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CN 3254 passenger run to strasburg?

  • Thread starter dpfan1
  • Start date


I had this on my mind for awhile. Can steamtown run a passenger train from scranton to strasburg and back with the 3254?
But he'll never stop asking until we explain why. :eek:

Let's start from the beginning in that Steamtown has about 70 miles of track they can already run excursions on. The 3254 lacks several modern features required for mainline travel, such as rollar bearings (exposed bearings on the tender trucks, required by all Class 1s), cab signaling (required on all Amtrak routes), and a modern brake system. This can be exempted on a regional railroad, but not on a Class 1, and especially not on Amtrak. Insurance for the trip is expensive. The 3254 is not equipped for Amtrak trains, making insurance impossible to buy on a trip. There is no reason to. Neither Steamtown nor Strasburg has shown any interest. There is also no direct route between Scranton and Strasburg. Most importantly, there is no point in running on a line that Amtrak runs on everyday with an engine no one needs to see away from Scranton for two organizations that are doing fine the way they are today.

dpfan1, I suggest you get a Skype account (it's free!) and directly message me with these questions. I would much rather see that than you once again clogging the forum like your personal message board
the lines to lancaster

The lines that 3254 has to run on to get to lancaster. here is a list of some lines that the 3254 has to run on to get to strasburg.

DL&W , the northern tier line,Norfolk Southern, Amtrak, and the Strasburg railroad
made a mistake name the route

Did i mean DL&W i mean DL

sorry for the mistake of the name of the route.
one word,forget it,again the 3254 stays at its current location,besides,strasburg cannot restore another steam engine that is not within their juristiction unless otherwise!
the 3254 can not run on amtrak

The 3254 can not run on amtrak because it doe,s not have cab signals, roller bearings, modern air brakes, and not ceritfied to run on amtrak.
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according to DP's logic, the EBT should send #12 to run to Pittsburgh from Strasburg...because it would look " KEWL!":n:
the 12 can not fit sg track

k4 driver the E.B.T. 12 can not run to pittsburgh because the line between Pittsburgh and Strasburg is SG not narrow gague ok!
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what,I thought the mods closed this,no duh,DP,those ebt mikes were designed for narrow gauge operation,now like I said,the 3254 stays where it belongs,and to answer your dumb question,no this standard gauge mikado is not a USRA class,and don't get any ideas of this and other steam engines going to strasburg,why,how about because they have enough steam locos in their collection to work on!:n:
Then how was Steamtown's train able to run on CP to north of Nicholson with steam and the old friction bearing coaches, and the special diesel run to Sunbury last June? CP is a class 1. Did they make an exception and allow Steamtown to run occasional excursions over their tracks? I still miss the days in the early-mid-late 1980's when several tourist railroads in PA ran long distance steam excursions on Conrail and other class 1 railroads. Like Rail Tours, Inc. (Jim Thorpe), Blue Mountain and Reading (Hamburg and Temple), and Strasburg. Yes, Rail Tours ran a special trip from Jim Thorpe to Bethlehem and Reading in 1983 with steam, and special runs from Reading to Bethlehem, Pottsville, West Falls near Philly then the train returned to Jim Thorpe at the end of the celebration which was Reading's anniversary or something. I have the entire Allentown Morning Call newspaper from September 28, 1983 which contains the article. Front page was the Dorney Park fire. Strasburg ran special trips with the two PRR locomotives (now retired) in 1985 and 1986 to Harrisburg over Conrail and Amtrak, and Philly over Amtrak. Yes, steam did run on Amtrak in the past. Strasburg used their fleet of steel coaches for the trips which they later sold off.
var geo_Partner = 'e4f5c72a-6083-499d-94f4-929aa4d23e06'; var geo_isCG = true;var geo_Partner = 'e4f5c72a-6083-499d-94f4-929aa4d23e06'; var geo_isCG = true;
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I know how it would work! They could take CP to Sunbury, then down to Harrisburg, and finally over Amtrak to Leaman Place, then Strasburg. They might have to use the Reading F's on the Amtrak portion since they have cab signals to run on Amtrak but they could use steam for some of the trip then put the F's in front. CP has been more open to steam than other class 1's and NS seems to be a bit more open to steam since they're restarting a limited steam program in 2011. However, the 3254 might have to be left behind at Harrisburg or Sunbury if NS or Amtrak won't allow it. Then there's the issue of the old friction bearing coaches.
var geo_Partner = 'e4f5c72a-6083-499d-94f4-929aa4d23e06'; var geo_isCG = true;
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