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Sesame Street
Alan runs out of cookies for Cookie Monster
Air date February 5, 2002
Season Season 33 (2002)
Written by Annie Evans
Production September 19 & 20, 2001
Sponsors Q, 4 "and by me favorite joke: 'Why did cookie have to go to doctor? IT FELT CRUMBY!'"


Picture Segment Description

SCENE 1 Big Bird tells Cookie Monster a cookie joke: "Why did the cookie have to go to the doctor? Because he was feeling crumby!" As Cookie runs off for a snack, Big Bird joins Maria and Zoe to play a song game called " I Can, You Can."
Muppets / Celebrity R.E.M. performs " Furry Happy Monsters" with the Kate Pierson Muppet and several monsters.
( First: Episode 3829)
Muppets The Number of the Day: 4
Four Honkers (including Mr. Honker) show up after learning that the number of the day is 4.
Animation Ornate 4s fly through the air.
( First: Episode 3317)
Film Egyptian figures illustrate the number 4.
( First: Episode 3306)


SCENE 2 Cookie Monster arrives at Hooper's Store, where Alan expects him to tell Big Bird's joke again. Cookie requests another box of cookies, but learns that Alan is all out and there won't be any more deliveries until the afternoon. He offers some rice cakes instead (Cookie: "What me look like, Rice Cake Monster?"), then suggests he ask Maria in the yard. Maria doesn't have any cookies, but convinces him to try half of her tuna sandwich. He likes it, but it still doesn't satisfy his snack craving.


SCENE 2, cont'd Nearby, Zoe tries to initiate a game of tag with Elmo and her pet rock, Rocco. Cookie explains to them that he's asked everybody around if they had any cookies (including the " blue guy at Charlie's Restaurant"), then spots Rocco and almost eats him. Zoe and even Elmo come to Rocco's defense, so Cookie hurriedly moves on. Elmo and Zoe follow the path of half-eaten round things, where they find Cookie considering to eat Oscar's trash can. Oscar suggests they bake some cookies instead (wanting the burnt ones), so the three monsters run off to get started.
SCENE 2, cont'd At Hooper's, Alan shows Cookie, Elmo and Zoe how to make oatmeal raisin cookies. Cookie Monster is surprised to discover that all of the ingredients set before them will become cookie dough. The whole process tries Cookie's patience greatly, but he waits.


SCENE 2, cont'd The cookies are finally done, and Cookie admires them. ("Each one just little bit different, like cookie snowflake!") Maria, Big Bird, and the kids arrive and everyone gets a freshly baked cookie... but there are none left for Cookie! Luckily, Grover arrives with the cookie delivery (which doesn't last long).

Muppets / Film Big Bird's favorite food is birdseed cookies. "What's yours?"
Kids comment on their favorite foods.
( First: Episode 3943) sans Big Bird intro

Muppets Journey to Ernie
Big Bird sets off on a Journey To Ernie. First, Big Bird looks for Ernie's box by dancing at the discotheque.
Song " Front Back Ballet"
Artist: Jane Aaron
( First: Episode 3016)
Muppets Journey to Ernie
Big Bird looks for Ernie's box in the supermarket.
Cartoon Kids sing about the joys of celery.
( First: Episode 2976)
Muppets Journey to Ernie
Big Bird tries to catch Ernie's box using the penguins' pattern. We found him!
( First: Episode 3981)
Muppets Bert is trying to read his book when Ernie starts singing a song about addition. As Ernie sings, he's joined by Cookie Monster and Grover, some cows, an elephant, and a Martian. At the end of the song, Ernie leaves Bert with a room full of singing monsters and animals.
( First: Episode 3846)
Come back tomorrow for another Journey to Ernie.
Muppets Hero Guy
Baby Bear and Hero Guy show how to dance the Bear Family Dance, the Bunny Hop, the Twist and the Swim.
Muppets The Letter of the Day: Q
Cookie Monster eats the little stemmy part of the Letter Q Cookie, and Prairie Dawn thinks it is the letter O.
Film Ballerinas pose as the letter Q.
Animation A paper crumples to reveal Q, q and Qq.
( First: Episode 3105)
Muppets Spanish Word of the Day: adiós
Rosita says adiós to the word and to the viewer.
Muppets Elmo's World: Sky
SCENE 3 Cookie Monster, Elmo and Zoe announce the sponsors, including the cookie joke. Zoe hears Rocco laughing at the joke as well. (Cookie: "Must be laughing on inside.")


  • This is the first time Zoe wears her tutu as her regular outfit.
  • Additional performers include Jim Martin (grey Monster Time monster).

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 3981 Episode 3983

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