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What is How to login 100% successful


The IP address is the login page to manage and configure your Wi-Fi modem or that of a customer using it for different purposes.

You simply need to open your internet browser and visit from the address bar to change the Wi-Fi password and configure it according to their needs.

Table of Contents

What is an IP address?

An IP address (Internet Protocol) is a protocol that helps locate a unit, a device, an address to identify and communicate with each other through network protocols.

Although the most popular IP protocol, IPv4, is currently being used, with IPv6 you would have broader IP ranges, more security, more safety, and better improvements.

On the internet environment such as website addresses, emails, cameras, computers are communicated and located with each other via the IP address.

There are 2 types of IP which are dynamic IP & static IP in which dynamic IP is most popular.

With a static IP address, customers will have to configure it manually, it costs money to rent and it is a fixed and fixed address that does not change during use.

And the most familiar IP address that is most popular is

The IP address is used by network operators as a Wi-Fi modem administration page to help customers easily log in, configure and change some settings as they like.

But not all modems, the network always choose IP as the default, they can change according to the company’s regulations, so customers must know how to log in.

The effects when customers log in to the modem with

  • It can help people to change the wifi password or regain access to the wifi network in use in a simpler way. Changing the wifi password will make the network connection more secure, avoiding the hacked wifi password during use.
  • You can log in to look up modem information, internet connection information such as speed, I address, traffic as well as information about the device connected to your wifi. This helps customers immediately know the irregularities of the network connection they are using.
  • Configure services based on internet connection and modem such as camera settings, IP phone, telephone exchange, mail server configuration, etc.
  • Reset the modem, install the firewall, configure security for the connection. ftp server what is

Therefore, knowing how to log in to is essential and is the knowledge that customers should grasp to be able to manipulate themselves

It may not be necessary now, but you will definitely need it in the future.

IP address Viettel

When customers register to use the internet of Viettel, they will be provided 1 of 2 types

There are 2 types of modems:

  • Wi-Fi modem 2 Tp-Link white antenna
  • Wi-Fi modem 2 H640 black antenna

Depending on the type of modem you use, please log in using the IP address below.

  • For white modems, enter the default link:
  • H640 black modem: log into the modem management page address:

Both modems have default login credentials: admin – admin with username and password.

If you enter the wrong login information for the customer, look under the wifi modem device, there is a stamp of Viettel.

Please note the words with the symbol: PW or S / N number: a sequence of xxxxxxx numbers (this is the default password of the modem)

When logging in, type in:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: the number xxxx under the modem
  • After logging in to the Viettel router, you can fulfill all your needs.

IP address Fpt

For customers who are using Fpt optical cable service, only the Gpon modem device of Tp-Link should be used, so when logging in Fpt modem, there is only a single IP address:

The default login information is admin – admin. In case of incorrect login, please immediately contact the Fpt Telecom customer care center for information.

Some errors prevent you from getting to

The login method seems to be simple, but many people still cannot log in due to various reasons. errors preventing on wifi router

Therefore, if you want to log in to the modem successfully, you must type in the correct Ip address

One of the most common reasons is to type the wrong address or because the technical configuration has changed the default IP address of the modem.

Therefore, if you want to log in to the modem successfully, you must type in the correct Ip address

All in all, when logging in, you just need to type the correct IP address: or, and do not type anything extra.

Normally, connecting to a wifi modem is not too difficult, but sometimes for some reason, the login path or username and password are changed, causing login problems.

Before contacting the operator of the operator for support, keep in mind some of these default logins to try.

  • Username: admin – administrator – root – the contract number
  • Password: admin – root – 1234 – 12345 – contract number – serial number below the modem
  • Login IP Address: – – – –

If that information is still incorrect, the only way is to contact the switchboard or reset the modem (not recommended).

Changing the IP address to avoid IP address conflict

A network cannot have two computers with the same IP address, if two devices with the same IP address are plugged into the network will lead to IP address conflict (IP conflict) and both devices will not work.

Families often use 2-3 WiFi transmitters to get WiFi signals covering the whole space, so there may be 2-3 networks leading to the default addresses from manufacturers that can conflict with each other.

However, you are not too worried because today’s Wi-Fi devices are equipped with the feature to automatically reset the IP range to another when conflicts arise.

For example, the Tenda wifi device has a default IP address of, if plugged into a network with an address range 192.168.0.x / 24, it automatically detects the conflict and automatically pushes up the IP range (

Hopefully, the basic information about above will help you understand all you need to know about this.


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  • Topic(s) discussed in this article:
  • networking

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Keshi Ile
Keshi Ile
Consumer technology expert. iOS enthusiast and free spirit.

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