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Alexander Shipilov
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    Alexander Shipilov

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    • Child Soldiers, Sierra Leone, History of History, Multiculturalism, and Migration Studies edit
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    Charles Taylor’s interference in the Sierra Leone civil war (based on the documents of the residual special Court for Sierra Leone) more
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    Charles Taylor’s interference in the Sierra Leone civil war (based on the documents of the residual special Court for Sierra Leone) more
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    Paradoxes of West African Warlord Conflict Economy as a Part of Global Market more
    Relations between the Non-Aligned Countries of Africa and the Second World (1960-1980s): The Case of Sierra Leone more
    The research covers Sierra Leone’s relations with the Second World through the prism of Sierra Leone’s foreign policy. Two periods of Sierra Leone’s foreign policy are considered: during the Westminster bipartisan model from 1961 to 1970,... more
    The research covers Sierra Leone’s relations with the Second World through the prism of Sierra Leone’s foreign policy. Two periods of Sierra Leone’s foreign policy are considered: during the Westminster bipartisan model from 1961 to 1970, and when the authoritarian regime led by President Siaka Stevens was established from 1971 to 1985. The central issue of the research is analysis of Sierra Leone’s cooperation with the Soviet Union. The aim of the research is to identify the factors that guided the non-aligned countries within the bipolar confrontation of the second half of the 20th century in building their relations with the socialist bloc. The relevance of the topic is related to the fact that the logic and principles of building relations of small non-aligned countries with both limited power resources and little political and economic ambitions with key world powers are less reflected in studies. The research is based upon comparative and historical-genetic methods as well as ...
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    Ten years after the Ivorian Civil War (2002–2011): Reassessment of the conflict more
    ABSTRACT This article seeks to provide an update on the scholarship that has emerged concerning the civil war in Cote d’Ivoire (2002-2011) in the post-conflict decade, and to assess it vis-a-vis subsequent developments in national Ivorian... more
    ABSTRACT This article seeks to provide an update on the scholarship that has emerged concerning the civil war in Cote d’Ivoire (2002-2011) in the post-conflict decade, and to assess it vis-a-vis subsequent developments in national Ivorian politics. The literature is analysed and categorised, including both traditional and modern approaches, with the principal objective of determining key views on the conflict that have been re-examined in the last 10 years, revealing how our knowledge of that conflict has been clarified in light of post-conflict political developments. The author reviews and explores conflict emergence explanations centred on ethnicity, institutional viability, economic dependency and foreign interference – the latter challenged by the latest analysis of trans-border regional supply lines and domestic civil–military patronage networks. Overall the article attempts to enhance existing assessments of the Ivorian civil war in terms of causes, its course and its aftermath.
    Political Influence of The Lebanese Diaspora in Côte D’ivoire Before the 2020 Elections more
    The recent political developments that took place in West Africa, encompassing several bloody civil wars and the following reconstruction, were marked by the involvement of a number of regional and completely external stakeholders. It has... more
    The recent political developments that took place in West Africa, encompassing several bloody civil wars and the following reconstruction, were marked by the involvement of a number of regional and completely external stakeholders. It has been, furthermore, broadly acknowledged by the recent scope of globalization, international, and transnational studies that diasporas constitute a significant portion of the internal groups of interest in local political processes. This tendency is true to West Africa and, most particularly, Côte d’Ivoire, the country that has experienced the latest large-scale civil conflict among the states in this part of Africa.
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    The Role of West Ivorian Political Forces in the 2002—2011 Civil War more
    Transformation of the ECOWAS Security Mechanisms in 1990s — 2000s more
    The Liberian Political Crisis Of 1979 - 2003 In The Memoirs Of Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf more
    Evolution of Ivorian Popular Front in the Political System of Côte d’Ivoire more
    The matter of political leadership in West African countries affected by conflicts and instability is significant in terms of its institutionalisation through political parties and organisations. The article seeks to examine the extent to... more
    The matter of political leadership in West African countries affected by conflicts and instability is significant in terms of its institutionalisation through political parties and organisations. The article seeks to examine the extent to which the formal political structure and functioning of a party reflect the actual political organisation mechanisms enacted in the fragile institutional environment in the context of civil wars, interethnic violence based on the case of Côte d’Ivoire, especially in the wake of the Ivorian Civil War of 2002-2011. A particular political organisation under examination is the Ivorian Popular Front, created by the former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo and the ruling party in Côte d’Ivoire in 2000-2011. A special attention in the framework of this analysis is drawn to the issue of the ethnic and tribal basis of the political party emergence and the significance of this ethnic (religious, regional or any other identity-based) agenda for further develop...
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    Cold War Adaptation Mechanisms of West African States in 1960S-1980S more
    In the wake of independence in 1950s-1960s, the States of West Africa faced the need to choose a foreign policy course under the regional confrontation between Western and socialist countries. For the newly independent countries key... more
    In the wake of independence in 1950s-1960s, the States of West Africa faced the need to choose a foreign policy course under the regional confrontation between Western and socialist countries. For the newly independent countries key issues were relations with their former colonizers, willingness to cooperate with them or the desire to escape their influence, as well as a military and political presence. In addition, West African countries had to choose the degree and format of cooperation with the socialist bloc, depending on the ideological orientation towards the USSR, the United States or the non-alignment policy. Matters of regional and sub-regional leadership ambitions were also highly important. Conversely, despite the commonality of development and independence issues, West African countries chose very different strategies in the context of the Cold War. The chosen course depended on the conditions of independence, as well as the availability of resources and regional ambitio...
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    West African International Studies: Approaches to Regional Security more
    This article covers the most significant theoretical schools in West Africa in the framework of the international relations analysis, with special focus on the regional security. Major respective theoretical approaches to the given issues... more
    This article covers the most significant theoretical schools in West Africa in the framework of the international relations analysis, with special focus on the regional security. Major respective theoretical approaches to the given issues are assessed based on the writings of local experts that frequently reevaluate the major articles of faith connected with neo-Realist, neo-Liberal and Marxist views. Particular attention is drawn to the examination of various interpretations of the role that belongs to supranational regional structures in West African conflict resolution using the case of the Liberian civil war. The most crucial part of the research presented is an analysis of publications issued by Adekye Adebajo and Ismail Rashid, two leading West African specialists in the field of regional security. Their appraisal of collective security mechanisms’ perspectives in the most poverty-stricken and unstable regions of the world is elaborated upon. The aim of the article is to deter...
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    Ivory Coast and Ghana development after the Bandung conference more
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