡ]舌后部抵住软腭,憋住气,然后突然间离开,将气送出来,但声带需振动。


48个国际音标对应的字母组合 1 元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:①ee ②ea ③e ④ie \ei ①ee: three[θri:](三)tree[tri:](树)green[ɡri:n](绿色) ②ea: eat [i:t] (吃、吃饭) tea[ti:](茶、茶叶)meat[mi:t](肉食) ③e: he [hi:, i] (他) me[mi:, mi](我,宾格) ④ie\ei: piece[pi:s](片, 块)receive[ri,si:v](收到, 接到) 2) [i] 发音字母:① i ②y③ e ①i : sit[sit] ((使)坐)picture.[,pikt??] (图画, 肖像; 照片) ②y : any[,eni](一点, 一些)many[,meni](许多, 多的) ③e : defect .[di,fekt](缺点, 过失)women.[,wimin](女人) 3) [? ]发音字母: a a : bag .[b?ɡ] (袋, 包) hand .[h?nd] (手) and.[?nd, ?nd](和, 与) 4) [e] 字母组合:① ea ②e ③a ①ea : head.[hed](头部)bread.[bred](面包) ②e : desk.[desk](书桌, 办公桌)bed.[bed](床, 床位) ③a : any[,eni](一点, 一些)many[,meni](许多, 多的) 5) [?:] 字母组合:①ir② ur ③ear④ er ⑤or ①ir :girl .[ɡ?:l] (女孩、少女)shirt.[??:t](衬衫、衬衣) ②ur :turn.[t?:n](翻转、旋转) nurse.[n?:s](护士) ③ear :learn.[l?:n]( 学习; 学; 学会) early .[,?:li]( 早的, 提早的) ④er :term.[t?:m](学期) her.[h?:](她)


英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个) 长元音/ɑ://?:// ?://i://U:/ 短元音/ ?//?//?//?//?//e//?/e?//a?//??/ 双元音/??//e?//??/ /??//a?/ 辅音(28个) 清辅音/p// t// k//f//θ//s/ 浊辅音/b//d/ /g//v//e/ /z/ 清辅音/?// h//ts//t?//tr/ 浊辅音/?// r/ /dz/ /d?//dr/ 鼻音/m//n/ /?/ 半元音/ j// w/ 边音/ ?/ 新旧英语国际音标对照表 辅音新旧无变化。

英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei y 单词举例:thr ee tr ee gr ee n sh ee p m ee t b ee f s ee ea t t ea m ea t l ea ve l ea d t ea cher sp ea k cl ea n pl ea se h e sh e m e p ie ce rec ei ve c ei ling twent y 2)[ I ] [i]发音字母: i y e ui u a 单词举例:s i t p i g b i g i t i s l i ttle s i x man y happ y d i ctionar y d e fect d e cide del i cious 3)[ ? ]发音字母: a 单词举例:b a g h a nd h a ppy h a t m a p m a d b a d bl a ck b a ck gl a d m a n 4)[e]字母组合: ea e a 单词举例:h ea d br ea d b e d r e d e lephant rem e mber s e ll l e sson b e tter d e sk hot e l y e s 5)[З:]?: 字母组合: ir ur ear er or 单词举例:g ir l sh ir t sk ir t th ir ty th ir d b ir d t ur n n ur se t ur tle Th ur sday


48个音标对应单词举例 元音20个 长短元音比较 [i:] he [hi:] need [ni:d] meat [mi:t] tea [ti:] [i] give [gi v ] kid [ki d] big [bi g ] fish [fi ?] [?] fat [f ?t] man [m?n] have [h?v ] bank [b??k] [e] let [let] rest [rest] red [re d] bed [bed ] [a:] aunt[a:nt] car [ka:] start[sta:t] laugh [la:f] [?] luck [l?k] love [l?v] money [m?ni] come [k?m] [?:] girl[g?:1] learn[l?:n] work [w?:k] murd er['m ?:d?] [?] today [t ?'d ei] teacher ['ti:t??] forget [f?'get] [?:] your [j?:] daughter ['d ?:t?] tall [t?:] horse [h?:s] [?] hot[h?t] d og[d?g] want [w?nt] box [b?ks] [u:] food [fu:d] two [tu:] too[tu:]zoo[zu:] [u] look [luk] good [gud] book[buk] cook[kuk]

双元音 [ei] baby['b ei bi] wait ['w ei t] pay ['pei] cake ['keik] [ai] a [hai] I [ai] like [laik] bike [baik] [?i] boy [b?i] voice[v?is] avoid[?v ?id] noisy [n?izi] [au] cow [kau] out [aut] house[haus] now [nau] [?u] no[n?u] hope [h?up] go[g?u] home[h?um] [i?] here[hi?] cheer[t?i ?] near [ni?] beer[bi?] [e?] where [we?] fair [fe?] there [e??] [u?] poor[pu?] sure[? u?]

  • 48个音标对应的字母
  • 48个英语音标及例词

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