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厦门品测龙门式2.5次元测量仪、大行程全自动影像仪VMG 10122 福建展厅本地服务




  VMG is a series of GantryCNC videomeasuring machines, which are specially designed for large size measurement.The largest measurement range can reach 2550 × 2050mm, and can be appliedin the industries of PCB, LCD, sheet m e t al, civil aviation and spaceindustries, etc. VMG integrates the industry’s most advanced design concepts.The accuracy and stability of the machine can be ensured well on account of themost perfect design and strict controls during production.


  2 仪器特点 Features

  ? 移动桥式结构,大行程全自动测量,四轴CNC控制。

  Moving bridge structure, Automatic large volumemeasurement, four-axis CNC control.

  ? 精密花岗岩机台,精度高、稳定性好。

  Precision granite machines,high accuracy and stability.

  ? 全鼠标、手柄式的自动化控制,简单易用。

  Easily operated with mouse andjoystick.

  ? Renishaw开放式光栅尺,精度高、稳定性好。

  Renishaw linear scales with high accuracy and stability.

  ? 自动变倍光学镜头,可实现自动变倍测量。

  World’s leading optical lens for programmable zoom measurement.

  ? 可程控6环8区环形表面光源,LED轮廓光源。

  Programmable surface light (6 rings 8 octants, 48 sectors),LED profile light.

  ? 自动对焦测高,可加装接触式测头。

  Automatic focus for height measurement. Touch probe canbe added on demand.

  ? Vispec全自动影像测量软件。

  Powerful Vispec CNC metrologysoftware.

  ? 提供多种规格标准配置,并可根据要求进行个性化定制。

  Provide various standard configurations, customized versionsare also available on demanded.

  2 软件系统 Software System

  ? 基本测量功能 Basic Measuring Function

  1. 可测几何量:点、线、圆(最da、最小和平均)、弧、样条曲线、椭圆、矩形、四边形、槽、R角、环、间距、距离、点群等。

  It can test the geometric element,including point, line, circle, arc, spline, ellipse, rectangle, slot, ringcircle ,gap, distance, point list, etc.

  2. 构建:中心点、极值点、端点、交点、两点连线、平行线、垂线、切线、平分线、中心线、合并、轮廓分割、半径画圆、三线内切圆、两线半径内切圆等。

  Itcan construct centered, endpoint, insect, connect, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, bisect, combine, etc.

  3. 影像量测工具:绘图点、最近边缘点、聚焦点、圆形框取点、边缘点、最近点、整体提取、多段提取、纹理分割、多段纹理分割、电子卡尺、快速整理取圆、开放轮廓线、闭合轮廓线、最近闭合轮廓线。

  Videomeasuring tools include drawing point, closed point, focus point, pick point bycircle, whole pick, multiple pick, edge trace, largest closed contour, nearestclosed contour.

  4. 形位公差:直线度、圆度、位置度、平行度、垂直度、倾斜度、同心度等。

  Itcan provide tolerance measurement: include straightness, roundness, position, parallelism, perpendicularity,angularity and concentricity, etc.

  5. 坐标系:夹具定位坐标系、点线、两点X、两点Y、三点、两线、图像配准坐标系;平移、旋转、手工调整坐标系。

  Coordinatesystem: Fixture positioning coordinate system, dotted line, Two pointsdetermine the X axis, Two points determine the Y axis, three points, two lines,Image registration system. Translation, rotation, manually adjust thecoordinate system.

  ? 编程与自动化操作 Programming and Automation

  1. 可生成任务进行全自动批量测量,并支持自动和手工交互操作。

  Itcan create a task for automatic measurement, and support both automatic andmanual interactive operation.

  2. 自动镜头变倍(软件控制),变倍后无需重新校正。

  Optical lens for programmable zoom measurement, withoutre-correct.

  3. 光源实现自动控制,支持自动打光。

  Lightcan be controlled by software and support automatic lighting.

  4. 支持表面光六环八区、轮廓光的各区段自动控制。

  Surface light and profilelight can be controlled.

  5. 可快速自动聚焦,聚焦测量高度。

  Itcan focus automatically and quickly to measure height

  ? 输出及数据统计 Output and Data Statistics

  1. 可输出Word、Excel、HTML、TXT报表和AutoCAD文件。

  Word, Excel, TXT and AutoCAD formats of output.

  2. 支持实时输出至excel模版,可定制模版。

  Real-time output to excel templates, customizable templates.

  3. 可以只输出后一次任务运行的数据。

  You can only output results of thelast run of the task.

  4. 运行任务时自动生成.rst格式文件,记录任务运行的详细信息。

  Automatically generated .rst whenyou run the task, details of the task run record.

  5. 运行完打印:任务运行完直接打印。

  Print after runningPrintdirectly after finish running.

  6. 输出任务数据到文件:输出任务运行结果至文本中,同名任务的数据输出至同文件。

  Task data output to the file:Output the result of task data to the text, the task data of the same nameoutput to the same file.

  7. 可按目录,根据任务名称自动输出任务结果至csv文本中,便于同种工件结果的统一分析。Can specify a directory, the nameof the task automatically output the results to a csv text tasks , facilitateunified analysis of the results of the same kinds of artifacts.

  8. SPC统计功能,导入rst文件,可进行有效的品管控制。

  SPC statistical function, Importthe .rst file, can control the quality of product effectively.

  9. 基元属性区域,实时显示当前正在测量的基元数据。

  Primitiveproperty area , real-time display primitive data being measured currently.

  10. 基元超差区,分类显示正常基元,超差基元,未测量基元等等。

  Primitive error area, classifiedaccording to normal primitives, out-of-tolerance primitive, not measuredprimitives, and so on.


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  • 3线规 三线针 313-101
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  • 公司名称:厦门品测仪器有限公司
  • 联系人:徐先生
  • 联系电话:15750795725 15750795725
  • 传真:5565893
  • 地址:嘉禾路396号B707室
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