the I'll show you OFF TOPIC bike thread

  • Thread starter GuitarlCarl
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  • #121
Today’s off-topic welding project:

I put a feather back on my wife’s tin peacock. This is THIN! ….just Half a Millimeter.

I use the Victor 000 tip, but my regulators are the Victor Super-range regulators, and they’re not the finest ones for this light work.

I torch whipped it to within an inch of its life. With 1/16” E70xx

After some burnishing.

I shaved it with a Dremel & shot a little clearcoat on it so it wouldn’t rust immediately.

I cleaned the little glass ornament with Barkeepers Friend, which really knocks off water stains.
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  • #124
The Chinese lantern flower. I’ve never seen one of these before but my daughter has one at her new house.
There's nothing foolproof because fools are so ingenious🤔
- Murphy's Second Corollary
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  • #127
rotary tandem trike.jpg

Go Digging. A very similar machine (but not a tandem) was built here on ratrodbikes. Here's your hint, he lives in France.
Wow! It just needs a parrot in a cage, a boxing glove on a pantograph, and a hamster wheel to run the lantern.
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Patina: Exposing the integrity of the material's passage thru time.....
Signature removed by the Mods for re-chroming and polish.
Ricky, you have permission to swear and smoke.
and now for something completely different... Rockin' Rollfast from BO 11

That's a tweed wrapped tank with a battery powered guitar amplifier in it.
Alchemist Custom Bicycles: http://www.facebook.com/AlchemyCustomBicycles
@alchemistcustombicycles on Instagram and YouTube
Patina: Exposing the integrity of the material's passage thru time.....
Signature removed by the Mods for re-chroming and polish.
That’s quite a collection of git-fiddles ya got there Carl. I am particularly interested in the upright bass.

That was my thing in high school. Stuff like Bourre for Bach, from The Baroque goes Bop.

Be-bop arrangements of 300 year old music. No amplifiers. Just bass, piano and 16 singers.
Saw these last night downtown at the crank n grind.

What a fun concept to doublestack little kid suspension bikes to make them rideable for us big kids...
KingFish254 Index - BO19 🅵🅾🅾🅻🅸🅶🅰🅽 - BO18 Speedfish Special #7 - BO17 Uncle Stretch #3 - BO16 HEXtreme #3 - BO15 SteamRoller #1 - BO14 Western Sizzler #3 - BO13 Holeshot #6 - BO12 Rockafella #3 - BO11 SaltHammer #4 - BO10 VerBoten #1 - BO9 starsNbars #7 - BO8 FireWing #2 - BO7 Flexy #5 - Fugsley - BO6 Beer Run #26 - SALES, FINDS and RIDES
Check out the RRB Buried Treasure Gallery
  • #137
Went to the auto recyclers today and got rims and tires for my other Ranger off of a Mustang. No center caps but still pretty good for 200 bucks...

It had 3 different rims and 4 different size tires on it for a while. Pretty raggedy but fixin' things a little at a time. Still needs new rear drums but the list of stuff we've done in the last 4 years is pretty extensive.
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  • #139
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  • #140
I grew up close enough to remember him, but I never saw the show.

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