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The less I needed, the better I felt. | Charles Bukowski quote, HD Wallpaper

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The less I needed, the better I felt. | Charles Bukowski quote, HD Wallpaper
The less I needed, the better I felt. | Charles Bukowski quote, HD Wallpaper

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The less I needed, the better I felt. (Charles Bukowski)

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Don’t wish it was easier wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom. | Jim Rohn quote HD Wallpaper
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Without patience, we will learn less in life. We will see less. We will feel less. We will hear less. Ironically, rush and more usually mean less. | Mother Teresa quote HD Wallpaper
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Backbends are to be felt more than expressed. The other postures can be expressed and then felt. Like in meditation each person has to feel backbends. | B.K.S. Iyengar quote HD Wallpaper
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I love music and listen to music all the time, but I didn’t realize how much my body needed music. I needed it more than sex. | Cheryl Strayed quote HD Wallpaper
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I needed to go to class; I needed to go to practice; I needed to have a life away from basketball. | Kareem Abdul-Jabbar quote HD Wallpaper
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I will put on my shoes and shirt and get out of here – it’ll be better for all of us. | Charles Bukowski quote
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The less money you owe, the less income you’ll need and the less you’ll have to save for tomorrow. | Suze Orman quote
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Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen. | Leonardo da Vinci quote
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All a guy needed was a chance. Somebody was alway controlling who got a chance and who didn’t. | Charles Bukowski quote
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I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation. | John Wesley quote HD Wallpaper
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That was all a man needed: hope. It was lack of hope that discouraged a man. | Charles Bukowski quote
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That was all a man needed: hope. It was lack of hope that discouraged a man. | Charles Bukowski quote
That was all a man needed: hope. It was lack of hope that discouraged a man. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
Today I had a strange warning. I felt the wind of insanity brush my mind. | Charles Baudelaire quote
Today I had a strange warning. I felt the wind of insanity brush my mind. | Charles Baudelaire quote HD Wallpaper
I never felt right being alone; sometimes it felt good but it never felt right. | Charles Bukowski quote
I never felt right being alone; sometimes it felt good but it never felt right. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
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The tears of affliction are often needed to keep the eye of faith bright. | Charles H. Spurgeon quote HD Wallpaper
Things will be far worse than they are now. And far better. I wait. | Charles Bukowski quote
Things will be far worse than they are now. And far better. I wait. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
The fuckers. There, I feel better. God-damned human race. There, I feel better. | Charles Bukowski quote
The fuckers. There, I feel better. God-damned human race. There, I feel better. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain. | Charles Bukowski quote
We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
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This incompleteness is all we have. | Charles Bukowski quote
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Invent yourself and then reinvent yourself. | Charles Bukowski quote
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My ambition is handicapped by laziness. | Charles Bukowski quote
My ambition is handicapped by laziness. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
Without literature, life is hell. | Charles Bukowski quote
Without literature, life is hell. | Charles Bukowski quote HD Wallpaper
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