Making its debut on the  Xbox in 2006,  Gears of War quickly became a fan favorite with console gamers. And with more and more games coming to TV and film, like the hotly anticipated  The Last of Us and  Ghost of Tsushima, the clamor for Gears of War to be next in line has only gotten louder in recent years. Although the film rights were originally purchased by New Line Cinema way back in 2007, it was sadly stuck in development hell, until recently when one of the  producers teased an announcement was coming very soon.

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Amongst the heavily armored marines vs. aliens combat and revolutionary cover system lies a story of family, with emotional tie-ins that keep gamers invested in this long-running series. Despite rumors of only the first game being adapted in the new movie, there's a bunch of in-game moments that should definitely be included.

Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark

Kryll pointing a gun at someone in Gears of War

One of the most atmospheric sections of the first game was when the team was confronted by the ultimate hunters of the dark - The Kryll. Having a UV light on top of a tank to fight off the horde was never going to be easy and getting away unscathed was impossible, but the Kryll are certainly a formidable sight in-game.

Inspired by the Bioraptors from the Vin Diesel hit of 2000, Pitch Black, these vicious hunters have already been stylized on screen so the opportunity to bring a new look to a pure horror movie creature are plentiful. With another 22 years of film technology in the bank, the look of the Kryll could be incredibly impressive and a fabulous cliffhanger. 

The Family Element

Characters from the video game Gears of War 5.

At the heart of Gears of War is a family dynamic. A theme running throughout the entire series and not just with Marcus Fenix and his father, but also the band of brothers that are forged throughout the series. 

As with any military group, the COG’s are fraternal. There are arguments, there’s rivalry, there’s jealousy, but at the end of it all, there’s a real sense of togetherness. An element of the games that was underserved due to the action on screen, but in a cinematic arena, this is something that can be made more prominent. 

Cole Train’s Flashbacks

Cole Train holding a gun in Gears of War

Another big cog in the machinations of the Gears of War central family is Cole Train. The former Thrashball superstar player turned Horde eliminator. A popular character whose backstory was an important part of the series as much as the action he had on the battlefield.

Cole’s many flashbacks throughout the games have to be a certain feature of a cinematic adaptation. As with the familial bond that should be explored, a big character like this can give a look back to the past, pre-invasion, and look at the human aspect of these characters further. 

The Berserker

The Berserker roaring in Gears of War

One of the most iconic gaming enemies of all time, one which has a long history of being a genuine sticking point for players who really struggled to get past the beast would be an incredible set piece for the big screen Gears of War.

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The blind gigantic beast famously hunts via sound, so silence was key to beating the Bezerker - not always easy in the enclosed spaces that gamers found themselves and with all that armor making more noise than anyone needed in that situation. A fearsome creature that would bring a real shock element and a brilliant set piece in any adaptation. 

Clayton Carmine - The Curse of Carmine 

Clayton Carmine in Gears of War

Clayton Carmine is an iconic video game character and a genuine Gears of War legend. A character so popular that Epic’s plans changed for the soldier as they had fans of the game to vote on his fate.

Placing an almost ‘disposable’ character into a film or television show always sparks discussion. Fans will either feel that the character has been hard done by or they end up being overblown and a distraction to the plot. It would be difficult to have Gears of War without their biggest ‘Grub Killer’ though. Message boards would be apoplectic if he was missed out of the adaptation. 

Hammer Of Dawn

Hammer of Dawn in Gears of War

The iconic weapon used by the COG’s throughout the series isn’t even one that gamers had full control of. A satellite that, when positioned with its remote set by the troops, ripped through every single member of the Horde in the Gears way. A truly beautiful sight. 

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Another element of Gears lore that would be seriously missed if it wasn’t added to a cinematic adaptation. Whereas it should never be used as a Deus Ex Machina, it could be built into a finale or used as a spectacular mid-movie set piece where the Hammer satellite fails - as it did in the game. 

The Locust - They Have To Terrify, But Choose Them Wisely

Drone standing still in Gears of War

The game’s antagonist. The Locust horde is vicious, they are many, they are legion and they are horrifying. From the grubs to the giant boss beasts, the enemies here are truly some of Xbox’s finest aliens, however, cinematic run times are shorter than games, so choosing enemies wisely is key. 

Whereas a large horde of grunts will be essential for the Gears to plow through with their chainsaws or guns, picking the standout beasts needs to be smart. The previously mentioned Bezerker is a must, but others need to be chosen wisely. Big set piece monsters are the ones and the regular hordes of Locust act as red shirts. If there’s anything a Gears of War adaptation should be, it’s big, and going big on the key monsters would be the right decision. 

The Gameplay Style Needs To Be Replicated

Marcus crouching in Gears of War

The most unique aspect of Gears of War upon its release was the excellent gameplay. The targeting was incredible, the ability to have smooth control over Fenix and the team and also the running and cover system was better than most games.

The camera bouncing about as the character ran and smoothly jumped into cover was one of the best Xbox innovations in gaming at the time. The transition between cover spots allowed seamless combat and whereas that may be difficult to play out on screen, the behind-the-shoulder camera angle when running would look great on screen. Doom - starring The Rock took on that game's FPS-style in one sequence, so there’s no reason that Gears' iconic style can’t be replicated on screen. 

Chairman Prescott’s Speech

Chairman Prescott's speech

When playing Gears Of War, it is easy to get drawn into the combat and try to work out the best way to kill the enemy, however when doing this the key part of why the COG’s are truly fighting gets missed. Survival. 

Nothing portrayed this more than the rousing speech by Chairman Prescott in Gears of War 2. Another classic movie crutch - think Bill Pullman’s Presidential address in Independence Day, but one which reinforces key story elements and is a real fan favorite from the games. 

General RAAM Needs To Be The Antagonist

General RAAM Gears of War

A good movie needs a good antagonist and despite the Locust Queen being a higher ‘big bad’, General RAAM is the one character who can make an impact as a true antagonist. 

The High General of the Locust Army with a passion to wipe out humanity. The perfect evil for Fenix and company to tackle. His introduction into the series and encounter with Lieutenant Kim is brutal and straight out of a horror film. Getting General RAAM to be feared on screen would be easy just by replicating this classic scene.  

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