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Best Hollywood Thriller/Suspense Movies That Will Keep You Glued Till the End

Movies are meant for entertainment, aren’t they?  But what if they do more than that? Something like; getting you glued to your television screen, making you feel exhilarated, or leaving a long-lasting mark on the deep bottom of your heart! Yeah, you can expect these kinds of experience from thriller and suspense movies. So, if you love being lost in thrills and suspense, get ready to do a quick check of one of the best thrillers and most suspenseful movies in World Cinema.          

Saw Film Series

Saw Film Series

What does a man choose to do when he comes to know that he is going to die soon? Let me guess, he would try to secure his family’s future! Or if he has no family he would choose to spend time what he likes the most! Or probably he would think about giving up his life! Jigsaw chooses the third option after he came to know about his terminal cancer. But he survives anyhow and then he decides to be a Punisher”. Yup! He suffered a lot from negligence, corruption, misery, and violence that led to a drastic end. He lost his unborn child due to negligence and robbery. He got divorced from his wife and had been diagnosed with cancer. Once he survived his suicide, he started punishing anyone who knowingly and unknowingly involves in any crime.

However, his punishment is not the same as it usually is! Those are indeed more brutal. But John does give a chance to victims to survive by resolving one or a series of puzzles. After a few killings on his own John set a trap to get the killing spree continued even after his death. Thus, on the occasion of murders, law enforcement officials find themselves chasing a ghost who had been dead for almost a decade.

Each series of Saw films is full of suspense and thriller that you can’t figure out at the beginning. Though it is full of violence, brutal killing, mutilation, and bloodshed, yet every plot in each series is jaw-dropping. The brilliant plots set by Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) to get the killings continued before and after his death are surpassingly good.

Jason Bourne Film Series

Jason Bourne, a former CIA assassin, struggles to find his true identity after memory loss; amid clandestine conspiracy within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). From the very beginning, the story starts in suspense when Borne is found in the Mediterranean Sea floating with two gunshots in his back. With trivial leads, he starts searching more about his past, family, and his father’s death. But soon he gets entangled in a series of embroils. CIA director Robert Dewey assigns hacker and counterinsurgency expert Heather Lee to find him and execute, but with advanced combat skills and fluency of several languages, he wittingly saves himself and his known men each time.

In the second part “Bourne Supremacy”, Jason flees to India. The story begins when he is framed for the theft of millions from the CIA. A Russian agent Krill (Karl Urban) pursues Borne to assassinate him. But in the deadly chase, his girlfriend was shot dead instead of him. To take revenge and prove his innocence, Borne pursues the CIA head who he believes is guilty.

The series moves ahead in the sequences. But you may find yourself a bit unsatisfied in “Bourne Legacy” where Matt Damon has been replaced by Jeremy Renner. Though a break-in sequence and change of protagonist is a bit disappointing for many, yet acting done by Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz is mind-blowing that makes this film overall full of entertainment.


Best thriller movie

This is indeed a unique movie on its own. There are mind-bending thrills, the edge of your seat suspense, and a great heist of information not in conscious matter but in an unconscious state. Inception is a breathtaking science fiction film where Leonardo DiCaprio (Cobb), a professional thief, steals information by entering the dream of his target. Cobb is offered his criminal history erased in the exchange of implanting another persons’ data into the target. This is a risky job. Cobb gathered a high-skilled team of experts to infiltrate the dream of a corporate rival. Each member of his team including a young architect Ariadne (the designer of the landscape of dreams) is an expert in a certain area.

When they enter the dream, they face a different level of challenges. The multiple levels of dreams and mind-bending plots give you Goosebumps. The depth of the story and a new concept made it a must-watch movie.                                                


Best Thriller Movie

Interstellar is not just a technologically inclined movie, but it is also a perfect blend of emotion and love between a father and his daughter that turns the impossible into possible.  Yeah! It is one of the best science fiction movies ever made in world cinema. It is a magnificent visualization of space and an exploration of the profound theory that makes it shortlisted for a must-watch movie.

The global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly making the earth uninhabitable. Nasa scientist Professor Brand (Michael Caine) starts working on the plans to save humankind by shifting the world population to a new planet via a wormhole. But first, Brand must send someone to ensure that his plan is working. He chooses former NASA pilot Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and a team of researchers to send through the wormhole across the galaxy and find out which of the planets could be mankind’s new home.

Once they enter the Galaxy, Cooper falls into the black hole and ends up in the Tesseract. He is somehow close to the solution and tries to communicate with his daughter. Cooper’s daughter, a genius girl, thought that there was a ghost in her bedroom that is in fact, ‘Cooper’. Cooper passed a 3D door where he’s not meant to exist. He can see Murphy through the shelves. But Murphy can’t see him.

In Murphy’s 3D bedroom back on Earth, Murphy tries to solve the gravity equation whereas Cooper does in a non-existent state. His daughter knows that she can’t really solve the equation without data from a Blackhole where Cooper was sent and vanished. But she has an intuition that somehow the answer lies in her childhood bedroom.

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Cooper moves back to the timeframe where his daughter once placed a watch on the shelf and uses gravity and Morse code to screw around with the watch. Murphy finds that the watch placed on her shelf looks broken and weird. She realizes that the hand ticks in a certain way are exactly a code that her father is somehow signaling her. The ghost who was knocking down books in her bedroom was no ghost or alien, it was indeed her father.


Best suspense movie

This movie is more a thriller than that of horror. It is chilling at the start, but as soon as it moves towards the climax, it becomes electrifying and horrifying with the dreadful acting done by Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman). Everything seems normal at the start, but soon it becomes intriguing when the truth is uncovered with shocking events.

Kate (Vera Farmiga) and John Coleman (Peter Sarsgaard) are in distress at losing their unborn baby. To rebuild their troubled marriage, they decide to adopt a child. They meet 9-year-old Esther at the Orphanage and get impressed with her maturity skill at childhood age. Their son, Daniel doesn’t like his new sister, but their deaf-mute daughter, Max, delights in meeting with her; initially. As time goes by, Kate becomes suspicious about Esther. Kate realizes that Esther is manipulative and possibly even psychologically ill. She tries to convince John, but he doesn’t believe it. Kate digs Esther’s history and finds the things manipulated. She calls Sister Abigail at the orphanage and is informed that Esther has a mysterious history. Kate reveals that Esther is not what she looks like.


Best thriller and suspense movie

Thrills start from the very beginning when Grey, a technophobe, suffers paralysis and lost his wife during a brutal attack. But when his billionaire friend helps him to overcome paralysis and restore his mobility with the help of a mechanic chip, he sets off to get vengeance. The chip planted on his nerve helps him find out his wife’s killers both physically and mentally. He follows leads and later reveals that his billionaire friend who helped him implant the chip is his wife’s killer. And when he goes to take his vengeance, his billionaire friend reveals that it was the chip that murdered his wife. It did because it always wanted a capable body to live in and survive. The chip takes control of his body and kills everyone who tries to stop it.

From the start, this movie is going to glue you in suspense and surprise when it reveals that the chip planted in Grey’s mind to help him find out his wife’s killers is itself behind the killing spree. Though it is a low budget movie with no famous star casts, yet the acting and plots are superb. There are clever plotting, action sequences, jaw-dropping bloodshed, and a surprising climax that will get you stuck till the end.

The Adjustment Bureau

Romantic thriller

The Adjustment Bureau is a science fiction romantic thriller. It is based on conflicts between predestined and free will. Matt Damon (David Morris), a congressional candidate, runs for the Senate in New York. He’s believed predestined to have a great gun at the poll until he meets a beautiful, free-spirited woman named Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt). He falls in love with her despite the mystery men warn not to love with her as it would destroy his political career. But David (Matt Damon) is ambitious to search for his love after leaving all that political fight. He finally wins over his predestined fate.

This movie is nicely scripted by George Nolfi. The storyline is quite engaging. The way Matt David Norris pursues his love for a long time after evading the mystery men is heart touching. It is indeed based on a new concept of choosing our own free will rather than believing in predestined fate.

Shutter Island

best suspense and thriller

Subsequent leads are a part of an investigation, and the same happens also in the movie “Shutter Island” until the end when it reveals that the whole investigation is nothing but a hallucination of the protagonist himself. However, there are mind-bending plots that will spin your head or leave you shocked at the end.

Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio), a U.S. federal marshal, is sent to the island with his partner to investigate the disappearance of patients where there is no chance of escaping. From the time he sets the foot on the Island, everything looks like a mystery. He, however, starts revealing secrets one after another. He is compelled to look for even more secrets while searching for a place that is full of mystery. And In the end, it reveals that Teddy Daniels is himself a patient for two years in Shutter Island after murdering his wife who went insane and killed her children.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo deliver a brilliant and devastating performance along with other characters that play their parts in this mind-bending drama. Moreover, Ben Kingsley (Dr. Cawley) and Michelle Williams (Dolores, Teddy’s wife), each of their characters brought so much intense and mystery to this movie that overall give rise to electrifying plots and twists in the story.


Best thriller movie

This is another great mystery movie directed by Brad Anderson. After a tragic accident, Sam Worthington (Ray Monroe) brings her daughter and wife into the emergency room of a hospital. He thinks that his wife and daughter are missing from the hospital and doctors working there are hiding something from him. He tries hard to find the truth and at last, it is revealed he himself killed his wife after a tragic accident when his daughter falls into the pit in the fear of a stray dog.

His daughter and wife died at the very beginning of the movie. He indeed suffered from hallucinations. He searches for his wife and daughter in the hospital, loses his patience, and abducts the body of another boy from the hospital.

It is a classic mystery/thriller streaming on Netflix. The sequence of finding the truth keeps you stuck throughout the movie. And in the end, when unexpected surfaces, it gives you a shock.  Perhaps the twist at the end may leave you angry a bit; but overall, it is good to go to watch this movie.

The Green Mile

This is rather a slow-paced movie, but the suspense created at the very beginning and the slow progress of revealing the truth with emotional sequences will keep you locked all through the movie. Though there are not such mind-bending plots or exciting thrills like other thriller movies, yet the screenplay, acting, and the miracle done by a man who is convicted of murdering two white girls will give you peace of mind. The story indeed revolves around the supernatural practices of John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan).

Paul Edgecombe (Tom Hanks), the warden of a prison, meets an inmate, John Coffey, a gigantic black man who is accused of molesting and murdering two white girls. Paul comprehends that he is really not what he is convicted of. He figures out that a man who is afraid of the dark and having nice and helpful behavior can’t be a killer. John has a god gift to heal people’s wounds or diseases. He helps Paul heal his Urinary tract infection. He also gives his power to Paul so as he could see that wild Bill had killed the girls. Paul’s life changes mystically when John helps him with his special gifts

It is a fantastic story written and directed by Frank Darabont. It is based on Stephen King’s 1996 novel of the same name. The story is a bit slow, yet it is gripping. Tom Hanks and Michael Clark Duncan deliver captivating performances that overall make it an unforgettable drama.

Blood Red Sky

blood red sky- best thriller

Blood red sky is an exceptional movie based on a vampire mother who saves her son from plane hijackers. She takes medicines to prevent her from turning into a vampire. She and her son get on a plane which is later hijacked. One of the hijackers accidentally shoots her when she tries to save her son. She then turns into a vampire and starts killing hijackers in order to save her son. The story takes a turn when one of the hijackers finds that she is a vampire, catches her using light (vampires don’t survive in the light, as per movie theory), uses her blood to turn into a vampire. Henceforth, that hijacker turned vampire starts making everyone in the plane vampire. Now, she has the real challenge to save her son from everyone who is turned into a vampire and her monstrous vampire form.

Nadja (Peri Baumeister) has played an exceptional role of a vampire mother. The way she saves her son from other vampires is much more thrilling. In one scene, when she passes out while fighting with a vampire and needs blood to survive, her son cuts his hand and pours blood in her mouth. She wakes up and keeps pushing her son not to come close to her, as when a vampire drinks blood, they become monstrous and they don’t recognize anyone. This is really heart-touching scene, and there are several such moments in this movie that make it different from other vampire-based movies. You may find the first half like other vampire based movie, but it really gives you Goosebumps in another half and keep you glued till the end. Indeed, it is one of the best vampire-based movies that you must watch. 

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