

2021年06月25日 19:39 新浪网 作者 深圳新闻网
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  见圳客户端•深圳新闻网2021年6月25日讯(记者 鹿筱悦 梁榆其 冯牧原 李丹璐 张喆 林恒鑫)“大家好!我是Francis,来自加纳。我是宝体U站的站长,今天我来值班。”来自加纳的Francis Kwesi Hagan是宝安国际青年志愿服务U站站长,早在13年前就成为了“红马甲”的一员,是深圳首位外籍志愿者。在做志愿者工作期间,他遇到过无数“同行者”,其中,周宗燕给他留下了非常深刻的印象。这一天,Francis带着他的GO-PRO,将周宗燕做志愿服务的一天完整的录制了下来。

  "Hello everyone! I'm Francis from Ghana. I am the leader of Baoan International Youth Volunteer Service U Station, and I am on duty today."  During volunteer work, Francis, who is  the first foreigner volunteer of Shenzhen, has met many "comrades", among whom, Zhou Zongyan deeply impresses him. On this day, Francis decides to take his GO-PRO and record his talk with Zongyan.



  Zhou Zongyan is a member of Baoan International Youth Volunteer Service U Station. She puts on the red vest, wears the party emblem, looks up and smiles. This is what she does before her work. When Zongyan talks about volunteer service, she feels a glow of pride. "I have received lots of help from different people. I want to give it back to the society. That’s why I chose to become a volunteer." Zongyan says. 



  让爱流动 为人民服务


  "Let love flow, spread the spirit of volunteers, spread civilization, and serve the society. This is my intention and reason for being a volunteer."



  While working as a student volunteer, Zhou Zongyan realized that the spirit of volunteering is in the same line with the Chinese Communist Party’s spirit of "serving the people". "I should learn from better people!" With these thoughts, she immediately took action. Finally, she became an honorable Communist Party member.


  "Party members serve the people. When I came to Shenzhen, I realized that I need to keep this spirit, so I joined the team.” Zongyan says that one of the most precious qualities of being a volunteer is persistence. In 2007, She participated in volunteer service for the first time. During 14 years, she has integrated this work into her life. Zongyan gives her promise that she will keep volunteering.



  Zongyan is also a psychological counselor, providing voluntary psychological counseling services for youth at the "Sunshine Growth" Youth Mental Health Service Center in Baoan District."All volunteers, staff, social workers, and families can unite together to help young people in Baoan District to grow up physically and mentally healthy."


  As a psychological counselor, she also participates in the anti-epidemic psychological assistance hotline service during COVID-19 Pandemic.



  On the first day of the Lunar New Year 2020, she received a call from Wuhan. The help-seeker and his mother were unfortunately infected with the virus. They were in a difficult situation and at a loss, did not know how to react. In order to relieve their stress, he made the call to get help. Zongyan contacted local community of the help-seeker immediately, and they solved their problem of insufficient clothing, helped them find a temporary bed in the hospital for the help-seeker's mother the next day.


  "As a volunteer, what I have done may be little. But when people unite together, it will become a huge force."


  37万个“红马甲” 汇入温暖的志愿者之城



  "Our Baoan Volunteer Family is constantly developing and growing." According to official website data, Baoan District Volunteer Federation has more than 370,000 registered volunteers, who also boosts the development of the Shenzhen Volunteer Federation. Number of registered volunteers of the Shenzhen Volunteer Federation has exceeded 1.98 million, with 1,752,024 voluntary projects and more than 81.65 million hours of service.


  These "red vests" are like small flames, converging into bright fire, shining and warming the city. Zhou Zongyan also introduces, “There are many party-member volunteers. I hope that we can serve more people, and do something for our society.”

  深圳带给我帮助和温暖 我要回馈这座城市


  "For me, volunteer means responsibility." Francis empathized with Zhou Zongyan. As a foreigner, he received a lot of help in Shenzhen. Therefore, he chose to stay in Shenzhen, a city of warmth and hope.





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