Skip to content Login Login: To access admin page, use the default ip address, username, and password. To setup & configure router settings, kindly authenticate with the default username and password for

Having any trouble accessing Directly, click on the “LOGIN ADMIN” button to access the router admin login page. For a complete guide, choose the appropriate option from below:

Login Steps: How to Guide

When connected to the router network through LAN (using RJ45 Ethernet Cable) or Wi-Fi (Wireless Network), click on the above “LOGIN ADMIN” button or enter default IP address on the browser address bar to access the admin login interface. Admin Login

Configuring the Wi-Fi / Router is an important thing you should be aware of. You would not like to waste money to get a technician to repair the small configuration settings, which you can do yourself. And so, here we are. In this article, you will learn about the IP address – login configuration.

Understanding the process of configuring admin is incredibly essential. Especially for changing the username/password, update firmware, or control online security. While it’s recommended to use any computer/laptop for accessing the router, or even smartphones shall perform just as fine.

Default Password & Username

In this section, find the default username and default admin login password options and try any of these below combinations at the router admin login page.


In order to set up, change and configure the router settings, the first step is to access the router admin page at and enter the default username and password on PC and smartphone, whether running on Windows, Android, macOS or iOS.

To maintain the security of the router, the access page is secured with a login. The login information for has a username and password only.

By accessing login, users can access the router’s admin panel.

  1. TURN ON the router. Connect the Router & PC using LAN Wire (RJ45 Ethernet Cable) or using a Wi-Fi network named as router model name with NO PASSWORD.
  2. Open any browser and type the default IP – The default IP address for the WiFi router varies. Thus, always find the default router IP address.
  3. admin requires the default username & password for access. Flip your router and find the sticker with the default username and password written on the backside of the router. Enter the credentials and click Login.
  4. After the admin login page validation, anyone can able to set up, modify, or configure the router settings. Leave the network settings on default, and only change the username and password for prohibiting anyone from logging into the network.

In case if the default username and password don’t work, it might be because the username and password might have changed by the network administrator. We recommend to contact the technician or refer these instructions on how to reset the router password and username.

NOTE: IP addresses are very character-specific that include numeric digits only, and not alphabets. IP Address Problems & Solution:

Having trouble accessing the router admin page? There are certain instances when the IP address stops working. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • refused to connect.
  • not working.
  • took too long to respond.

Find the quick fixes/solution to solve any errors & problems:

  • Connection: Verify whether the connection between the router and computer is connected, via LAN (Ethernet Cable) or WiFi Network, by the light indicators in the router ie., power indicators, internet indicators, wifi indicators, and ethernet indicators.
  • Misspell IP Address: When accessing the router admin console, type the IP address on the browser’s address bar carefully. The IP Address should be and not any other IP address which contains alphabets (0 replaced as o or 1 replaced as l).
  • Wrong Username & Password: In case if the default username and password don’t work, it might be because the username and password might have changed by the network administrator. We recommend to contact the technician or refer to these instructions.
  • Reboot: Rebooting the router sometimes fix the connection. Unplug the router and disconnect the LAN Cable and a few minutes later, replug and reconnect to the computer.
  • Firewall: Kindly check the firewall settings, which might prevent access to the internet. So try to disable the firewall setting and check again.

IP Address ( – More info:

IP Address is generally assigned for any device or server which can be used to locate or track the user’s location. IP Address serves several applications and one of the main applications is setting router default gateway and accessing the router admin page.

What is is the default private IP address assigned to the router hardware. Just like any other private IP, IP Address can be assigned to one device only. The unique IP allows users to access the internal settings to configure the routers, which are secured by username and password.

For most devices, an IP, or an Internet Protocol address is a four-figure number separated by periods that resemble this – 192.168.XXX.XXX (Example: Although you can choose from dozens of router brands, the login IP address (router IP) remains the same. Some exceptions are there, and thus before proceeding, carefully refer to the router instructions always. is registered and managed by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) to manage the private network connections. These IP Address which are commonly used on local area network (LAN) and across on several devices and manages several private connections.

The private IP address is not visible across the internet. These addresses can’t be assigned to any organization or any service providers without the consent of the regional internet registry as mentioned in the RFC 1918 (IPv4) and RFC 4193 (IPv6), unlike public IP addresses.

A fixed range of IP addresses is reserved, which are used in private networks such as LAN within the home, WAN within an enterprise, and so on. Any IP Address from these ranges is not used across the internet. These particular ranges are as follows: – – –

IP address comprises of a set of 4 part numbers separated by a dot (.) and ranging between 0 and 255. It comprises of 2 part which is “NETWORK ID” and “DEVICE ID”. Network ID is the combination of the first 3 part numbers and Device ID is the last part of the IP address.

For example, The Network ID is 172.18.1 and the Device ID is 220. If there are several devices connected to the same network, then the IP address of all the devices will have the same network id (first three-part number of the IP address) which symbolically represents that they are connected to the same network and the last-part digit of the IP address will be different and symbolically represents that they are the connected device with a unique identification.

The DHCP configurations on the routers enable them to automatically assign a unique IP to each device whenever it is connected to the network.

Sometimes, A network/modem/router has a public address as well. All the devices on a connected network share a common public address that is visible to the external network.

Network Address Translation (NAT) is often described as a network address translation technique. This is the process of providing the users a new IP address that matches the network address. It is possible to translate local network addresses in your application so that their addresses in your network are translated to IP addresses. NAT is available for IP addresses of host-based IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Getting Started with Router Setup:

Here are the required things to get started with setting up/configuring the router.

Unbox the Router: Open the router box and find the instruction manual with default ip address, gateway, username, and password. The router should be placed at the right location so the wireless coverage can be accessed across the home or office.

Power Source Connection: Connect the router adapter to the power plug and plug the plug to the source and Turn on the switch. The router will boot in a few seconds and turns to green from red.

Connect the Internet cable: Connect the internet LAN cable from the DSL modem or Broadband ISP provider to the router’s internet port and along with this there are few LAN ports that are used to connect to the computer devices. After connecting the internet cable, take one more LAN wire and connect the router and computer through LAN connection.

Access the Internet Connection: The instruction guide is available on the box, kindly follow it carefully to configure the router. Once you configured, test the internet connection and its speed.


The default IP Admin Login URL is or Use this as the default URL to log in to access the security settings or the configuration settings for any Wi-Fi / Router.


PING command can be used to test the connectivity between the router and the PC (ping the default IP address for the router), verify the computer’s connectivity to the internet by pinging a website, and also by testing the network connectivity of the router.


Use the above command to check the network connectivity status between the router and the computer.

Router Settings

By accessing the router settings through login, check router status, run the quick setup, enable WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), setup Network (WLAN, WAN & LAN) settings, setup wireless connection, enable DHCP setting, enable router security settings(Firewall, VPN & ALG), setup parental control, enable access control, setup advanced routing, control bandwidth usage, access ARP binding settings for IP & MAC Address, setup Dynamic DNS and other general tools.

Popular Brand are Radia, Linksys, and CyberTAN

Out of many private IP addresses available to set for a home network, is used commonly as router IP by many manufacturers, which makes as the default gateway or router access point so that any device connected to the router can access its hardware settings and setup the internet connection via LAN or WAN. By the way, is also used as the default gateway for the router. Enter the on the address bar to access the administrative console of the router. Router IP is commonly used by several manufactories in their router and its models. Some few brands using ip address are Radia, CyberTAN, and Linksys.

Brands using IP Address
Linksys Radia CyberTAN

General Informations:

What is an IP (Internet Protocol) Address?– An IP address, also known as Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device that is connected to a computer network and uses an Internet Protocol for communication.

An IP address serves two primary purposes for the device: one being served as the interface identification between the host and the network, the other being used for location addressing.

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPV4) is the most widely adopted network protocol (RFC 821) to manage access and control of a global Internet using the Internet Protocol (IP) address (the Internet Protocol network address).

An IPv4 address is a 32-bit block size, over 4,294,967,296 unique addresses, so it can be used to communicate with many different computers in a network, but a huge block of ipv4 address is reserved for the special networking methods.

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPV6) is the standard for the modern Internet. It allows for the communication of packets and data without an intermediate layer in the network and provides a common data layer between two nodes.

An IPv6 address is a 128-bit block size, over 3.4×1038 so it can be used to communicate with as many different computers in a network.

The Internet protocols used on the Internet include IPv4 (IPv4), IPv6 (IPv6), IPv4/IPv6 unicast, and IPv4/IPv6 multicast. IPv4 is used for the connections between nodes on the Internet, and IPv4/IPv6 unicast is used for the communication between nodes on the Internet.

In particular, the IPv4/IPv6 unicast standard is used for IPv4 connections, and the IPv4/IPv6 multicast standard is used for IPv6 connections.

It’s up to you if you want to use IPv4/IPv6.

A wireless repeater (also called wireless range extender) is a device that takes an existing signal from a wireless router or wireless access point and rebroadcasts it to create a second network.

A service set identifier (SSID) is a sequence of characters that uniquely names a wireless local area network (WLAN). An SSID is sometimes referred to as a “network name.”

VPN client is used in switching default gateway to private. If you want to switch the default gateway of the VPN client to another gateway, please edit settings for VPN client/IPv4 & VPN client/IPv6 and add IP addresses to configuration. Also, ensure to enable/disable the auto-update checkbox for VPN.

If you are planning on manually re-configuring the router, you should check Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP server) IP Address which is printed on the outer side of the network.

The next step in our setup is to enable VPN (Virtual Private Network) on the router to connect to the VPN router and allow access to the internet using a different IP address.

HTTP/2 supports the “HTTP/2” Protocol, which lets websites to transport data over the network and handle it for you via an intermediate layer. This makes HTTP/2 an alternative to HTTP/1.1, but it’s faster.

Most Used Router Brands

Below are the most commonly used router admin login guide. We recommend you to check necessary instrutions and troubleshooting helps for the specfied router.

Netgear Router Login AT&T Router Login Motorola Router Login CenturyLink Router Login ZyXel Router Login Asus Router Login Cisco Router Login Linksys Router Login Verizon Router Login Belkin Router Login

Misspelled IP Address

Some of the IP Address are often misspelled. Below we had listed the common misspelled IPs and refer to the login credentials of its correct IP Address for a specified router.

192.168.l.l 192.168.l.1 192.168.o.1 192.168.l.254 192.168.0.l

Common Abbreviations:

IP - Internet Protocol
LAN - Local area network
Wi-Fi / WiFi - Wireless Fidelity
WPS - Wi-Fi Protected Setup
WLAN - Wireless LAN
WAN - Wide area network
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
VPN - Virtual private network
ALG - Application-level gateway 
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
MAC Address - Media Access Control address
Dynamic DNS - Dynamic Domain Name System
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
NAT - Network Address Translation
IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
SSID - Service Set Identifier
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