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How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024


To become an Uber driver in London –or work for rival operators such as Bolt and FREENOW – you need a valid PCO licence. These are issued by Transport for London (TfL) and drivers must pass a few exams to get one, including the topographical skills test.

You only get two chances to pass each TfL test and so it’s critical to prepare well. To help you navigate the challenge, this article blends expert insights with Uber resources and TfL sample questions.

For the ultimate guide on how to pass the topographical skills assessment, this is the right place.

What is the TfL topographical skills test?

In simple terms, topography means using maps. This test is mostly map reading or route selection but it does also check your basic knowledge of London geography.

The goal is to ensure Uber drivers can find their way around without a satnav in London. Imagine driving if your phone stopped working? Yes, friend, that is possible.

This is one of three TfL tests that London private hire drivers must pass to get a PCO licence. The other TfL exams you need for a PCO licence are the two-part English Language Requirement (ELR).

Naturally, Otto Car has a complete guide on how to pass the TfL English test and another on how to get a PCO licence. Here, it’s all about the topographical skills test. Let’s get moving.

Who needs to take the topographical assessment? 

Pretty much every private hire driver in London must pass this test. There are a few exceptions.

  • Previously licensed PHV drivers (i.e. who passed a TfL topographical skills test)
  • Licensed London taxi drivers (both All London and Suburban)
  • Professional London tourist guides (e.g. Blue Badge Driver Guide)

Until February 2020, TfL allowed drivers with a relevant vocational qualification to avoid the test. Since then, only the reasons stated above are acceptable. Everyone else must do the assessment.

How do you book a TFL topographical test?

After you submit your PCO licence application to TfL, you will get a letter and email with a date to attend a topographical skills test centre. This is at the official TfL premises in Pier Walk (North Greenwich) or West Kensington.

For booking queries, contact the TfL Topographical Team by email at tphtopo@tfl.gov.uk or phone on 0343 222 4444 (charges may apply).

You need a confirmed booking to do this test. Drivers cannot attend without a reservation.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 2: Drivers must take the test at official TfL premises

How much does the topographical test cost?

The test costs £36 and a retake is £16. Many Uber drivers worry about what happens if you fail a topographic test but there is no need to panic. With our help, you can nail this.

That said, you must pass the exam on either the first or the second attempt. Otherwise, you have to reapply for the whole PCO licence.

If this happens, Uber says that you will get a partial refund on the TfL licence application fee.

How do you prepare for a topographical assessment?

The first step is understand the structure of the test, plus a few other practical ideas.

For instance, you enter the answers with a mouse, not a keyboard. You must click-drag maps to move them, or zoom in with the scroll-wheel. It’s worth practising these skills.

You get 90 minutes in total to answer 25 questions, so there is no rush. You can even skip back-and-forth between your answers to change them before you submit.

The multiple choice questions are 25% of the marks, whereas the four route-planning questions give you a whopping 75%. When practising, allow plenty of time for the routing section.

To switch questions, click on the “review assessment” button and look at the pop-up box in the bottom-right corner (see image 2). The ones you have already completed are green.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 3: How to navigate between questions

You only commit to final answers once you press the “submit” button at the end. After that, no more changes are allowed, so always use the “next question” button to move between the sections.

Did you know?
Uber runs free training sessions for the topographical test, including mock exams with the trainers, at its Green Light Hubs. See below for details.

What are the questions on the TfL topographical test?

As we’ve explained above, there are two main types of question: multiple choice and route planning.

However, TfL says that the test actually checks four different aspects of your map-reading skills.

  • Index-based questions
  • General topography
  • Planning a route
  • Compass-point questions

Section 1: Index-based questions

This is how to use the index of a London street atlas (i.e. book of maps) to find places. It sounds complex but is fairly simple.

You are given a copy of the Master Atlas of Greater London (also known as the A-Z) and must then provide correct information for specific locations or landmarks.

Example question:

Locate the grid reference and the page number for Addington.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 4: How to answer index-based questions

How to work it out:
In a standard index, the names of places are arranged in alphabetical order. Scroll through these until you find the exact location, then note the grid reference and page number.

In this example (see image 4) the page number is on the left (i.e. Addington is on page 20), and the grid reference is the code on the right (i.e. Addington is at A3).

It’s wise to practice with the Master Atlas A-Z for Greater London before the topographical test. You can buy one from Amazon here or Uber has copies for new drivers to borrow at the Green Light Hub.

Note that popular street names such as Hill Road (see image 5) are often used in multiple places and long roads might span more than one district. You must learn to check postcodes efficiently.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 5: Check the post codes of popular road names

The next step is knowing how to use grid references in questions. For instance, if you need to find the nearest train station to a specific address (eg Clifford Ave, SW14).

Once you get the correct page and grid-reference from the index (check the post code) you’ll see the closest station is Mortlake (images 6 and 7). In central London, this is easier on a large-scale page.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Images 6 (above) and 7 (below): Using grid references
How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024

Locations which begin with the word “the” list this after the main description in the atlas index. For example, “The Shard” is written as: “Shard, The”.

Did you know?
Blue words in the index mean areas of London (e.g. Hounslow), while places of interest (e.g. Houses of Parliament) are in red. There are also special pages for public transport stations and hospitals.

Section 2: General topography

This involves using the map in a standard atlas to identify directions between points or locations.

Example question:

What direction is London Heathrow Airport from Central London?

How to work it out:

First, locate a map where both Heathrow and Central London are on the same page. Then decide the direction of travel to move from one location to the other. The answer is to go west.


Get familiar with the most popular abbreviations (i.e. shortened words) used in the London Master Atlas. For instance, Courtyard is often shortened to Ctyd and Boulevard is Blvd.

Did you know:

Common abbreviations are in the section of the Master Atlas titled “How to use this index”.

Section 3: Planning a route

These four questions will each show two different points on a map, and ask you to draw the best route between these locations. This section has the most marks (75%) so it’s vital to get it right.

To understand how these questions work, start by watching the TfL video (image 8). It shows what this part of the test looks like on a computer and how to use the software. This only takes 6 mins.

Image 8: TfL video on route planning questions

How to work it out:

Planning routes is mostly common sense but make sure you avoid these common mistakes.

  • Fail to follow the most direct route (i.e. this is not necessarily the fastest one)
  • Ignore important map symbols (e.g. one-way systems or roundabouts)
  • Arrive at the wrong end location (i.e. going to a nearby drop-off, not the point on the map)


Enlarge a map to see road markings before you plot a route. You can zoom into the digital map (i.e. use the mouse scroll-wheel). For central London areas, check if it’s on the large scale pages.

Bank station is on page 91 (image 9) but it’s also shown at large scale on page 225 in more detail.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 9: Checking large scale pages

Did you know?

The standard road-markings of the maps in the topographical test are explained on the “Reference” pages of the London Master Atlas. For example, red arrows indicate the one-way streets.

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 10: How to use the software to plot routes

Section 4: Compass-point questions

These check if you understand directions with compass points (i.e. North, South, East and West).

Here, you must use these basic compass directions to answer questions about specific scenarios.

Example question:

Start at junction 1 and travel two streets east, then one street south. What junction are you at now?

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 11: Typical grid for a compass point question

How to work it out:

Unless stated otherwise, North is always shown as upwards on a map. If you imagine a clock face, with the compass directions as numbers, the order from the top is: North, East, South and West.

Once you know this, it’s easy to follow these directions. Do not get distracted by diagonal roads unless the question says so (e.g. travel north-east). In this case, the answer will be junction 6.


Compass directions might be included as arrows in the top-left corner of the map (image 11). If not, a good way to learn the correct order (i.e. NESW) is to remember: Never Eat Soggy Waffles.

Did you know?

You might get a grid that checks if you recognise road closures or one-way signs, rather than compass points. In image 12, you must give correct directions to go from A to C (answer in green).

How to pass the topographical skills test in 2024
Image 12: Alternative grid layout example question

What score do you need to pass the topographical test?

You must score at least 60 out of 100. This sounds high but is only slightly more than half marks. If you stay calm and use the time carefully, you should pass easily. Good luck.

Extra training resources

  • Various firms sell topographical training courses but you don’t need them.
  • The official TfL topographical skills test page contains advice here.
  • Book a free topographical training session at the Uber Green Light Hub here.
  • AppDriver has a free guide on how to use a London Master Atlas for the TfL test here.

Not sure which PCO car to choose? Try our car selection tool to find your perfect partner.

Want to learn more?

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    How to pass the TfL English test for PCO drivers in 2024

    Navigating the TfL English test for PCO drivers in 2024 doesn’t have to be scary. Discover how the English Language Requirment (ELR) works and get expert tips on how to pass the speaking, listening and SERU assessments with confidence.

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    PCO driver guide

    How PCO drivers can beat inflation

    What can a PCO driver do to beat inflation? The Otto Car Rent 2 Buy + bundle will always be at the same fixed price for the entire length of the contract.

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    Part exchange with Otto Car

    Drive home in a new PCO car by unlocking the value of your old one with the Otto Car part-exchange promotion. You’ll get a £250 voucher on your downpayment.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    What is it like on your first day as a PCO driver

    In this guide you’ll know what to expect on your first day as a new Uber driver, as our driving instructor shares his PCO knowledge and tips.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    How to get a PCO licence in 2024

    Take the first steps towards becoming a pco driver in London with our special pco licence guide. we cover costs to eligibility all.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    How to become an Uber Driver in London (2024)

    Thinking about becoming an Uber driver in London? This guide breaks down the essential steps, from obtaining a PCO licence to choosing the right vehicle. Discover how to navigate the process efficiently and start your journey on the road.

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    PCO Car Hire PCO cars

    Rent a perfect Uber car in London | PCO Car Hire with insurance

    Otto Car’s PCO Car Hire scheme is fully inclusive with insurance. Save more with your Uber Clean Air fund. Minimum 8 week rental.

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    PCO cars

    Top reasons why you should get a premium PCO car

    Looking to own a new premium PCO car? Now we list some of the best features and benefits of buying these Uber approved vehicles

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    Otto news

    Stay up-to-date with PCO news

    Here at Otto Car, we know that simply offering fully electric PCO cars isn’t enough. We’re all about helping and supporting private hire drivers and Uber partners to be the best they can be. That’s why we’ve been putting together a comprehensive range of tips, articles, video reviews, podcasts and PCO car guides to help

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    Driving tips

    Ramadan 2022: Top tips for safe PCO driving

    Ramadan is usually a challenging time for PCO drivers to remain safe on the road. We thought it’d be helpful to share some driving tips.

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    PCO Car Hire

    Kick start your PCO driving with PCO Car Hire

    Otto Car offers a wide range of Uber ready cars for PCO drivers to rent, including hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric PCO vehicles.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    New tax check rules for PCO licence renewal

    The Otto Team would like to remind you that from 4 April 2022, if you renew your PCO licence, you’ll have to do a tax check.

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    Avoid getting a PCN as an Uber driver

    We’ve put together our PCN data and analysed the most common types of fines. Let’s not waste our hard-earned money with a fine.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    The complete guide to ULEZ | What it means for PCO drivers

    The Otto Team has put together a comprehensive guide to how the ULEZ works to help PCO drivers maximise their income.

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    PCO cars Rent 2 Buy

    Otto Car’s latest PCO cars | March 2022

    Brand new 22 plate EV PCO cars are ready to own! We’re excited to showcase our latest car range on Rent 2 Buy and Rent 2 Buy +.

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    Electric cars PCO cars

    Is the Tesla Model 3 the perfect PCO car for you?

    The Otto Team has put together a PCO driver guide to the top features which make the Tesla Model 3 a great private hire car.

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    Rent 2 Buy

    Rent 2 Buy vs Rent 2 Buy + | PCO car ownership plans explained

    We’ve updated our PCO Car Ownership plans, Rent 2 Buy and Rent 2 Buy +, to better reflect their true value.

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    Electric cars PCO cars

    Should you choose the VW ID.3 as your next PCO car?

    The Otto Team has put together a PCO driver guide to the top features which make the Volkswagen ID.3 a great private hire car.

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    PCO driver guide

    London Congestion Charge: What is it and what it means for PCO drivers

    A comprehensive PCO driver guide to the London Congestion Charge, covering the dates and time you need to pay, and where the zone is.

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    PCO driver guide Safety

    What is defensive driving and why is it important

    The Otto Team has put together a guide to defensive driving to help you stay safe on the roads and save time and money as PCO drivers.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    Best delivery and courier companies to work for

    Uber Partners & PCO drivers looking for additional income can find the top delivery and courier companies here, from Uber Eats to Amazon Flex.

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    PCO driver guide

    Highway Code changes – Here’s what PCO drivers need to know

    New Highway Code 2022 rules will come into force soon, and here is a PCO and Uber driver guide to the key changes for you to avoid fines.

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    PCO driver guide

    How to deal with road rage as an Uber driver

    Road rage is more common than you think, with almost half of UK drivers having been the victims. Here are our tips to avoid road rage as an Uber driver.

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    Driving tips

    Top tips for PCO drivers to stay safe and well

    With Covid-19 cases rising in London, Uber drivers need to be careful on the roads. Follow our tips to help keep you and your rider safe.

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    PCN PCO driver guide

    UK mobile phone driving laws: What they mean for PCO drivers

    If you’re an Uber Partner or PCO driver, the rules around mobile phone use while driving is changing, please make sure to read Otto Car’s latest guide.

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    PCO driver guide Safety

    The ultimate PCO driver guide to night time driving

    As an Uber driver, you can earn well at night but there are more risks. From breaks to speeding, check out our guide for the private hire industry.

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    PCO driver guide Safety

    Winter driving tips 2024 | How to drive safely in snow

    Driving in winter can be challenging, especially when you experience bad weather like snow and ice. Taking driving safety seriously, the Otto Team is launching a new series of articles and guides to keep Uber Partners and PCO drivers safe on the road. In this issue, we will cover everything you need to know about

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    EV charging

    Top EV chargepoint providers in London | PCO driver guide

    We’ve outlined the top chargepoint providers in London, and where they’re located. Loaded with the rates, exclusive offers and sign up info for PCO drivers.

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    Car reviews

    Volkswagen ID.3 Life Review | PCO Car Guide

    This PCO car review focuses on the Volkswagen ID3 Life. We dive into this Uber car to help Uber drivers in London understand how suitable it is for them.

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    Car reviews

    MG5 EV Exclusive | PCO Car Guide

    We review the MG5 EV in detail, to give PCO drivers an insight into how it drives and how suitable it is for Uber driving.

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    Electric cars PCO driver guide

    Top 10 reasons for PCO drivers to switch to EV

    PCO drivers might be hesitant about switching to electric, but this article outlines the top 10 reasons why now is the best time to do so.

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    EV charging

    Charge & Coffee | The ultimate break guide

    Take a break from Uber, charge up and relax with a coffee and a bite to eat. Our new charging guide for PCO drivers is available to read.

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    London PCN Locations for Uber Drivers | May 2021

    We’ve got a newer article for you! Check out our latest PCN guide to save your hard-earned money. Here at Otto Car we’re on a mission to help PCO Drivers avoid PCNs. This challenge has been made more difficult in the last couple of months due to increased cameras, bike-lanes, and restricted routes since lockdown.

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    City of London PCN guide | Avoid a fine

    Avoid a PCN in the City of London with Otto Car’s new guide for Uber drivers & PCO drivers. From Lime Street to Princes Street

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    Otto news

    Protecting Our PCO Drivers | The Benefits of Telematics and Cameras

    Here at Otto Car, we take safety very seriously. Whether this be through our driving assessments or our new Driver Development Programme. Over the last few years we’ve heavily invested in vehicle telematics and CCTV to make sure our family of PCO drivers are protected whilst doing the thing they love most, driving! Below is

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    PCO driver stories

    Meet Martin | Uber driver stories

    Martin has been working in the private hire industry for 9 years, including a number of years with Uber. We caught up with him to hear his story.

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    PCO driver stories

    Meet Ranjeet | Uber driver stories

    Meet Ranjeet, an Uber driver on Rent 2 Buy +. We talked about the Uber Clean Air Plan, Covid-19 and much more in our latest PCO driver story.

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    Safety The Otto Team

    Driving up standards with Rocky | Driver development

    We help Uber Drivers and PCO drivers improve their driving standards through our Driver Development programme.

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    PCO driver stories

    Meet Khalid | A PCO car ownership story

    We caught up with Khalid who recently became a PCO car owner after completing Rent 2 Buy. We learn about his story from Pakistan to London.

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    EV charging

    Developing a charging strategy | A step-by-step guide for PCO drivers

    London’s PCO drivers are turning towards EVs in large numbers. It’s important to have a charging strategy ready for your new Uber car.

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    PCO driver guide

    An essential guide to earning more with PCO plug-In hybrids

    A full guide for PCO drivers thinking of using a plug-in hybrid as their next Uber car, such as the Toyota Prius.

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    Driving tips

    Keep healthy as a PCO driver

    When driving with Uber as a PCO driver, health might take a backseat. Join us and Gig Guy London as we go through important health tips.

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    PCO driver guide

    Otto Car’s driver assessment – What’s it all about?

    As a reputable PCO car rental company, it’s our duty to make sure we’re putting safe drivers into our cars with our driver assessment.

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    PCO driver guide

    How to reapply for your PCO licence

    Reapply for your PCO licence in London and avoid time spent off the road. From applying for your DBS to document uploads, you’re covered.

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    PCO driver stories

    Meet Anita | July’s Safe Driver of the Month

    Here at Otto Car, we value safety and that’s why we’ve introduced our safe driver of the month award for our family of PCO drivers in London.

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    London’s PCN hotspots

    We’ve got a newer article for you! Check out our latest PCN guide to save your hard-earned money. This week we’ve been focusing on areas where our PCO drivers are picking up tickets consistently. Using years worth of data to spot trends and the keen eye of the Otto team, we’ve been digging deep to

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    PCO driver stories

    It pays to drive safe with Otto Car | Meet Rogerio

    Safety is extremely important here at Otto Car. That’s why we’ve been awarding our safest driver a special award.

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    PCO driver stories

    Always part of the family | Meet Baz

    Every PCO driver has a different story. Meet Baz, who started his PCO journey renting and used his earnings to open a restaurant.

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    Electric cars

    Will an electric PCO car work for me?

    From driveways to EV range, we give Uber drivers the information they need before switching to an electric PCO car on Rent 2 Buy.

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    PCO road rules | Drive smart as an Uber driver

    We’ve found our top 10 PCNs, so PCO drivers and Uber drivers like you can avoid the fines and save more money.

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    Driving tips

    Top tips for driving on black ice

    Avoid an accident with your PCO car with our top tips for driving on black ice in winter. Take extra care as an Uber driver in London.

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    Driving tips Safety

    Driving in winter | Top PCO safety tips

    Get ready for winter with our winter guide for PCO drivers & Uber Drivers in London. From black ice to fog, you’re covered.

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    PCO driver guide

    Insurance renewal documentation | How to upload to Uber

    Uploading new PCO insurance with Uber and other private hire operators can be difficult, especially on mobile. Read our latest article.

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    PCO driver guide

    What to do if you get into an accident

    If you’re involved in a traffic accident while driving Uber, here’s what you need to do as a private hire driver in London with Otto Car.

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    Safe driving guidelines for PCO drivers

    Read our safety tips for Uber driving as a PCO driver in London. Follow these rules to keep you and your passengers safe at all times.

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    London Bank Junction access

    TfL have recently announced that London’s Bank Junction is not accessible for certain vehicles at certain times.

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    Avoiding car park PCN’s

    Don’t get caught out as an Uber Driver, make sure you avoid car parking fines from such as Euro Car Parks and National Car Parks.

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    Chris’s checks for PCO drivers

    Safety is the number one priority here. Keep yourself, passengers and the public safe with our driving instructor’s top Uber driving tips.

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    AJ’s top PCN hotspots in London

    As an Uber Driver, you want to avoid charges at all spots. Read our PCO guide to avoid Transport for London PCNs.

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    Beginners guide PCO Car Hire Rent 2 Buy

    PCO Car Hire or Rent 2 Buy?

    Should you rent or own a PCO car for Uber? Read more about our PCO Car Hire and Rent 2 Buy. From renting to owning, we break it all down.

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    PCO driver guide

    Ash’s top tips for PCO drivers

    Get the best out of your PCO car with our guide specifically for private hire drivers with Uber in London.

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    PCO driver guide

    3 simple steps if you’ve had an accident

    If you’re involved in a traffic accident while driving Uber, you’ll need to follow the right steps. Read our PCO accident guide today.

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    PCO driver guide

    Uber driver tips | How to change a tyre

    We have created a simple video to guide you through the process of changing your tyre. Get back on the road and earning with Otto Car.

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    Driving tips

    5 simple tips to keep your PCO car in good condition

    Keep your PHV vehicle in check with our top tips for your PCO car. Here are some small things you can do to maintain your Uber car.

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    Driving tips

    Drive smart | Shoyab’s top tips for driving a Toyota Prius

    Learn from the best in the PCO business as Shoyab takes you through his top tips for driving a Toyota Prius as an Uber driver.

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    Driving tips Safety

    PCO driver wellbeing | How to keep fit and healthy

    As a PCO driver, it’s very important to make sure you keep yourself in good condition. Follow our PCO guide to driver wellbeing.

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    Driving tips PCN

    PCO driver tips: Avoiding fines (Part 2)

    Read the second part of our guide to avoid PCNs and fines in London. We cover speed limits as well as pedestrian zones for PCO drivers.

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    PCO driver guide

    TfL spot checks | Are you prepared?

    Avoid time off the road with our TfL spot check guide. From tyres to documentation, we run through the checks needed to stay on the road.

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    PCO driver guide

    How to upload your documentation to Uber

    From the MOT to PCO insurance, we list all the necessary documents to work for Uber with our Uber Documentation Upload Guide.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    The top 10 Uber destinations in London

    Our PCO guide to London’s top Uber destinations will help you maximise income potential. Perfect for private hire drivers.

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    PCO driver stories

    PCO driver stories | Meet Innocent

    Meet Innocent,an Uber driver with years of experience in PCO. He was looking to become a car owner and we supported him through Rent 2 Buy.

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    Beginners guide PCO driver guide

    London’s top 10 congestion hotspots

    This congestion guide is perfect for PCO drivers and Uber drivers looking to keep moving and maximise income.

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    Driving tips PCN

    PCO driver tips | Avoiding fines (Part 1)

    From box junctions to bus lanes, we cover all the main pain points for PCO drivers and Uber drivers in London.

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