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Someone remind me again to not play world of tanks on the weekends. yeesh.

That aside, no news, I guess.

right. archives here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Strike%20witches%201989

and there's a character sheet here: http://pastebin.com/zFxWNup1 . that sheet actually works fairly well if you want to just jump in without screwing around with the archives.


“So, what you're saying is, Admiral Nixon wants us to demonstrate the new Wyvern against an unspecified number of aggressors with one witch flying our wing, in front of the largest collection of Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps brass assembled in one place outside the Pentagon?” You ask, dumbfounded. “An aircraft, I might add, that we have, like, maybe thirty hours flight time in and we damn near blew a turbine in last flight? He wants us to do it in that aircraft?”

Ice nods. “The orders weren't really orders, so much as... a strongly worded request. But yes. That's exactly what he wants you do to.”

You sigh, fighting to not explode. It's not the first unreasonable request you've gotten from the brass about the aircraft- and what you can do with it- but Nixon is the last person you'd expect to ask that kind of thing.

Your last hop nearly ended in disaster- you thought everything was going great until Merlin, with uncharacteristic force, told you to chop your throttles way, way back and that she was about to shut down your number one engine.

You'd complied instantly, and it saved your lives- declaring an in-flight emergency, you'd dropped your gear and limped back to the base, hardly daring to breathe. A few hours after deplaning, the techs called you back in to show you the turbine fan, noticeable damage along almost every blade causing even you to pause. You'd been running at military power, just below afterburner- if the blade had failed then, you're not sure you could have done a damn thing to save yourself. Or Merlin.

Merlin, for her part, wouldn't say how she knew, and insists it had nothing to do with the aircraft talking to her. Her only answer, when pressed on the subject was that “something felt wrong.” She's actually been avoiding you since then, though you've seen her talking to Ice and Rosalie quite a bit, and Katya when Katya's around.

That was two days ago, and the factory team was quick to figure out the problem- the metallurgy of the blades was off by some nth of a degree in one hardening alloy or other, and they had a new pair of engines shipped up via cargo aircraft almost inside of six hours. You're not sure you trust the whole thing, honestly- without Merlin's warning, you'd be dead- but you're managing well enough. You've almost died before, you tell yourself, this isn't any different. Hell, Rosalie said as much when you'd talked to her, pointing out that was part of the price for testing new equipment like that. Still, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy at the whole thing.

Ice is watching you, waiting for an answer. She's patient, but it's probably better to not test it.

[] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?
[] Let me talk to Rosalie some. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't shake me a bit.
[] Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in?
[] No, I'm not taking that bird up for a mock dogfight, not after that. Let the tech crew work some.
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Aw shit, here we go.
[x] Ask Merlin if she would go gay for a chocolate cake witch
>[] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?
She goes from not wanting to be away from us at all, to being kiiiiinda okay with us taking a weekend away, to not wanting to talk to us at all? This is worrisome.
[x] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?
>[x] Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in?
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[X] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?

Something is up with Little Sister RIO. Surely Ice wouldn't hold that info back from Frank...would she?
I know what's up with merlin, she just had her Witching Cherry popped is frightened and excited by it.
>[X] Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in? Perhaps I should go talk to her before deciding though.
[x] Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in?
>[x] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?

Lovely, get new plane that tries to kill us right off the bat and Nixon asks for us to demonstrate, we need more time and then there's Merlin.

Best night of the the week and sounds like a blast, preferably one that doesn't involve engines and/or Merlin being frightened.
>[] Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in?
You don't disappoint Nixon.
[] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?
Little sister is upset! Cake or hugs!
>You don't disappoint Nixon.
Would having a engine Snafu like before and ending up injured, again be disappointing?
>Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in?

>implying we won't say Yes just as soon as we're sure Sammy is okay
>[x] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?

It's not a yes or a no, if we figure out what's up with Merlin and get a little more time on the bird it'll be a yes with seconds please.
>I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?
No sense flying with our RIO out of whack.
[x] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?

Also, for some reason I wasn't expecting this thread until later tonight. Sometimes, surprises can be quite pleasant

>[x] Yeah, I'm game. Is Merlin in?

More funny ideas for the future. Konstantina sends a letter demanding one last fight. The whole of Spellcaster shows up, and Merlin finds something odd in the radio.

*cue Wedding March*

Oh, dear, is that Konstantina in a wedding dress? Frank clearly needs to work on keeping his swag off.
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[x] I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?

You shrug. “Mind telling me what's up with Merlin, Ice? This isn't like her.”

Ice shakes her head. “I'm not sure you're going to want to hear it.”

You cross your arms. “Try me.”

Ice sighs. “Remember what we talked about a while ago? How Merlin's different, somehow, than most of us?”

You vaguely recall the discussion. “Yeah. How no one is real sure why she can't do strikers, but she can do all the sparkle fantastic bullcrap in a jet?”

Ice frowns at the phrase 'sparkle fantastic bullcrap' but nods. “Well, she said....” She pauses.

“She said she knew about the turbine blade a few minutes before she told you- she was trying to hold it together long enough to finish that phase of the test flight.” Ice continues. “I'm honestly not sure what kind of... I'm not sure how a witch could do that, but Merlin knew instinctively and was able to.”

You nod, tacking this onto the expanding mental list of 'reasons why Merlin is awesome.'

“Ok, so she saved our asses.” You say. “I don't see-”

“No,” Ice says, cutting you off. “First, she feels guilty because she didn't tell you before it was a crisis situation and second...”

She trails off.

[] Second what, Ice?
[] You know what? I'm not worried about it. Will she still fly?
>I'll decide later. Ice, what's up with Merlin?

I'd say yes but I want to know what caused Merlin's sudden shift.
>[] Second what, Ice?
Better to learn what else is going wrong with Merlin.
[x] Second what, Ice?
[x] Second what, Ice?

This is important.
>[] Second what, Ice?

oh god no little sister please you are not for lewds!
[x] Second what, Ice?
Oh god, Merlin's not a witch, she's a gnome.
>[x] Second what, Ice?
"Don't go trail off on me Boss Lady."

Sounds like Merlin has a bit of Gnome.
[] Second what, Ice?
Merlin confirmed for Techpriestess, she satisfied that machine's spirit if you know what I mean, I mean she appeased it magical energy and prayers, MERLIN IS NOT FOR LEWDS
[x] Second what, Ice?
[X] Second what, Ice?
>Second what, Ice?
[x] Second what, Ice? I don't like it when you trail off like that, it gives me the heebie-jeebies
>[] Second what, Ice?
If it's important, we need to know.

[X] Second what, Ice?

I have a bad feeling about this....
[] Second what, Ice?

Remember we kinda knew she was connected to the plane ever since we got shot while fighting Konstantina (Not really sure about that, just that the plane got shot in the wing and suddenly Merlin is motionless, unresponsive and head down in the backseat)
That was the Vampire.
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[x] Second what, Ice?

“Second what, Ice?” You prompt. “You can't trail off on me like that, it makes me start to worry.”

She exhales. “Most witches have a pretty solid grasp on their limits. Like, ok. Like their shields. Each witch's is marginally different- bigger, smaller, whatever. And most of them can absorb different amounts of punishment- like, Slider's is much stronger than mine.”

You nod, following.

“Merlin knows her limits, maybe the best out of any of us. It was a pretty big deal to her after the academy. Now, she's already unusual in that we think she uses your aircraft as a focus, without needing the stuff they have in strikers for that, right?”

She's in full teacher mode, but you nod anyway, still tracking.

“Right. Well....” She pauses again, then shakes her head just before you prompt her to continue.

“I asked her about how she was holding that fan disc together. She was using a shield to do it.” Ice stops and shakes her head. “No, not a shield. She had one over every single blade on the disc. We think. She claims she doesn't know what she did.”

From everything you know, that ought to be flat, flippin impossible.

“Ice, that's-” You start, voicing your disbelief. Ice shakes her head.

“Impossible? We know. But here's the second part. She only warned you when she felt herself getting too weak to maintain those shields. Frank, I talked to the tech crew. They said that engine should be in about a thousand pieces, scattered all over the range.”

The unspoken implication, there, is that you should be too.

“Merlin swears up and down that she was too weak to keep that engine together. She warned you as a last ditch effort, and she was already preparing to eject.”

“Ok, and?” You say, patience running out.

“Frank, she says when she told you that, it was like... “ She pauses, looking for a term that works. “Like suddenly being plugged into the sun. She went so far past her limits in an instant, and it's got her scared.”

[] The fuck are you talking about boss?
[] So she's a lot stronger than she thought she was. Good to know.
[] The fuck are you talking about boss?
[] The fuck are you talking about boss?
[x] The fuck are you talking about boss?
[] The fuck are you talking about boss?
I understand stand the impossible part but you lost me when she felt stronger after she stopped.
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>[] The fuck are you talking about boss?
Before I forget it:
[X] The fuck are you talking about boss?

"Ice, are you saying that Merlin is a lot stronger than she thinks she is and I give her the confidence to do it, or are you saying that I'm a Witch Battery Thingy that can power up sparkles."
If people couldn't see the obvious already we are a gnome.
[x] The fuck are you talking about boss?
>[] The fuck are you talking about boss?
>The fuck are you talking about boss?

These are some dangerous sparkles
[] The fuck are you talking about boss?

Looks like we must talk to Merlin again. No interruptions, only viable excuse would be the Russians developing warp technology and teleporting all over us.
[x] The fuck are you talking about boss?

PTSD powered magic!
don't give Ghost idea.
We must never let the reds find this out.
man SCP is going to nab her post war I bet....
>only viable excuse would be the Russians developing warp technology and teleporting all over us

We'd probably just tell them to shut the fuck up, for like 5 minutes. They'd listen too.
[] The fuck are you talking about boss?

Did our powers combine with Merlin's to give her a massive boost?
that's a likely scenario
They most likely would if our yandere russian lover was their commander
tell her we'll have consensual sex with her and she'd probably have her troops ensure no eavesdropping

[X] The fuck are you talking about boss?

Plus this >>24829945
The Martians have developed an upgrade for their inter-planetary cannon that allows them to launch troops trough space and time.
Question about SW in general.
What exactly can witches do? I mean, in terms of witchy things. Beyond healing, detecting stuff at a distance and flying on a broomstick/striker, can they do anything witchy? Like toss fireballs or something?
I've been waiting to see how witch magics would interact with wizard/gnome type magics ever since the not so big reveal back in original SWQ
There's various special abilities beyond those, one of which can make projectiles quite explosive as was found out when one witch played darts.... and took out a wall.

Not sure if Ghost put much thought behind special abilities or not.
I'm pretty sure they can use their sparkle powers on bullets to make them hit harder
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Silly you. The Russians will never develop teleporter technology. They will send invincible Vampires after us instead.
Well deploying shields for one. And performance boosting passive magic I think. For example a sniper can now see at x12 trough iron sights, don't quote me on the last one because I'm not sure.
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>Like toss fireballs or something?

Electricity is the most magic thing one has done, that being Perrine
Thanks. Just curious is all.
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Warp them in our hangars. Should work
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[x] The fuck are you talking about boss?

You frown. “The fuck are you talking about, boss? You saying I'm some kind of sparkle-fantastic battery?”

Ice shrugs. “Maybe. We don't know! That's the problem, Frank. You've already been pegged as a probable, but this is so far beyond anything we've seen that we're not sure what's going on. Could be, Merlin's a hell of a lot stronger than anyone, including herself, thought, and she's somehow blocked herself off from it, and will only tap into it when she thinks she's about to die. Or you're about to die. Could be you're, as you put it, some kind of sparkle-fantastic battery. Could be something else.”

“Like what?” You ask, confused.

“There's not that many cases of gnomes actually flying in the same aircraft as witches. If you are one, this would be the first case we know of it, as a matter of fact. Could be that the male side of things somehow enhances the female side.” She shrugs again. “Could be that you and Merlin have somehow learned to work togther well enough that she can draw strength from you and none of the rest of us could do it. Could be she draws power from the aircraft and You are a gnome, and she's stronger the better it's flown.”

She shrugs a third time and gives you a weak grin.

“Could be that you're some supernatural creature wearing a man's skin and I'll wake up in a few seconds and this will have all been a dream. We don't know, Frank.”

[] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
[] Nope. Not dealing with this. I'm going to the pool.
>Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
[] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
>[] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
Need to make sure that she can fly.
[x] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
so....moving into Vandread territory then?
We could talk to Merlin in the pool!
[X] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.

So we have learned nothing new, we already know we're awesome, that Merlin's awesome, and that we are double awesome together. The magic is just frosting on top.

We are going to find Merlin and talk to her. And by talk to her I mean pick her up, put her on our shoulders, make airplane noises, and after running around like a maniac we'll talk to her.
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>[x] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.

>mfw gnome is the official terminology
or aquarion for that matter i guess
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>[x] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.

Gnomes, Gnomeing, Witches, In none lewd ways.

[X] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
I'm rather conflicted here. On one hand, my gut is telling me to go talk to her, see how she's taking this.

On the other hand, I also think that this could be a way to start her being a little bit less clingy.
Decisions decisions
[] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.

We Vandread now?
>[X] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
"Woah woah woah, back up a seconds. Gnome? Boss have you been taking something?"

Last I knew gnomes were top secret, need to know only. In case that in not the case anymore then disregard that up there and go with [] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
She's mentioned that we could potentially be a male capable of using magic in previous threads. I think this is the first time she's used the word gnome though.
>[] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
I'd love to just pool it up, but we need to talk to her.
Ice already implied our Gnomehood. So nothign new is learned
[X] Nope. Not dealing with this. I'm going to the pool.

Never shall I support serious discussion.
Maybe it's just the colloquial term and the official term is Warlock or Wizard?
various things have implied it even at the beginning with Merilin hearing from the plane he was making it do some impossible things.
Think he is trying to make a joke like, 'Nothing happened' "What are you talking about?' sort of thing.
I personally, am fond of Warlock. It's much more...aggressive sounding to me than gnome.
I know, I feel the same way. Gnome sounds like the name of the support guy who builds gadgets and repairs stuff back at base, not the name of the guy that goes out and slices a boulder in half fighting some Tengu or swinging the mast of a ship around to clear the deck.
You dare disrespect the spirit of Conrad?
That's essentially what Gnomes do in this universe. Tech stuff up.
It's because Male magic IS support magic, it supports the plane in this case.
or the task in question as there's not just plane gnomes, but marksman gnomes (Ian), not sure if it's just Sean's radio talent that's affected.
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Reminded me of my tank. This thing is awesome.

Sage for off-topic
Swinging the mast around seems more Witchy than Warlocky, as does slicing the boulder.

Male magic in this seems a lot more subtle. Instead of cutting the boulder in half you just happen to be a couple feet to the left, instead of picking up a mast to clear the deck you know which rope to cut to cause a strange and improbable series of events ending with a heavy piece of wood ramming into their guts.

It's less overt and flashy than Witch magic and more just being that damn good at something, you don't stop the bullets you just aren't where they are, you don't have magic radar you just know where something is in a way that could be explained through instinct, luck, and having damn good senses, you don't shoot lightning but you do make a shot at a distance that you should have missed it instead.
Of course, it sort of makes sense in a historical context; male magic only became more obvious and quantifiable with the advent of complex machinery, and the earliest examples would have been clocks. Blacksmiths would just be dismissed as guys that got lucky with getting good ores and alloys, but mass synching of clocks would be harder to explain. So gnomes, master craftsman, would be the term used.

And going back to how the term 'feels', Witches would prefer the less threatening Gnome to the more aggressive Warlock and Wizard.
You, I like you.
>[x] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
agreed. no one has been face punched yet.
exactly male magic appears to be excelling at a task sometimes beyond the normal limits.
If you go back into the archives, Minna specifically lists jumping tens of feet into the air, inhuman feats of swordsmanship, lifting up incredible weights and swinging logs around as examples of Male Magic.
I believe she said most legendary feats are due to male magic, not so much specific examples. As super strength/etc. is a very well known witch trait. That is unless german gnomes share the witch's perchant for that trait.
Worldwide cross dressing witch conspiracy.
In SWQ Sean crumpled a pistol with his bare hands. Super strength isn't unheard of in males.
Basicly a lot like New Types from Gundam.
>Crumped a Nambu
Doesn't really count, frag grenades are supposed to break apart after all.
that was a fucking Nanbu, aka the shittiest piece of pistol in history. It was also a gun known for EXPLODING!
Ya dood, it was the original glocknade
It was a Nambu, you didn't need to be Hercules to do that.
Yeah, but still. Gotta have some force to bend steel. (Unless it was fucking plastic in which case what the hell)
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[x] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.

“Well, that's great. Didn't you already tell me most of this though?” You say. “Where is she? I'm going to go talk with her.”

“She's with Slider, on the range.” Ice answers.

“Merlin.” you repeat. “Is on a weapons range with she of the shotgun and lack of common sense?”

Ice nods. “There was a marine company there, they had some automatic weapons and invited us. Slider thought it would be a good idea to bring Merlin along, get her mind off it. Rosalie's out there too, but the twins decided to go to the pool. Maverick and Goose had their familiarization rides in the new strikers today.”

“And Katya's up with the aggressors.” You supply. Ice nods, and motions for you to follow her to the living room if you want to continue the conversation.

“Look, Frank, she's only avoiding you because she's scared and ashamed. She's convinced you're going to be mad at her for not warning you earlier.” Ice says.

“Ice, that's a load of-” She interrupts you.

“I know that. Trust me, we've all told her that. We've pointed out that she's the only one you treat the way you do, the only one of us you'd drop anything for.” She shrugs. “She's fifteen and idolizes you, Frank. She's just scared she made her hero mad at her, you know?”

“So, what? She's going to avoid me till I'm not mad anymore?” You ask. “Not that I'm mad- I'm not. We're only alive because of her.”

Ice nods, sprawling out on the couch and turning on the TV. “It doesn't make a lot of sense, but in a lot of ways, she's kinda immature. I mean, we all did that when we were younger- hid from our parents until they weren't mad anymore.”

“Well, regardless. I'm going to go talk to her.” You say, turning to head upstairs and grab your jacket.

“Frank, why don't you just wait for them to get back? Maybe the range time would do her some good?” Ice offers.

[] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
[] No, I need to talk to her as soon as possible.
[x] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
[x] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
>[] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
[X] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.

She'll feel better after using a shotgun, and this gives enough time for quiet contemplation in the pool.
>[] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.

>inb4 politics fuck us over and we don't get to talk much
[] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
"Maybe if I endanger myself on purpose she'll feel better. Going swimming if anyone needs me."
[x] No, I need to talk to her as soon as possible.

Just because Ghost loves to pull deus ex interuptus on us.
>[] Yeah, okay. I'll let her shoot for awhile, I guess.
"So, boss... what are you up to?"
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>[x] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.

She's in good hands.
'Who cares!'
> Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess
>[x] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, but you're helping me bake something for when she gets back.

[X] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.

Let Sammy blow off steam with Slider. We can spend some time with the boss or at the pool with the Shark twins.
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[X]Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.

In the context that Ice has given, she's probably right. Merlin is scared that we're mad at her, so give her time enough that she thinks we've cooled down.
the thing is if we're interrupted by that, it's likely we won't get a chance for a while. That and this being Ghost, it's more like a nigh-certainty.

But hey who cares about that, there's shark twins in the pool.
Here's a question. Have you ever believed your parents when they told you they weren't mad?
>Ice prepares to make her move
Do we absolutely have to go to the pool?
We should as Ice to assist us in the pool. Never go in without back up after all
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This so much and then some.

I had the same thought for a second or two.
I judge from the tone and sensed mood.
>[X] Well, that's awesome. Where is she, I'm going to talk to her.
Have we ever been mad at Merlin though?
A teenage mind believes the most outlandish things.
No but if she thinks we are or will be, we will get the same reaction.
No, but she's a teenage girl with more than a bit of a hero worshiping thing going on for us.

She thinks we might be disappointed in her for not telling us and everyone knows that disappointed is how parents say they are mad.
But I don't think Frank had ever mentioned the word disappointment.

Though this question came to mind: Wouldn't going after a normal witch make Merlin's complex about not being a normal witch worse?
My dad just drank a lot when I fucked up.
That would explain the liver disease.
[X] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
Merlin behind a SAW is a fun image.
Damn thing probably weighs as much as she does. Probably the only belt fed in the inventory that wouldn't kill her.
>[] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.
much as I don't like it, I get the feeling that letting Slider talk to her and let her blow off some steam will do some good. Plus, immediately storming off once Ice told us about it would probably make her upset at ice and scared that we're angry
I dunno. I would think that the weight would be a good thing. Maybe.
but.. what about lolmagic?
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[x] Yeah, ok. I'll let her shoot for a while, I guess.

You pause, then nod.

“Yeah, ok. I'll let her and Slider shoot for a while.” You say, returning to the living room and flopping out on the other couch.

“So, any news from Katsumi?” You ask.

Ice starts. “Yeah! Actually, she wrote not too long ago. Your sister has managed to impress one of her brothers pretty considerably, apparently she went toe-to-toe with your fanclub and came out as good as you usually do.”

“That doesn't speak well for her, you know.” You point out. “Jessica's not exactly a seasoned vet.”

Ice laughs. “No, but according to Katsumi, she got the same genes for air combat you did. Katsumi's been flying with them, I guess.” She grins. “She also mentioned that her father said something about meeting us.”

“The emperor?” You ask.

She nods. “That'd be the father of the imperial princess, yes. Nothing serious or pressing, I forwarded it up already.”

“Neat,” You respond. “Any other news?”

Ice shakes her head. “Not really. The Saratoga's operating with the combined pacific fleet, they're getting ready to hit China, I guess. The Atlantic fleet's been trying to get us transferred over for the last six weeks, but Nixon's blocking that.” She laughs. “Unless the soviets somehow invade Iceland or something, I doubt they'll get us.”

“Hmm. Europe?”

She frowns. “Western France in 1917 all over again. Talked to a few of my friends, they're basing almost all the air in Britain now. Apparently they're rebuilding a few old war-era bases and there's talk of them standing the old joint fighter wings back up.”

[] Joint fighter wings?
[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[X] Joint fighter wings?
>[x] Joint fighter wings?
[X] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

I shall continue voting for water filled action.
>[] Joint fighter wings?
time for a jaunt down memory lane...although Ice in a bikini is tempting
>] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
The less we know, the less ptsd we gain.
>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[X] Joint fighter wings?
Then this?
[X] Wanna hit the pool?
>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
Let's do this
>[] Joint fighter wings?
Not including the Russkies.

>Unless the soviets somehow invade Iceland or something
NO NO NO NO NO! I read Red Storm Rising Ghost, I know whats gunna happen.
Well, would round out the recoil impulse, but the cyclic would make it so she would have to really lean into it. And combine that with a 15 year old with, presumable, deficient upper body strength and you have a recipe for some interesting shooting
[x] Joint fighter wings?

I wonder if Ice ends up in Command or not.
[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

Must play chicken with shark twins
>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
Yikes, with how that is sort of a tool of last resort, things must be pretty fuckin' pear shaped.
[x] Joint fighter wings?
>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
Pool time with the boss lady!
>[] Joint fighter wings?
[] Joint fighter wings?
>[] Joint fighter wings?

Oh, this should be interesting.
[x] Joint fighter wings?


We already know what a joint fighter wing is, you don't have to pretend that you aren't just voting for the 'not spending time with ice in a bathing suit' option.
[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

[X] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

Ice and the Shark Twins in bathing suits....
There might be interesting details then and it's not like all the thinly veiled attempts for Shark Twins. I believe that's the reason Frank is asking. That and newcomers to the SWQU might not know the fine details.
WE already know, yes. However, judging by the response options, it seems that Fronk might've slept through some history classes
But muh shark twins!
Interesting my ass
So it's passing up potentially useful info just for pool time with the twins and MAYBE Ice? I say Maybe as there's a chance that Ice has some work to do, being the responsible woman in charge.
lets hit that pool
I just want fronk to return to his natural habitat of being a doormat/prankable oaf to his witches.
Lets hit up the pool.
No. We've been doing responsible stuff for awhile, we almost died. Pool.
At least you're honest about your desires instead of trying to do a smoke screen about "but the other choice is useless".

time to have more shark twins shoved down the throat.
You should never support doormat characters.
>[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[X] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

[X] Joint fighter wings?
>his witches
oh god, if it wouldn't drive konstantina berserk, frank and witches in swimsuits would be a great photo to send. get the spooks on both sides jealous
[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[x] pool

[X] Joint fighter wings?

Are they re-activating Castle Barin?


We specifically had her promise to run.
Yet you are still here trying to help fronk.
that's not how little sisters work

>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
>Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
Possibly but we're never know since we're on the samefag express to pool town. And it's likely why people wanted to wait to talk to Merlin: They heard about the shark twins and wanted the pool.
[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[x] Joint fighter wings?
[x] Joint fighter wings?

So do we get to punch the next person who calls us a gnome?

Like the samefag express to the plane last week, right?
For real though, they are sharks that are also girls. How could we not want to go to the pool?
I had no particular interest in that though that's what the nature flow seemed to be.

As far as troll girls go, I vastly prefer the original, Slider.
[] Joint fighter wings?
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2 lood
[x] Joint fighter wings?
[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

Why not both?

[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
>[] Joint fighter wings?

>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
[] Joint fighter wings?
the good ole walk and talk option? The only "problem" with this plan comes when we try to maintain a conversation whilst changing
[X] Joint fighter wings?
[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?
Not a problem we can change back to back with no peeking of course.

>[] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

Some proper Ice interaction,
They're both adults aren't they?
Change first and THEN do the walk-an-talk. Shouldn't take too long for Fronk to change anyway.
I know Ghost doesn't take as much joy as PF did in apeing anime tropes, but this would not end well
Nah he'd have something interrupt it before it happens like a sudden Russian attack or a sudden request.
I'm >>24832415 & >>24832508

Never said they should get changed together/in the same room/anything similar. There is such a thing as "Meet you at the pool in a few so we can talk about this". Not everyone here's out to make this like SWQ v1.5.
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[x] Sounds ugly. Wanna hit the pool?

“Sounds ugly, boss.” you note. “As I recall, 1917 wasn't exactly the best of years in France.”

Ice shrugs. “1916 was worse. Verdun and the Somme?”

“Point.” You say. “Still, too grim. Want to go hit up the pool with me?”

Ice thinks on it for a second, then nods. “Yeah, sure. Give me a minute to change.”

You chuckle as she stands up, causing her to pause. “What?” she asks, looking back at you.

You shake your head. “I half figured you'd claim you had paperwork to deal with and not go.”

She laughs. “I do have paperwork to do, but I need a break. Be back in a minute.”

She heads upstairs to change, and you climb up off the couch and head over to where your flight bag sits by the door. Rummaging inside, you remove your 'secret weapon' against the twins- a rescue capsule. Combination of green ink and shark repellant, it's designed to deploy automatically on a water landing. You're not sure it'll work, but you tuck it into your folded towel anyway, just in case.

You're also pretty sure it'll probably get you kicked out of the MWR pool for a while, but it'd be worth it. Well, worth it assuming the stuff works on the twins, you're not sure it will, to be honest.

Ice comes downstairs a few minutes later, towel folded over one arm. The two of you walk over to the pool, finding it empty except for the twins and another couple, a young man with close-cropped hair and some bandages, and a young woman missing her left leg from above the knee on the chair next to him. The young man and woman both lounge on chairs on the poolside, while the twins occupy the deep end of the pool, preferring to stay mostly beneath the water.

Still, Alyssa surfaces long enough to greet you. “Hiya Frank!” She yells, waving. “Come join us for a swim?”

[] “Uh... no. Momma always said never swim with sharks.”
[] Can opener into the pool.
[] Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?
>[x] Can opener into the pool.
[X] Can opener into the pool.

All for the sake of relaxing.
[x] Can opener into the pool.

Let's get this over with so they stop bothering us about it.
>[] Can opener into the pool.
>[] “Uh... no. Momma always said never swim with sharks.”
>Can opener into the pool.
>[] Can opener into the pool.
perhaps after shark time we can talk about joint fighter wings, but no point trying to fight going in the pool...at the pool
>[] Can opener into the pool.

I have no idea what this is, but I assume it involves a controlled crash landing in the pool.
Nope, monks said not to swim with sharks.
>[x] “Uh... no. Momma always said never swim with sharks.”

>a young man with close-cropped hair and some bandages, and a young woman missing her left leg from above the knee on the chair next to him
I'm very interested in these individuals.
[x] Can opener into the pool.

To defeat the shark you must first engage it in hand-to-hand combat.
>[] Pick up Ice, jump into pool.
You should never enter a possibly hostile environment without a wingmate, right?
Can opener to swan dive into the pool

[x] Can opener into the pool.

We never hang out with the twins.
>[x] Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?
Ohh, this. She needs to relax a little anyway.

[x] Pick up Ice, jump into pool.
Switching to this >>24832796
[x] Pick up Ice, jump into pool

2 against 2 is much more fair
>young woman missing her left leg from above the knee

That's like the third one in this quest.

Ghost confirmed for amputee fetish.
>[X] Can opener into the pool.
Let's do this.
switching to >>24832796
To be fair, I'd imagine that amputation of the leg would be a fairly common wound for witches. Striker blows up, it'll take the leg with it.
changing to this
[x] “Uh... no. Momma always said never swim with sharks.”
[x] Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?

On a different note, what's a can opener, in this context?
THIS THIS THIS >>24832796
Changing vote to this.
Sure sounds like it and I though the writer of Crimson Witches had a fetish for that.

[x] “Uh... no. Momma always said never swim with sharks.”
[x] Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?

A basically wasted vote but an attempt none of the less.
>what's a can opener, in this context?
jumping in, one leg down, other held in your hand
>Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?
Really? That has a name? Interesting
you bend and hold one knee while extending the other leg, and enter the pool foot first. creates something of a splash
Don't Strikers put a witch's legs in another dimension? I'd imagine if a Striker blows up it doesn't take the leg with it unless the leg is hit directly.
[x] Can opener into the pool.

Let's not drag Ice into this
I dunno, if the gateway to another dimension that was holding my leg got catastrophically disabled, I imagine it would do some pretty nasty things to my leg. ...Does she look Russian?
'Above the knee' is generally where striker units end, so I think it's safe to assume that's what happened.
If she's a witch, that is.
>Does she look Russian?
oh...oh no
That's....not good
Where do all the legs go?

Imagine just running around and looking at all the cute witches feet
I think I've seen a picture of this somewhere...
This >>24832796 sounds good to me.
I got a bad feeling about this.
Well they wouldn't be mentioned if they weren't important...
damn you chekov's gun!

Do it!


cool off

[x] Ice the pool
All of my votes.


Ice down those sharks
>[] Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?
I know it won't win, but I'll still try.
[] Ask Ice about the joint fighter wings- anything solid on those?
Distract ice with questions about the joint fighter wings, grab her and jump into the pool while she's surprised
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[x] Pick up Ice, jump into the pool.

You hold up a finger, causing Alyssa to shut up and cock her head to the side. You indicate Ice with a tilt of your head, and catch a tooth-filled grin as she nods and slips back into the deep end of the pool.

It takes most- no all- all of your cunning to sneak up on Ice, and you have to make a fast move when she turns to sit down on a lounge chair, pivoting to stay out of her line of sight.

“Ack- Frank what-!” She yells when you grab her around the waist and heft her up over your shoulder.

“Never enter a hostile environment without backup!” You cackle manically, struggling to balance the witch on your shoulder, who's not making it easy at all.

Still, she's not in a position to get out of the hold, and you make a beeline for the deep end, Letting go of her about midway into your jump. For some reason, you can't help but think 'clean separation of external stores' when you do. That's ground pounding jargon, and you shake your head to clear it as your feet hit the water.

For her part, Ice cleans up her form pretty well, flipping over and managing a shallow angle dive- not Olympic by any means, but a hell of a lot cleaner than yours. She blows past the twins and surfaces at the pool edge, right about the same time you bob up into the air yourself.

“Very funny, Frank.” Ice says in that voice that denotes that bad things may be in your future.

“We thought it was.” Alyssa says, popping up next to your commanding officer.

“Solid eight on the dive, too.” Her sister adds, surfacing on the other side.

“And nice Bikini.”

“Very nice.”

Alyssa looks at you, a mischievous gaze in her eye. “You agree, don't you, Frank?”

Her sister pivots her head towards you as well. “Don't lie, Frank.”

“We can tell if you're lying.”

[] what, is this the shining now?
[] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
[x] what, is this the shining now?
>[] what, is this the shining now?
Uh, Duh.

Ice is attractive, can't deny that.

[x] uh duh, too bad she never wears it.
[x] what, is this the shining now?
[x] what, is this the shining now?
>[] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
[X] what, is this the shining now?

They are very in synch.
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>[] what, is this the shining now?
[x] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
-[x] All three of you look quite nice.

Think you'll verbally corner him, eh? Ha! Compliments for everyone.
>[] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
This isn't the first time they've done that freaky twin thing to us. We should be somewhat used to it.
>[] what, is this the shining now?
They're going to do something with Ice's bikini, and get us in trouble somehow.
Or they take our swim trunks.
[x] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
[X] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!

"Yes, all of you are very pretty and look great. Why do you think pilots always wear sunglasses?"
>[x] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
>Why do you think pilots always wear sunglasses?
You win good sir.

[x] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!

[x] what, is this the shining now?
HA yes.
You are violating opsec
>[] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
Now tho' the pilot knew
Someone had blunder'd:
His but to make reply,
His not to reason why,
His but to do and die:
Into the deep end of Death
Swam the poor pilot.
[] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
[X] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
Pool fanservice time.
>Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!

[x] uh, duh.

No fear of sharks
[X] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
You, my fine sir, win all the internets.

[x] uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!

Wtf is 'shining', anyways?
Creepy movie, two creepy twins, speaking together in creepy fashion.
The Shining. Book by Stephen King, made into a movie starring Jack Nicholson. Had these creepy twins that spoke kinda like the twins are now.
its a movie. it's got creepy twins that end the other''s sentences
The blushing Ice shall be glorious, the twins should have a fun reaction too.
>twins that end the other''s sentences
Which is all of them, from the ones i've met.
>[] what, is this the shining now?
yes, but not all of them are sparkly sharks with apparently nice figures who are about to do bad-touch things to you with your CO
Backing this
[] what, is this the shining now?
>[x] what, is this the shining now?
>implying Ice would be willing to share
>[x] Uh Duh! Too bad she never wears it.
>implying she has a choice
we're in their territory now. anything could happen
[] Uh, Duh. Too bad she never wears it!
>implying Ice isn't a bad enough babe to valiantly fight off the shark twins to protect Frank's virtue
But its Ice. She literally has frost powers. Twins would be frozen while she steals us away.
>protect Frank's virtue
Just so she can have it herself. Note that I'm not at all complaining about this course of action
>[] what, is this the shining now?
[X] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!
>Just so she can have it herself.
Precisely. And she will take it like a true officer and a gentlewoman. With holding hands, and cuddling in the afterglow.
[] what, is this the shining now?
in this case, the afterglow being literally magical

I am ok with this
But of course.
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[x] Uh, duh. Too bad she never wears it!

You leisurely make your way to the edge of the pool, able to achieve dry land in a hurry if it comes down to it. You float there for a second, then look back at them.

“Uh, duh.” You note, drily. “It's just a shame she never wears it.”

You note, with no small amount of amusement, that the blush on Ice's face contrasts amazingly with the color of her bikini. It only makes you wish you had a camera, really.

The two twins look at each other, then at Ice, then at you.

“She's wearing it now, though.” Clarissa says.

“Maybe we should fix that?”


“Maybe I should demonstrate why I got the callsign Ice.” Your boss says, composing her self amazingly quickly. The two twins yelp and shoot away from her like a pair startled fish scattering away from a rock.

“You see, I don't mind the cold, so much.” She says, lazily gliding towards you.

“Uh, boss. I can still get hypothermia and die, you know.” you point out. “Besides, it was a compliment!”

“Mhmm.” She agrees. “And now they're going to try and steal it. Regardless of if I'm wearing it or not.”

[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”
[X] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
>[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”
>[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
>[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
[X] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”

She wants to play, then we'll play.
>[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
Keep on going
Will Frank need a reinforced pelvis after this?
And do we tell Stalinka so she flies into an insane rage so we can kill her? Or do we not so she doesn't go into an insane rage and kill us?
>[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
Can't lie.
>[] "I can't say I'd regret that too much."
We're in too deep now. The only way out is through.
>[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
No sense stopping now
>[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”
Maybe if we say it, they'll appear.
Guess she'll just have to keep her wits about her then.

[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”

Not immediately anyway.
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[X] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
And then we run towards Slider and Merlin.
>[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”

>[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
[] I can't say I'd regret that too much.

There are no brakes on the rape train! CHOO CHOO!
>[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”


[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”

Tease her all the way!
Not tell her. She wouldn't target Fronk, she'd target Ice. And that shit can't stand.

[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
>[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”
>[x] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”
[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
No, that's Katya.
Jets can't do that can they?
>[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”
[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
[] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”

Let the waifu fagging commence.
what are the odds of this resulting in a "Fucking cupcake" style incident?
>[] “Uh... Hey! I think I hear Slider and Merlin!”

Before we turn into Fronk popsicle.
[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”
Low to nonexistant
60/40. Both parties will deny it every happening.
Slim to none. Completely different people, personalities, & circumstances.
Prolly, slim to none. Ice ain't cupcakeski.
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So is Frank just Archer now, or perhaps what Archer thought his dad was, Navy Ace Blackjack Archer?
I don't think we're nearly brain-damaged enough to be Archer
Ice isn't a homewrecker
Is there a home to wreck yet?

Technically, no.
Please guys relax, we all just need to remember that Nixon has our back. He's gonna "pimp" fronk out so that his "witch enhancing genes" spread around.
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Well not yet at least.
That'll be an interesting conversation:
"Ms. [WAIFU], would you mind terribly if we pimp out your boyfriend/husband? It's for National Security reasons "
The question is if their answer will be "No.", "If it's for the good of the country.", or "Without me?"
Artificial Insemination, guys. The don't need Frank to be unfaithful to his tru rabu (whoever that may be) they just need his sperm.
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[x] “I can't say I'd regret that too much.”

“Well, boss, to be honest with you, I can't say I'd regret that too much.” You drawl.

Ice's blush goes nearly infrared and she halts, allowing you to hop up onto the edge of the pool, leaving your lower legs in the water, dangling.

One of the twins lets out an astoundingly loud wolf whistle, and Ice changes targets and headings, acting far more like the shark twins than you'd like to admit.

Or Slider. Then again, that shouldn't surprise you, they've been friends forever.

“What got into her?” Slider says, sitting down beside you. Speak of the devil, you think.

[] “Bikinis.”
[] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”

no no sir, there is no need to ask. Its a lawful order from a superior officer. Besides they know that they will get their turn.
>[x] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
[X] “Bikinis.”

I hear they ride up something fierce.

but muh traditional method of insemination!
[X] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
>[] "Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?"
Nonchalant as can be.
>[] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
>[] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
>[] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
[X] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”

Say it as casually as possible.
"It's more a question of what might be coming off"
>lawful order
No, it would be no more lawful than ordering a subordinate to suck your cock.
>[] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
How is Merlin too
[x] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
[X] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
>[X] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How is Sammy doing?”
Bad example, given how often that shit goes down.

>[x] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
> [x] "It's more what's getting off of her. How was the range?"
[x] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
While it happens, the problem is how often it goes unreported. It's STILL an unlawful order, it's just that the system for dealing with that shit isn't very good.

Like keeping gitmo open, right?

Face it. In US of A, the law is only followed when it is convenient.

or its somebody under you that you don't like.
>“Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”
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[x] “Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, twins were involved. How was the range?”

“Things were said, blushes were visible from low earth orbit, the twins were involved.” You say, nonchalantly watching the twins cower against each other as Ice prowls round the edges of some unspoken circle about a meter away. “how was the range? How's Samantha?”

“Good, in both cases.” Slider says. “She's a fan of the 249, which I guess shouldn't really surprise us. Pretty good shot, too. She went up to change, she'll be down pretty shortly.”

“Ah, good. I kind of wanted to talk to her.” You say. Slider looks over at you.

“You do?” She says.

You nod. “I talked to Ice. I'm kinda at fault for letting her think I was angry or disappointed at her.” You shake your head. “I”m not. I never was. Christ, she's saved our lives more times than I have and- “

“We know, Frank.” Slider says. “She was just running scared. Shit, I would have been to. You don't know what it's like. You know what she said happened?”

She sighs. “Look, I can't explain being a witch to you. It wouldn't make sense. But something like what she told us happened? To suddenly blow past this limit you know you have and have access to this huge source of strength?” She shrugs. “Shit's scary. She doesn't even know what it was, but she's utterly convinced it was coming from you.”

[] “What do you think?”
[] “There's no way it could have been me.”

[x] “What do you think?”

Let's not deny the obvious possibility
>[] “What do you think?”
we have the bestest witch(es)
>[x] “What do you think?”
>[x] “There's no way it could have been me.”
>[x] "Even if it was me, that power is absolutely useless without Merlin to shape and use it."
[X] “What do you think?”
And when Merlin pops up we stick her on our shoulders and go make airplane noises.
>[] “What do you think?”

trying to deny it could have been us at this point is stupid
>“What do you think?”
[x] “What do you think?”
[X] “There's no way it could have been me.”

Deny that shit. Can't have her dependent.

None of that matters, right now I need to prepare for Merlin's "airplane" ride punishment/reward
[] “There's no way it could have been me.”
>[] “What do you think?”

whenever we are flying, we need to get merlin to give us a running commentary of whats happening with the plane, we don't need this shit surprising us again
[x] “What do you think?”
[X] Other

"It could be that I'm a magic sparkle battery, it could be that she's just absurdly strong and can't control it or access it without me there, or it could be that this sort of thing just happens if we stick Witches with Gnomes and me and Merlin are just the first ones to pull it off.

But really Slider, does it matter? I'm awesome, Merlin is ever awesomer than I am, and when we're in a plane together we're awesome squared. That's the important part and we already knew that."
[x] “What do you think?”

Perhaps we should have a test flight with another witch just to see if its true.

I expect it'll have to be Ice. Katya isn't cleared for the Wyvern, slider hasn't tried them yet. Ice has at least tried the Wyvern strikers.
>Witches with Gnomes
isn't the possibility that we're sparkly like...super secret?
>[] "What do you think?"
Not as much as it was. iunno.
It's kind of an open secret I think. I mean sure we don't go shouting it on the rooftops, but if a witch knows what a Gnome is they probably have us pegged as one.

Given that Ice and Slider are good friends and Slider is rather sharp I'd be surprised if she didn't already know or at the very least be pretty sure we were one.
I just realized...on the slim chance that this isn't a case of Merlin and us having some sort of special bond, and is just witch/gnome resonance, that would mean that the crazy idea from SWQ threads to just stick a bunch of witches on a bomber...wasn't all that crazy
>[] “What do you think?”
Maybe we should ask for an actual Magic/Technology Interface specialist to take a look at what's going on.
I think Ice and Rosalie are pretty good at that stuff, and they're both bowled over. If a tech plugged something into the jet when that happened, I'm pretty sure the only status code it would return is: "ha ha fuck you"
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Hard to say though Merlin's witch ability seems to specifically deal with planes
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[x] “What do you think?”

“What do you think it was?” You ask, keeping an eye on your boss and the twins. If she goes in after them, you'll probably go in and intervene.


Slider shrugs. “Don't know. I'm not a specialist in the field. Ice requested one be sent down to do some investigative work, but who knows when that'll happen.” She laughs. “It's like, every time you hear an answer, you say yeah, that makes sense, but then you hear another one and it's like fuck, that makes sense too and it can't be both.”

“And Ice and Rosalie are both totally lost on it.” You say. Slider nods. “All three of us are. They paid more attention in school, but I spent more time with the strikers. Merlin kinda freaks them out.”

“She does?” You ask, looking over your shoulder to make sure she's not sneaking up on you.

“Yeah. She's just so different from what they're taught is normal.” She says. “But she's a good kid. Ice is doing an amazing job keeping them from shipping her back to an academy. She'd be miserable, and what would they come up with?” She scoffs. “She can't operate strikers and she's got a weird machine affinity. Useless reason to ruin a kid's life, even for just a short time.”

“So what about what happened?” You ask.

“What about it?” Slider pops back. “There's some shit going on between you two, no one knows what it is, but it clearly lets Merlin do all kinds of things she normally couldn't. Did it hurt either of you?”

“Well, no, but...” You start

“But what?” Slider cuts you off. “You two are a hell of a team, and either you two are somehow boosting each other, or she can draw power from your or something, who the hell cares? Use it now, figure it out when this whole mess is over. Oop, wait a second.”

She leans forward, looking down the length of the pool at where Ice and the twins are. “Ice!” She yells. “If you don't quit flirting with those two, Frank's gonna get mighty jealous!”

“Gee thanks, Slider.” you remark drily as Ice breaks off and starts back towards where you're sitting at speed. Slider grins and claps you on the back.

“Anytime, Frank. Have fun!”

Witches, man.
in b4 next time
And that's it for the night!

WE'd run a bit longer- though there's not much left to do but tease Ice some more, really- but allergy medicine is kicking my ass.

well, that and we really did hit the majority of the big stuff for this week. I've got some interesting stuff in the pipe, though, so Next week should be fun.

as always, guys, hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next Tuesday!

Thanks for running Ghost!

Thanks Ghost!

Btw, it wasn't mentioned. What colour is Ice's bikini?

and all is right with the world. With Fronk the one in trouble surrounded by witches.
Thanks Ghost.

Would have liked to play with the Sharks, Ice, Slider and Merlin though.
Thanks a bunch Ghost
>more messing with Ice
>hopefully get to mess with Slider
>console Merlin, tell her she's awesome
next week will be good
I'm gonna guess white
Whit of course.
Hey I was figuring.

Could it be that instead of giving Merlin more power when we work together, we are letting her use her power as efficiently as a male does.
Night then
I'd wager on a blue, myself. Contrasting with a pale girl's blush, so I'd imagine she blushes a deep red or crimson.
[x] Lick Shark Twins, stick them together
>though there's not much left to do but tease Ice some more

but thats what i want :(

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