

Just now, Alibaba Cloud won two awards in a row, and Alibaba's hard-core technology has exploded!

云掌财经 ·  Jan 11, 2020 15:28

Author: Shuimuran


Recently, there is a big news that has shocked China's Internet and science and technology circles:

At the National Science and Technology Award Conference held on January 10, Ali Yun was awarded two major awards: the National technological Invention Award and the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

More importantly: this is the first time that an Internet company has won two technology awards at the same time, which is of great historical significance!

It has finally been discovered that China's lowest-key technology mogul is not Huawei or DJI, but Aliyun, a cloud computing company that laid out a decade ahead of schedule and quietly achieved the top three in the world.

The National Science and Technology Award, established by the State Council, is the highest-level science and technology award in China. Many people do not have much feeling about this award. As long as we mention the award-winning teams in the past, we should know something about it: famous scientists such as Yuan Longping and Tu Youyou; for example, scientists and teams of national strategic projects such as manned spaceflight, the three Gorges Project, and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

Ali Yun's achievement of winning the second prize for national technological invention is the so-called mutation peak of "key cloud computing technologies and systems facing mutant peak service" jointly carried out by Shanghai Jiaotong University, which is often seen in various Internet activities with the participation of the whole people. for example: "Spring Festival transport to grab tickets", "second kill" and "Spring Festival Gala", "double 11", "New year" and other large-scale scenes, it solved a global technical problem.


Take a scene as an example: in the recent Singles' Day shopping carnival in 2019, order creation peaked at 544000 / s, 1360 times that of the first double 11 in 2009, and was the king of international retail payment networks. Visa IncThe peak processing capacity is more than 8 times, setting a new technological record in the history of mankind.

The reason why double 11 can be carried out smoothly is inseparable from Aliyun's strategic technology investment for more than a decade. Now Aliyun can easily provide technical services for various large-scale events.



Reviewing the sonorous course of Ali Yun along the way, it is really worthy of our emotion:

At the beginning of the Internet in China, Jack Ma had a discerning eye to see the importance of cloud computing. He said that he would die if he did not do cloud computing in the future, because cloud computing is the infrastructure to ensure the smooth operation of the Internet. It's like we can't do without highways and high-speed trains now.

September 2008 AlibabaIn China, the first to put forward the "cloud computing" strategy, decided to independently develop a large-scale cloud computing operating system "Feitian". Later, Ali Yun was questioned all the time, and as a result, Ma Yun came forward: "I invest NT $1 billion in Ali Yun every year for ten years. I can't do it again!"

Since that year, BABA has been unswervingly following the route of technical input. In the past ten years, there have been grand clouds in China's cloud computing market. 21Vianet Group IncThere are also "martyrs". IBM、 OracleIn China, there are AWS and Euphorbia. Microsoft CorpCloud computing companies such as Azure, which are struggling to enter China.

Today, Aliyun is the number one cloud computing company in Asia and the third largest cloud computing company in the world. Amazon、 Alphabet Inc-CL CCompanies like Microsoft Corp go head-to-head.

According to Gartner data, the volume of Ali Cloud Database increased by an astonishing 116% from 2018 to 2019, firmly controlling the first place in China and the third place in the world. GartnerBABA has entered the Challenger quadrant in the database magic quadrant, which is the only Chinese company selected so far.

Ali Yun also won the first special prize for scientific and technological progress of the China Electronics Society in 15 years. Just a few months ago, Dr. Wang Jian, who led the research and development of Feitian, was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Engineering.


So in what ways has Aliyun completely changed our lives?

Its urban brain has changed people's perception of the city, and even Singapore has come to learn from it.

Its Dragon Cloud Server killed the last trump card of the physical machine.

The AI performance of its self-developed chip containing light 800 is 5 times higher than that of the second place.

Its self-developed data OceanBase breaks Oracle Corp's monopoly and ranks first in the world.

Enterprise collaborative software nailing has gained more than 200 million users in just 5 years.

You attended Singles' Day, watched the Spring Festival Gala, and bought 12306 of train tickets, all thanks to Ali Yun!

On the retail side, there are many traditional brands that we are familiar with, such as Li Ning Co. Ltd.、 Xtep、 Youngor、 Red dragonfly、 Peaceful bird, Belle, Anta、 Bosideng International. In the past few decades, we have developed together with Aliyun and achieved a positive interaction from offline to online, which has not only achieved beautiful growth in performance, but also greatly facilitated our lives.


In terms of finance, hundreds of banks have adopted the financial technology exported by Aliyun to provide customers with a better service experience. According to the IDC report, Aliyun ranks first in China's financial cloud market.


In terms of digital government, Aliyun has reached cooperation with 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country to build a digital government. Its services cover 442 cities across the country, covering more than 1000 services, serving a total of 900 million people, simplifying many work processes and greatly facilitating the masses.

In addition, the key technology and application of coding camera jointly developed by Ali Yun and Tsinghua University won the second prize for national scientific and technological progress. This technology solves the challenges of traditional imaging in three aspects: "full clarity of large depth scene, accurate depth perception of complex scene, and efficient representation and reconstruction of sensing data".


Today's BABA is no longer just an Internet company, but a high-tech company that pays attention to research and development.

According to the "Top 1000 Scientific and technological Innovation Enterprises in 2018" report released by PricewaterhouseCoopers, BABA ranks first in R & D spending among all listed companies in China; among the world's famous technology companies, BABA is the only company with more than half of its R & D staff.

In terms of staff structure: 1/3 of the 38 partners of BABA Group are technical background; 60% of the 100000 employees are technical talents; among the more than 60, 000 scientists and engineers, dozens of scientists have won honors such as academician, top association Fellow, outstanding scientist, etc., and are the Chinese science and technology companies with the largest number of top scientific talents.

In terms of scientific research, BABA is not only Ali Yun, but also set up Dharma Institute, Pingtou Brother and other scientific research teams. after more than a decade of momentum, BABA is ushering in a period of explosion of hard core technology and is continuously launching technological challenges to many scientific and technological fields, such as AI, chips, blockchain, quantum computing, autopilot, blockchain, IoT and other fields, winning more than 40 world firsts!


Today, BABA has become a Chinese technology company with the broadest technology layout and the thickest technology accumulation, and has become one of the top technology companies in the world!

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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